
Sainsbury's PESTLE and SWOT Analysis


Added on  2020-02-17

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Sainsbury's PESTLE and SWOT Analysis_1

Sainsbury's PESTLE and SWOT Analysis_2

INTRODUCTIONBusiness and business environment consist various element which influence toorganisation activities such as internal and external. In internal factors it includes policies, rules,employees and intrinsic activities (Westerlund, Leminen and Rajahonka, 2014). On the otherhand, in external it consists customer, suppliers, government and various aspects that generatesimpact from outside. External factors are beyond the control of management whereas internalfactors can control by the company. Present report is based on Sainsbury which is public Ltd.business operates functions in retailing. They are offering different types of food products suchas dairy, bacon and hams, poultry and game, cooked meats and fresh meats (J Sainsbury PLC,2017). For gaining insight knowledge of the firm, present report covers purpose, size and scopeof different types of organisation. Furthermore, it also includes relationship between differentorganisation functions and how it can be link to objectives and structure. Moreover, it alsointernal and external analysis of the enterprise to identify their strength and weaknesses,TASK 1P1 and P2 Explains different types, size, scope and purposes of organisationThere are different types of business which consist different objectives within the market.Thus, their activities and methods are also different from each other which develop theirprofitability at workplace. Following are several types of enterprise according to their objectives, size, scope andorganisation structure:Sole traderSole trader organisation is a business that sets up their own enterprise. They are takingdecision to employ other persons or not. In this aspect, the enterprise has unlimitedliability to make success at workplace. There are huge investment is also made to become a sole trader which is depends onpersonality with effective results. It is easy form of business structure which relatively easy and inexpensive to set up thegoals. 2
Sainsbury's PESTLE and SWOT Analysis_3

ObjectivesIn respect to make effective results, sole trader possess objective to creating self-employment with themselves. Instead of looking towards other, they are also determinesfund to operate functions and operations.Sole trader business is also provides opportunities for in depend and honourable living tomake decisions to serves for customers. Size of sole traderThese types of business are running with own capital investment to control over money.There is large and short number of people working within the businesses.Scope and structures of the organisationThese business has aim to prevent concentration on economic power in few handsthrough equitable distribution.It facilitates the growth of cottage and small scale industries.It promotes independent living for pride ownership.These businesses have structure can be determines in artistic jewellery, health clinic,stock brokers, etc.PartnershipA partnership is a single sense of unit in which two and more people share their profitsand loss. In this aspect, each business partner participates through money, property,labour and skills. In term of getting profits, they are share their outcomes and results in effective way.Legally partnership is requiring in different types of arrangement such as generalpartnership, limited partnership and joint venture, etc. ObjectivesMain aim consisting of partnership is sharing of profit and loss. With the help of partnership, businesses can enhance their profits and revenue withassorted resources through obtains capital. Partnership is also giving employment advantages which assist to increase profits andrevenue of the enterprise through operating functions and operations. Size of partnership business A partnership business is running with small and large size of enterprise. 3
Sainsbury's PESTLE and SWOT Analysis_4

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