
Report on Human Resource Management of Belgrave Hotel


Added on  2020-01-28

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Leadership ManagementHealthcare and Research
Report on Human Resource Management of Belgrave Hotel_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3Distinguishing Personal and Human Resource Management ....................................................3Identifying HRM functions that can be beneficially implemented in organization...................4Evaluation of roles and responsibilities can be performs by the line HR manager....................5Evaluation of legal and regulatory framework aspects of HRM................................................5Significance of HR planning in the organization.......................................................................6Comparing recruitment and selection process of two organizations..........................................7Illustrating the link between motivational theory and reward system........................................7Highlighting the significance of Job evaluation.........................................................................8Assessing effectiveness of reward system in context of different organization..........................9Suggesting better alternatives for performance appraisal in an organization............................10Enumerating several reasons for employee exit from organization and recommending toreduce this..................................................................................................................................11Difference in the employee exit from one organization to another and benefits of exitinterview....................................................................................................................................11Impact of current regulatory and legal framework on employee redundancies and dismissals12Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................12References......................................................................................................................................13
Report on Human Resource Management of Belgrave Hotel_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource management (HRM) is a function performed in organization tomaximize employee performances. The main concern of HRM, is managing people within theorganization in order to achieve business ultimate objectives (Hendry, 2012). The Belgrave is aUK based small seized hospitality organization situated in London. This hotel provide bestlocation to the people for exploring London as it is nearby Victoria train station and pimolicaunderground station. It provides it Five Star services with wonderfully locations to its guests (About The Belgrave, 2016). This report is based on the human resource function of the Belgradehotel which are controlled by its chief executive officer. With the increase in workload the CEOof the Hotel has appointed a HR consultant to outsource its HR functions. While looking at theabove scenarios differences between personal management and human resource managementwill be describe in this report. Role and responsibilities of line managers will be evaluated in thisreport. Will analyze the reasons for HR planning as well as will evaluate the effectiveness ofrecruitment and selection techniques of 2 organization. After that the report will will containevaluation of job evaluation and factors determining pay. Also will examine methods used by theBelgrave Hotel to monitor its employees performances. At last will consider the impact of legaland regulatory framework of employees cessation in report. TASK 1Distinguishing Personal and Human Resource Management Firstly, personnel management mangers of the Belgrave Hotel deals with organizing,compensation, planning, maintenance and integration of people for achieving individual as wellas organization goals (Klingner, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2015). Personal manger is concernedwith various functions of development and compensation of employees, promotion andstimulation of competent work forces . It also deals in assisting line managers and also motivatesemployees to by providing attractive incentive plans as well as is also concerned with managinghuman resources of the organization. Secondly, HRM of the chosen organization deals in recruiting, selecting individuals andprovide training to ad value to the organization. HR manager deals with several activities of job
Report on Human Resource Management of Belgrave Hotel_3

analyses, compensation of employees, planning of personal need for the employees working inThe Belgrave hotel. It also deals with providing incentives, orienting, training programs todevelop skills and performance of employees (Langford and et.al., 2014). As a HR consultant I would refer the Belgrave Hotel to go with Human ResourceManagement approach as Human resource management deals will all aspects of the organizationwhether it is personal or managerial level. Whereas, personal management deals at personal levelthat is only concern about the individuals working in the organization. Personal managementonly deals with development, compensation etc. in context of employees whereas, HRM dealsdeals in all aspects of recruiting selecting, employees, their compensation as well as concerns fororganizations objectives (Townley, 2014). Identifying HRM functions that can be beneficially implemented in organizationHRM functions can be categorized into managerial as well as operative functions in theorganization. Managerial functions includes HR planning, organizing, directing and controllingas well as operative functions follows recruitment, selection, job analysis, job designing etc.functions. Under managerial functions HR manager finds the requirement of employees in theorganization to achieve predetermined business goals (Ulrich, 2013). In organizing HR managerallocates whole task in small units to all members, employees working in the firm. Afterassigning work next function to be perform by HR manager is of providing directions toemployees working at different level to achieve organization goals. In controlling HR managerdeals with measuring the performances of the employees with set standards to find any deviationso that measure can be taken to achieve task. Operative functioning involves recruitment and selection of employees required by theorganization. After that it performs job designing and analysis in which it assigns work andresponsibilities to employees based on their skills knowledge (Flamholtz, 2012). Then it deals inperformance appraisal to find the work is being managed in acceptable level or not. After thatHR manager provide various training and development programs to employees to develop skillsand knowledge. It also deals in compensation, employees welfare and maintenance as well aslabour relations.
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