
Report on Information Management


Added on  2022-08-24

24 Pages6117 Words16 Views
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Report on Information Management_1

Considering the rapid growth of technology information technology and information
management has become one of the trending technology that is ruling over every organizations.
Followed by this concern it is observed that for these technologies information is one of the
essential assets that helps to perform its operations. Following these identification this paper has
effectively discussed about the concept of data governance, data security as well as how these
technologies has impacted the business growth of organizations with respect to its decision
making capabilities, communication, data management as well as data protection. Along with
these aspects the paper has also discussed about the necessity of data security.
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Question 1: Literature Review
Information management is one of the most trending concept in the field of information
technology and management. While analyzing this aspect it is identified that information
management nothing but a practice that collects, stores, achieved as well as destructs the data.
One of the major benefits of information management is it helps an IT enabled organization to
effectively collaborate with their stakeholders and utilize the information of the organization for
decision making purpose (Smallwood 2019). Making allowance to this concern it is identified
that in the field of information management there is a huge significance of the information
governance and information security is present. Followed by this concern in the below section a
detail elaboration of information governance and information security is present. Along with this
it will also discuss about the impact of these two aspect on information management.
Information Governance-
As it is identified that information technology is increasing rapidly thus, it is very
essential to incorporate effective strategies to manage those information as well. Followed by
this aspect it is determined that information governance is one of the most effective solution that
will resolve the problems related to information technology (In et al., 2019).
Information governance is nothing but a practice which provides tactical organizational
structure in order to control the information and data present within the organizational
infrastructure. Along with this one of the key element of information governance is to maximize
the values of the data assets and employ. Making allowance to this concern it is identified that
due to the incorporation of information governance within the organization will enhance the
strategic decision making process as well as data processing (Van Grembergen and De Haes
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As it is already discussed that information technology is increasing significantly and
information has become one of the assets in the organizational infrastructure. According to
several studies mentioned that in order to get a detail information about information governance
the understanding on information flow needs be analyzed very carefully (Sitsky et al., 2018).
Information is one of the assets which offers effective services to the organizations same
as the machinery present in the organization. Considering this aspect it is identified that there is a
huge necessity to avoid the threats which causes damage to the information. While analyzing the
operations of the IT sectors as well as other business services it is identified that adoption of
effective information security service is very essential as these information are very important for
decision making approaches into the organizations (Mikalef et al., 2018).
Followed by the identification on of the importance of information in the organization it
is also observed that information governance also offers the ability to make decisions from the
gathered data as well as analyze the information for proper valuation, storage, creation as well as
deletion of those data. While analyzing the primary principle behind information governance it is
identified that the main objective is to provide a standard or measures to instruct the efficient
utilization of information within the organization for better decision making which will help to
enhance the services of the organization and will help to achieve the organizational goals.
According to the study the significance of IG has mostly identified in the sensitive field like
healthcare sector, defense sector as well as in the government sectors (Mikalef et al., 2018).
Along with the above discussion a detail study on the information governance reference
model that IG in such practice that integrates effective IT policies with the purpose to enhance
the value of information, provide security to the information, recover the information in case of
any fault occurrence as well as the policies to delete those information if needed. During the
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implementation of IG into any business infrastructure it is very essential to account the legal risk,
business profits, IT effectiveness, information security and privacy concern (Peltier 2016).
Thus, it can be stated that in order to ensure information security into the organizational
infrastructure it is very essential to implement IG into their business infrastructure.
Information Security-
Followed by the above discussion it is identified that into the business infrastructure of IT
organizations information security is one of the major concern which is highly capable to effect
the service effectiveness of the IT organization. While analyzing the concept of information
security it is identified that information security is a practice that protects the information present
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in the organization or any IT system from external threats. In the field of information security
there are three basic triad which includes the information confidentiality, information integrity
and the information availability (Safa et al., 2016).
Considering these observations it is identified that information confidentiality is nothing
but a practice that stands to protect the information from the external threats like unauthorized
access of the hackers as well as from the possibilities of information disclosure. Making
allowance to this concern it is identified that ensuring information confidentiality make sure that
except from the authorized participants of the data no one can access those data. This is such
protection strategy that restricts the unauthorized individuals from accessing the organizational
data. Followed by this observation it is identified that information integrity is a practice which
ensures that it will not entertain any unauthorized modification or alternation into the stored data.
This will help to maintain the originality of the data. Along with these identification the
information availability is also one of the major element in the field of information security
which stands for enabling the information access to all of the authorized member. It also ensures
that the information should be available all the time to those users only (Moody, Siponen and
Pahnila 2018).
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