
Report On International Relation


Added on  2020-03-16

8 Pages2071 Words61 Views
Political Science
Running head: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONAcceptance of RefugeesName of the StudentStudent ID:Name of UniversityAuthor Note
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INTERNATIONAL RELATIONResponses towards refugeeThe term refugee signifies persons who have to leave their motherland due topersecution, war and violence. Different working groups comprising of politicians,academicians, aid workers, press and other important individuals or organizations have beenworking industriously and religiously for the cognitive development and establishment of thesocio-political dignity of the so called “refugees”. Another important thing in this process ismigration that is also attached with this topic. The contemporary era has been quite significant interms of refugee settlement in different countries thus entailing the emergence of globaleconomy and global states comprising of cohesive culture. It has been observed that variouscountries have different views and conception regarding the refugee acceptance policy. Throughthis report, an attempt has been made regarding the reasons behind this different conceptions orpolicies (Kouider, Koglin & Petermann, 2014). According to the definition of refugee defined within the framework of the United Nations, therefugees are the people “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race,religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside thecountry of his nationality. They are unable or are unwilling to avail himself of the protection ofthat country (Neuner et al. 2004)."The simple answer as to why nations should accept refugees would be that most countriesover 145 of them are bound by the 1951 Convention that recognizes the status of refugees.However, this answer does not address the in depth issue that is, what political or balance ofpower would the 145 countries gain by becoming a signatory to a legislation that stipulates thatno state parties shall return or expel a refugee in any manner to territories where his freedom and
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INTERNATIONAL RELATIONlife would be threatened. The refugees are unfortunate foreigners whose life would bejeopardized on the grounds of race, religion, membership or nationality. Then why shouldnations accept the refugees and be concerned about them. The answer lies deep within thetraditions of the Western World. Many people would argue that granting the refugees this rightmight jeopardize the culture and the standard of living of the citizens of the recipient countries.However, in majority of case, it is exactly the opposite. People usually fail to consider the otherside of the coin. The refugees belong to distant countries, some of which cannot be pointed out ina map, or countries where they faced war like situation or calamities. When the countries refuseto accept the refugees, it signifies a refusal to a culture that is deep rooted within the westernculture. The concept of asylum is profoundly rooted in Western Culture from Antiquity and theMedieval World. The primary reason why the countries should accept the refugees apart fromtheir obligation under the 1951 Convention is the concept of natural right, which states that allmen and women are entitled to a given set of rights by virtue of being a human. This doctrine fonatural right is explicitly explained in the beginning of the Declaration of Independence of theUnited States. It states that all men have been equally created and that their creator has entitledthem to certain unalienable rights, among which are the right to pursuit of happiness and right toliberty. Further, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights inspired by the Declaration ofIndependence has included the essential ideas about the natural rights to the age-old concept ofasylum. Article 14 states that everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum in other countriesfrom the fear of persecution. The answer to the question why the countries should accept therefugees is because it is a part of the culture of the contemporary era and rejecting to accept the
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