
Influence of Fit and Reputation in Marketing Communications


Added on  2020-02-14

12 Pages4027 Words41 Views
Contemporary MarketingCommunications
Influence of Fit and Reputation in Marketing Communications_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Company Information (500) ......................................................................................................11. Marketing communications practice with regard to internal and external audiences (500)...22. Marketing communications theory .......................................................................................53. Impact of technology on the conventional boundaries of marketing communications (300).54. Impact, effect, and viability of contemporary marketing communications theory andpractice in the modern technology context ................................................................................75. Apply and analyses aspects of contemporary marketing communications theory to any newbusiness scenarios and problems.................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONThe term marketing communication is also known as MarCom which is a complex andfundamental part of marketing efforts that are taken by organisation. In this context, it can bedefined as all types of media and messages that organisation deploy to interact and communicatewith the market place. For the effective marketing communication, organisation uses fewmethods such as sales presentation, PR activities, printed material, branding, direct marketing,advertisements, trade shows and sponsorships etc (Weisfeld-Spolter, Sussan and Gould, 2014).The present research report mainly focus on the concept of contemporary marketingcommunications. For this purpose, Samsung organisation is considered. The explores themarketing communication practices of cited firm in respect to both internal and externalaudiences. Further, it also evaluates the marketing communication theory and impact oftechnology on the marketing communications. Company Information (500) The selected company Samsung is basically a type of multinational conglomerate SouthKorean company. The headquarters of cited firm existed in Suwon, South Korea and it is also apublic limited company. In addition to this, products of Samsung are such as chemicals, apparel,electronic components, telecommunications and semi conductors etc. Long with the productsSamsung also offers the services to customers such as entertainment, advertising, communicationtechnology, health care services and financial services etc (Shin, 2013). The cited company wasprimarily focus on exporting but late on they expand into electronics manufacturing company.The main aim of cited firm is to increase the customers and for this they uses the innovativetechnology options. In order to boost the sales and products popularity, cited firm producephones in more attractive and appealed manner. Samsung mainly targets the people who aremore trendy and limes to use the new and update technology. On the basis of this criteria, citedfirm target the audience who has the disposable income. In addition to this, Samsung producesthe smartphones for the customers who are more image concious. The most of the customers ofcompany's products are in the age group of 16-35 years in the UK (van Grinsven and Das, 2014).In the competitive market place, cited firm also faces the close competition from Nokia, HTC,Apple and Gionee. In respect to market share, cited firm also has the leadership position inrespect to business success. 1
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In order to attract new customers and maintaining the existing customers, cited firmhighly focus on their marketing activities. In year of 2012, Samsung Electronics company alsobecame the largest mobile phone producer n h world. In addition to this, cited firm also overtakesthe market of Nokia who was market leader. In the category of smartphones, Samsung attain thegreat success and appreciated by the people (Castronovo and Huang, 2012). The cited firm alsoget s the motivation through their mission statement which is 'Inspire the world, create thefuture'. The main objective of Samsung is to offer the new innovation and technology to thecustomers which will also become a firm as a creative master in the market place. The cited firmadopts the marketing orientation which helps the company to consider the customers needs andexpectation at the of producing the products. In addition to this, cited firm also predicts the futureneeds ans demands of market. The cited firm also has one aim related to increment in marketshare by creating the prestigious and unique brand image in respect to smartphones. The citedfirm make them sure that they have wide ranges of phones product which starts form basic tomost advanced. The term brand essence relates to the promise of company in respect to specific benefitsand values. In this the made promises are required to be relevant and meaningful to customers.By making the effective and relevant brand essence, organisation creates the unique image whichdiffers them for other competitors (Panigyrakis. and Zarkada, 2014). In respect to Samsung,brand essence of cited firm is related to accessible innovation. By creating the continuousinnovation in products, more customers are becoming loyal. In the concept of marketingcommunication, the brand essence came in to he life. The effective brand essence of cited firmeasily defines the authentic character and mission of Samsung. 1. Marketing communications practice with regard to internal and external audiences (500)In present time, for every business organisation it is essentially required to create theeffective marketing communication process with audience of both internal and external. In thiscontext, the internal audience are associated with the people who are closely present within theorganisation whereas, external audience are considered to those people who are present outsideof organisation but the promotional and communicational efforts are created for them. In thiscontext, the employees of Samsung are considered to be external audience and on other sidecustomers and competitors are considered to be the external audience (Killian and McManus,2015). In order to establish open and effective marketing communication with both types of2
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