
Marketing Strategies in Travel and Tourism


Added on  2020-02-05

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Marketing in Traveland Tourism1
Marketing Strategies in Travel and Tourism_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4TASK 1............................................................................................................................................41.1 Core concept of marketing for the travel and tourism sector................................................41.2 Impact of marketing environment on the individual travel and tourism business................51.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand in the travel and tourism.....................61.4 Analyses the principles of market segmentation and its uses in marketing planning............7Task 2...............................................................................................................................................82.1 Evaluation of importance of strategic marketing planning of travel and tourism in Egypt:.82.2 Relevance of marketing research to the managers with reference to Thomas cook group...82.3 Influence of marketing on society........................................................................................9Task 3.............................................................................................................................................103.1issues in the product, price and place elements of the marketing mix..................................103.2 Importance of service sector element in marketing mix.....................................................113.3 concept of total tourism product to an individual tourism product......................................12TASK4...........................................................................................................................................134.1 Assessment the integrated nature and role of the promotional mix-...................................134.2 Plan and justify an integrated promotional campaign for Thomas Cook summer 2016holidays......................................................................................................................................14CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14References........................................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONMarketing is the business activity in which marketer sales their product and services andtheir value can be measures in terms of money. Marketing is the promotion of business productor services to target audience. Marketing concept are driven by a clear objective that takes intoaccount cost efficiency, social responsibilities, and effectiveness within a particular market. Inthis project report discussion has been done on the marketing concept and principles ofmarketing regarding to the travel and tourism sector (Hampton and Lane 2015). Thomas cookgroup is a tour operator company which provide the travel and tourism services to the customerin the UK and also this project has been define the marketing environment on the individualtravel and tourism businesses on the tourist destination with the reference to Egypt. In thisproject report discussion has been done on the core concept and marketing principle with contextof travel and tourism industry. It has been also analyses the importance of strategic marketingplanning for travel and tourism sectors. In this project, It has been analysis the various principlesof market segmentation and its importance for this particular business.TASK 11.1 Core concept of marketing for the travel and tourism sectorThe main objective of marketing is to provide the customer satisfaction by increase theprofitability in the organization. Thomas cook tour operator organization provide the variousattractive packages, discount, holiday facility,accommodation, hotel booking etc for fulfilling thecompany objective is to earn profitability in terms of customer satisfaction. Thomas cook is anoperator in traveling industry in the united kingdom. The organization has been showingwillingness towards creation of different cultural package for a visit of different places. In thecontext of marketing of the organization for new cultural package, the company of Thomas musttake the opportunity out of mass migration amongst the tourist that will contribute in leading thepolicy of tourism at a large scale (Chandon, Laurent and Valette-Florence, 2016). The packagecan be fixed at a lower amount of price, dictating the increased level of interest amongst thetourists within the market. company will be provide the attractive policy and facility forattracting the customers toward that particular travel and tourism sector. The package will beinclusive of cheap fair of transport plus accommodation in the destination places. The main3
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objective behind that to acquire the market share and popularity of business. This all doing thecompany for acquire the large number of customer and increase its competitive advantages in themarket place. For fulfilling that objectives , company needs to make focus on the build strategicplan. Strategies can be referred to as determining the basic goals and objectives of long term forthe organization. In other words it can be said that in order to satisfy or fulfill the needs anddemands of the customers, the process of marketing is required to get customers satisfaction aswell as customer loyalty. it is required to manufacturer to provide essential and good qualityservices to its customer so that to build up the brand image of the company (Plinke, 2015).1.2 Impact of marketing environment on the individual travel and tourism businessFor survive in the competitive business environment, company may faced the variousfactors which affect the marketing of the services. Some of the factors which is uncontrollablebecause company do not have any control them, some of the factors which affect marketingenvironment on the travel and tourism businesses are as follows-Competition- Competition refers to the numbers of similar industry in the market.Marketer might not have direct influence on them, but it is important that markersmonitors their activities, and then design effective strategies using controllable variable.when Thomas cook operate their business at Egypt destination, it also may face thecompetition factor at that particular destination (Ajagbe and et.al., 2015).Governmental policies- Government policies refers to the laws and legality of thatparticular land and location as well as the country. When Tomas cook operate travel andtourism at the Egypt, it may consider the all legal and government rules and regulation intheir business.Natural forces- This refers to the physical environment, it includes all available or lackof natural resources that can be affect the travel and tourism at particular destination. Itincludes the climate and weather of that particular destination. weather and climatelargely affect the travel and tourism industry (Morello2016).Social and cultural forces- It refers to the social and cultural forces such as individualand group of individuals behavior, believes, thought patterns and lifestyle, friendship etcmany of this trends goes a long way to affect business marketing operation.4
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