
Vaginal Secretion Changes During Menstrual Cycle


Added on  2020-02-05

8 Pages1454 Words49 Views
Vaginal Secretion Changes During Menstrual Cycle_1

TABLEOF CONTENTSDescribe the male and female reproductive system........................................................................3The structure................................................................................................................................4The function.................................................................................................................................4Explain the menstrual cycle.........................................................................................................5Role of following:........................................................................................................................6References........................................................................................................................................82
Vaginal Secretion Changes During Menstrual Cycle_2

DESCRIBETHEMALEANDFEMALEREPRODUCTIVESYSTEMReproduction is the considered as a process wherein human reproduction systemproduces organisms make more organisms and in the human reproductive process, two types ofsex cells or gametes are engaged. The major purpose of reproduction system is to transfer fluidfrom one organ to another. It also aids in discharging semen into female organ at the time ofhaving intercourse. Penis and testicles are the major sex organs in males which are responsible toproduce sperm and which also fertilizes an ovum in the female’s body (Lucena-Cacace and et.al.,2016). The fertilized ovum then develops into a fetus and later on it leads to development of aninfant. However, on the other hand, female reproduction system is a combination of internal andexternal sex organs that are useful for reproduction purposes. Female reproduction system getsmatured after puberty and afterwards it is able to produce gametes which allows women todevelop an infant (Rochira, Zirilli, Madeo, Balestrieri and Carani, 2016). Thus, internal sexorgans of female are uterus, fallopian tubes and the ovaries. In female, the ovaries produce theegg cells which leads to birth of an infant. However, the external sex tissues are the genitalswhich comprises major parts such as labia, clitoris and vaginal opening. 3
Vaginal Secretion Changes During Menstrual Cycle_3

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