
Essay on Reputation and Responsibility - Woolworth


Added on  2020-07-22

21 Pages6412 Words43 Views
Essay on Reputation and Responsibility - Woolworth_1

Table of Contents
STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS........................................................................................................1
REPUTATION AND RESPONSIBILITY MODELS....................................................................6
Process model..............................................................................................................................7
The corporate reputation quotient model....................................................................................9
CONCLUSION AND STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................15
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Reputation and responsibility acts as a tonic for the organisation. It plays a major role in
stabilizing business operations. Management of reputation is considered as a way or practice of
shaping the public's perceptions and ideas of an organisation or a person by impacting
information about it. The control over reputation and responsibility can be termed as a concept in
which the organisation combines the concerns of environmental and surrounding in the business
operations and the communication with the stakeholders.
The report will analyse the reputation and responsibility of Woolworth in context to its
product quality, product innovation and product safety for the consumers. It is one of the leading
retail companies of Australia serving a large customer base all around the world. However, in the
competitive world, the organisation is facing major issue in its grocery products as the buyers
demand fresh products with innovation which is turning quite challenging for the supermarket.
Further, the report will evaluate the measures used by the organisation to maintain its quality of
product in order to secure its reputation and responsibility towards all the stake holders.
Moreover, it will discuss the approach and problem with the use of stake holder mapping.
Beside, the report will examine two models that is Harris Fomburn reputation quotient and
process model of reputation and responsibility which can assist the supermarket in overcoming
its problem of product innovation and quality. Thus, the report will examine carious
opportunities which assist the firm in attaining its vision and values.
In order to maintain reputation among its customers, who are the key asset of the firm the
Woolworth carry its Stakeholder analysis which plays a major role in recognising key issues
related to environmental, social, and economic factors of the company. It assists Woolworth in
evaluating sustainable solutions to the problems like, product quality and innovation. Moreover,
stakeholder analysis assists the company in several types which are as follows:
It helps the firm in analysing opportunities and minimizing risk and threats.
It assists Woolworth in building brand image and expanding market.
It helps the entity in formulating strategies which can stabilize organisational
environment (Meloand Garrido‐Morgado 2012).
It assists the enterprise in building growth strategies keeping in mind it reputation and
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Source: Stakeholder analysis and Stakeholder Mapping (2017).
Stakeholders interest and power analysis of Woolworth has been analysed here through their
mapping as follows:
Power Stake holder Mapping
Organised business
Non government
Trade unions
Government departments
Low Service providers Customers
Low High
Illustration 1: Stakeholder Map
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Table 1: Stakeholder Mapping of Woolworth
1. Customers: Woolworth target global consumer base and determine their needs and wants
so that goods can be supplied according to specification. Customer satisfaction is the
prerequisite of the company to build strong brand image and reputation in the global
market. The entity connects with buyers in order to recognize their preferences,
complaints and issues. Moreover, the consumers are connected with Woolworth through
a customer panel, profiles on internet or with customer care executives, surveys and
research, communication through various modes like, advertisement or campaigning.
Further, the company has its call centres where the feedbacks are collected which help
the executives in identifying the loopholes and shortcomings like, product quality and
innovation. Hence, with the customer analysis enterprises develop its product according
to market requirement and choices. It also assists the firm in making easy availability of
products for its buyers. According to the stake holder mapping customers shares high
interest with organisation and do not hold many powers.
2. Service providers: These providers can be individuals or independent contractors and
staff members. These individual are related to business operations like recruiting talent,
increasing organisational performance, developing skills according to market
competition, delivering cost effective and satisfactory services, and enhancing sense of
values and vision. Service providers are engaged in formulating strategies, innovation
and maintaining quality of product according to the needs and wants of consumers.
Further, the manager of Woolworth is also engaged in developing policies, procedures
and programmes to deal with the issue and problems of employees (Helm 2011). Beside,
these individuals are related to Supermarket Company through written, verbal and oral
communication. Interaction of workers is done by several modes like, monthly broadcast,
publication or team meetings. Thus, for serving staff satisfaction Woolworth implement
health and safety programmes, employee development, benefits, increments etc. In
accordance with share holder mapping employees work for interest of the company but
hold minimum powers which are essential. Service providers of Woolworth comprises,
employees and independent contractors.
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3. Shareholders: Shareholders share the high interest for high return on their investment
and at the same time, the individuals also hold the maximum power because they have
voting rights through which they can alter business decisions. It is the duty of
management to keep its shareholders inform about every business practices. They are
also being invited in the annual board meetings to keep informed the shareholders.
Shareholders are the ones who have great expectations with the profits of the enterprise.
Further, it assists the company in establishing positive work environment. Beside,
stakeholders are engaged in evaluation of organisational performance, strategies and
making concerns which are related to social, economic and environmental factors through
audit reports Shareholders of Woolworth meet in annual general meetings, or over
meetings which are held for document analysis. These individuals have rights to keep a
check over companies' sustainability report and annual report (Eckert and Ecker2017).
4. Suppliers: Suppliers holds high interest and high power for the entity, as the individuals
aims at supplying innovating raw materials with consistent quality and standards as per
the supermarket (ReVelle ed., 2016). Moreover, the suppliers of Woolworth are focused
on quality raw materials as per the principles set by business keeping in mind customer
needs and wants. Business connects with its suppliers through various modes like,
electronic and personal engagement. Further. The individual involves in best practice
research international benchmarking.
5. Franchisees: It can be both domestic or international, it ensures that the enterprise
delivering consistent customer services, maximizing its turnover and profitability and is
in reach of every targeted market and buyers. It deals with Woolworth growth initiatives,
opportunities and issues. Beside it is connected with the company through, Franchise
association meetings, and franchise electronic conference. Hence, it monitors and reviews
the business process and operations. Thus, it holds high power in the companies plans
and procedures.
6. Government departments: These departments have high interest and high power for the
organisational activities. Complying with regulation implemented by government
minimizes the risk for Woolworth and maximizes the opportunities for the enterprise. It
ensures that the policies and procedures of the supermarket are enacted to serve quality
services to individuals who are involved with the company. Government deals with the
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