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Requirements and Impact of Biosecurity Surveillance


Added on  2022/12/30

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This report discusses the requirements and impact of biosecurity surveillance, focusing on the importance of monitoring and surveillance in safeguarding the population and the economy. It explores different types of surveillance and their significance. The report includes a case study on Coles Supermarkets, a famous retail supermarket in Australia.

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Requirements and
impact of biosecurity

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
Requirements to apply surveillance and monitoring...................................................................3
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................5
Books and Journal.......................................................................................................................7
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Biodiversity means taking measure to control the spread of virus, bacteria etc. to decrease
and minimise the risk of transmission of infectious disease. It is important to stop the spread of
such viruses and they transmit disease. The report is about Coles Supermarkets, consumer and
retailer chain which is among famous supermarket in Australia. The organisation has its
headquarters in Melbourn. The company is operating since last 106 years and has around
100000 employees. It is the second largest retailer is Australia in terms of revenue and has 807
supermarkets in Australia (Poland, and Rassati, 2019). The company has around 27.6% share in
in total grocery market. Coles supermarkets serve many consumers and have 807 stores around
Australia. The deal in fresh fruits, dairy products but also deal in providing other services. The
organisation provides it quality services to 21 million customers who shop with them every
week. The threats that are faced by the industry are that if the virus spreads then it will be
difficult for them to manage operations and to work successfully. It is important to take measures
before wards as it is problematic if some disease is transmitted. This report is describes the
meaning and requirements and impact of biosecurity surveillance and monitoring on a relevant
local business. Also what are the restrictions, market access, and other activities. In the end there
is conclusion of the whole study.
Requirements to apply surveillance and monitoring
Monitoring means keeping every on the things that are happening and checking the way
they are happening it is important to monitor to know about the results and the required actions
that are to be taken. Surveillance is a continuous activity that goes on while the whole process.
So, it is vital for retail industry to check and keep eye on the spread of virus that can impact their
business (Caley, Welvaert, and Barry, 2020). A regular study of market helps the business to
check the processes. The main purpose of surveillance is to about the and detect the spread of
virus and bacteria so as to safeguard the human illness. If the humans are diseased then that will
impact the overall economy as no one will buy sell the flow of money will stop and there will be
no growth in the economy. It also check the risk associated by spread of the virus as by searching
about the risk and then the measures can be taken in advance and the people will also take
measures to minimise the spread of virus. Then it helps in making action plans that are required.
The control and monitoring is required as that would help the to stop the spread of risk to the
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people of Australia. The population is very important and can be left over so there is requirement
of taking suitable actions to safeguard the population against the spread of viruses and bacteria.
Surveillance is required as is helps countries to monitor know about the emerging
disease. It is important to understand the the health related problems and make research about the
spread of virus in different countries. The past data is also helpful as it tells about the rate of
spread and the place that is sentinel surveillance populated and needs more measures and taken
care of. All the problems related to health are analysed and the reason for spread, the areas that
will have more impact are all checked by surveillance department (Grant, Pawson and Marzano,
2019). At the same time it is important to monitor as everything is studies and know it is the time
measure and take measures to stop the spread. It helps the countries to take preventive measures
before wards and reduce the risk.
The steps that are followed to conduct surveillance are mentioned below:
Reporting: first of all it is important to make reports and make record of the data, a person can be
appointed to do the same that keeps record and it is vital as it helps in surveillance.
Data accumulation: Once the data is collected then there is requirement to accumulate it at one
place and try to find meaning full results from the data accumulated.
Data analysis: It is required that a person takes care of the calculation part. A person should have
data analysis and computer skills.
Judgement and action: The most important task is to make the final judgement based on the
information collected and take suitable actions (MacLeod, and Lloyd, 2020). The measures are
made that helps in preventing the organisation from the spread of disease and not harm the
economic conditions adversely.
Types of surveillance are mentioned below:
Passive surveillance: Under this the data is collected from potential health care workers and the
higher authorities to not stimulate reporting and there is no need to give feedback. Passive
surveillance is most most commonly used method.
Active surveillance: Under this heath care workers are given stimulus and individual feedback is
not given as more specific feedback can make problems.
Sentinel surveillance: The adta is collected ether randomly and intentionally from the health care
workers, a small group is decided and then data is collected.

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It is required by to know about the spread of any virus as it may harm the people as well
the organisation and the whole economy (Hemming and Macneill, 2020). It is necessary to
regularly check and study the trends of the market. In relation to Coles supermarkets the
organisation is aware about the diseases and take actions make it employees aware about the
disease, the inform them and tell them about the negative impacts that can be caused by spread of
virus. It is necessary to give proper instructions to the employees and assure that those are
followed by the employees. As safety and security of the employees is equally important for the
organisation. Coles Supermarkets follows proper surveillance to ensure that there is direct impact
of virus and bacteria on the employees and if the employees are not well then it not possible for
an organisation to work effectively (Bonbon, 2018). The production process and the operation
all stop and that impacts the overall economy, so the organisation makes rules and regulations to
prevent their employees and monitor that they are following them effectively. It is part of their
long term plans that they keep employees as priority and take care of their health by following
the surveillance and monitoring process effectively. If there is situation when any employee is
caught by virus and bacteria then measures are taken and also others are taken care off. By
following these rules and regulation organisations care able to prevent their employees as well as
customers from the threat of spreading virus as it has worst impact on the organisation and then
it impacts the economy (Pautasso, 2016).
The above report was about the importance of surveillance and monitoring in biodiversity
as it helps to safeguard the people that are living at a place. The organisation that is talked about
is a famous retail supermarket of Australia that is Coles Supermarkets that is serving its
customers with quality services and also the employees of the organisation are motivated. By
making research about the disease and the trends in which the virus and bacteria is spreading
they are able to know the risk that is associated with and what will be the problems that can be
faced. Regular checking and surveillance help the organisation to take measures that will safe the
employees and customers from getting infected by the virus and bacteria. It is rightly said that
“prevention is better than cure.”
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Books and Journal
Bonbon, E., 2018. Biosecurity and surveillance obligations registered in the new European
animal health regulation. Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire Élevages et Santé, (40),
Caley, P., Welvaert, M. and Barry, S. C., 2020. Crowd surveillance: estimating citizen science
reporting probabilities for insects of biosecurity concern. Journal of Pest Science, 93(1),
Grant, A., Pawson, S. M. and Marzano, M., 2019. Emerging Stakeholder Relations in
Participatory ICT Design: Renegotiating the Boundaries of Sociotechnical Innovation in
Forest Biosecurity Surveillance. Forests, 10(10), p.836.
Hemming, D. and Macneill, K., 2020. Use of meteorological data in biosecurity. Emerging
Topics in Life Sciences, 4(5), pp.497-511.
MacLeod, A. and Lloyd, S., 2020. The emergence of prioritisation systems to inform plant
health biosecurity policy decisions. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 4(5), pp.463-471.
Pautasso, M., 2016. Biosecurity, bibliometrics, and conservation biology. Conservation
Biology, 30(2), pp.440-442.
Poland, T. M. and Rassati, D., 2019. Improved biosecurity surveillance of non-native forest
insects: a review of current methods. Journal of Pest Science, 92(1), pp.37-49.
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