
Healthcare Challenges in India


Added on  2020-06-05

11 Pages3082 Words69 Views
Research Paper
Healthcare Challenges in India_1

ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1General overview of the country.....................................................................................................1Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological influences/benefits/ advantages...............1National resource and factor endowments that create competitive advantage................................2Foreign currency and exchange influences......................................................................................3The countries existing trade policies, systems, barriers and incentives..........................................4Existing levels of Foreign Direct Investment..................................................................................5Summary and recommendation.......................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
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INTRODUCTIONCompanies around the world focus on attaining their goals and objectives. This is onlypossible when they are able to understand the requirement of customers in effective manner.Firm is able to gain maximum profit with the type of market they focus on and the products theydeliver are highly efficient to meet the satisfaction level (Miletzki and Broten, 2017). Main focusof the current report is made on selection of a country that is effective enough to establish abusiness. Further, it covers the national resources and factors endowments which createcompetitive advantage. Lastly, it also includes existing levels of Foreign Direct Investment. General overview of the countryIndia is one of the world’s largest democracy as per the estimation of UN. By the end of2028, it population will exceed China and will become the most populous nation. Further, it isthe raising nuclear armed state and as an economic powerhouse. Apart from this, it has emergedas an important regional power. Moreover, it is also tracking huge environmental, economic andsocial problems. Further, it the home to most ancient surviving civilizations (Upadhyayula,Mutheneni and Nagalla, 2012). The rate of population is raising at an increase rate. This iseffective enough to make sure that companies are able to develop a huge market in which theycan get highly benefited. When any type of product is introduced, then the chances of raising thesales and profitability is high because there rate of target market that are decided by theorganizations are also high and so that there are high business opportunity that prevail in themarket. In addition to this, India is experiencing constant growth in its GDP along withliberalization from 1991 till date. Political, Economic, Socio-cultural and Technological influences/benefits/advantagesIn order to scan the business opportunities that prevail in the market, analysis of certainfactors are highly effective for the companies to achieve their desired goals. With this respect,below given are the factors that are included:1
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Political factor: Being one of the largest democracies in the world, India runs on federalform of government. There are various type of factors due to which political environment getsinfluenced. These are politician’s interest, government policies, and other related ideologies ofpolitical parties (Basant and Shariff, 2010). This is the reason due to which business environmentin India gets negatively affected through multivariate political factors. There are well developedtaxation system and it this has helped the country to get support in developed of the societiesthrough the pay made by people. Economic factors: Since the introduction to industrial reform from the year 1991economy of India is stable. In accordance with the policy there are reduction in industriallicensing, formation of FIBP, liberalization of foreign capital, etc. all these has resulted in Indianeconomic environment (Singh, Singh and Tuli, 2013). It was in the year 2013 when $5.07 trillionrecorded as the GDP. This rate has raised tremendously each year which shows the economicgrowth that has taken place. Social factors: These are considered to be the changes in trends that has high impact overthe business operations. With this respect, the type of preferences that are made by peoplechanges on frequent basis (Reed, Gupta and Blankenship, 2010). This is a type of opportunitythat companies have as they can deliver services and products in order to make them get attractedto it. However, business is required to conduct frequent market research so that they are able toidentify the opportunities that prevail in the market. Technological factor: There are many changes that has taken place in relation withtechnology. There are high growth that is identified towards use of internet. For example, peoplewho used to make their purchases online line very few but with the advancement in technology,the rate of people who make use of the online platform has raised (Siddique, Selvanathan andSelvanathan, 2012). From this, it can be started that companies need to focus on making use ofnew or updated technologies so that the rate of support for customers can be raised. National resource and factor endowments that create competitive advantageVarious type of resources are available which enable to consider the business to makesure that they are able to get benefited in positive manner. Further, the classification of resourcesare done on the basis of abiotic or biotic on the basis of their origin. For each of the resources,there are many of the opportunities that prevail in the market with the help of which the business2
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