
Gender Discrimination in Sports: Challenges and Strategies


Added on  2022-11-29

11 Pages2672 Words352 Views
Running head: RESEARCH PAPER 1
Civil Procedure Entertainment & Sports Law
Student details:
Gender Discrimination in Sports: Challenges and Strategies_1

Problem identifications....................................................................................................................3
Challenges and opportunities...........................................................................................................3
Gender Discrimination in Sports: Challenges and Strategies_2

In society and in the present world, in which trend is towards people with the grievances
whatsoever – whether the substantive disputes with possible advantage as the lawsuit or the
lighthearted claim lacking solid legal base for the legal causes of actions, then the risk
management in a framework of reducing the judicial exposure has become the unavoidable part
of description of the work for sport manger. As sport industry has become specialized, the laws
related to the sport appear to have become very critical as well as challenging for the people who
included. It is very much essential to be aware regarding the common legal issues. The
discrimination can take various forms and takes place while the people are treated incorrectly
due to the age, religion, disability, race, age or groups they relate to. The discrimination may be
in against of law. The people have right to fair as well as considerable participation in the sport.
The gender discrimination in the sport is one of the main issues. In the following parts, problem
of gender discrimination, perspectives, challenges as well as opportunities, along with strategies
to solve this legal issue is discussed and critically examined.
Problem identification
The Gender discrimination comes in to play while the female sportspersons play any
sport. This is especially the case when it comes to the sports industry. For too long, it has been
dominated and reserved for men, their justification being that ‘women aren’t really into sports
that much anyway’. The problem of discrimination includes the problem in the reconciliation of
sport along with family life, an issue of reintegration in a world full of work, insufficient
coverage of the sport of females as well as restricted nature of own funding. The females face
Gender Discrimination in Sports: Challenges and Strategies_3

difficulties to make their place in sports. The absence of ruling authorities of female sports
creates the specific barrier to attainment of the equality between males and females in the sport
related activities. In spite of the efforts initiated by the International Olympic Committee, the
engagement of females in decision bodies remnants marginal in Europe member state’s council
(Sabo, Veliz & Staurowsky, 2016).
There is a large amount of gender discrimination in sports. The gender discrimination
affects the females at great level. In sport, the gender discrimination mostly affects women in
adverse manner. Further, the gender stereotype in sport also affects the men. The male athlete
who takes participation in feminine sport such as dance as well as figure skating in earlier age is
regularly bullied. The men are often anticipated to be big, tall as well as muscular to play the
sport, or can be discriminated against in a case when they do not fit that type of body. Further,
the gender discrimination also affects the sport management. Because of the gender
discrimination in sports sector, the sports manager cannot select the skilled and talented
sportsperson. Sometimes, this problem affects the efficiency of the team because of poor
leadership and poor management (Kroshus, et. al, 2015).
Challenges and opportunities
The school girls all over the place are created to consider that wherever they will go, they
may be sportsperson, smart as well as the successful like males. On the other hand, this story is
not so real in actual. From a period of her birth, the girl is forced to have feeling that even
examples or cases in which just the passion is typical distinguisher, the girl is still to be lower to
the boy counterpart. In sports, the men dominance can be terrifying for the sportswomen, who in
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