
Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance


Added on  2020-02-14

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Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSResearch Design proposal ...............................................................................................................3Introduction..................................................................................................................................3Research philosophy....................................................................................................................3Research approach.......................................................................................................................4Research design ..........................................................................................................................4Research method .........................................................................................................................5Data collection method ...............................................................................................................6Sampling .....................................................................................................................................6Data analysis ...............................................................................................................................7Validity and reliability ................................................................................................................8Ethical considerations..................................................................................................................9Research limitations ....................................................................................................................9Gantt chart .................................................................................................................................10Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
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RESEARCH DESIGN PROPOSAL IntroductionNext in the series is the research methodology chapter. Research design methodologyprepare in the way to find out the solution of to specific issue under investigation is beingprocessed with greater effectiveness. In research methodology various tools and techniques to beapplied for effective planning, method designing, implementing and analyzing the researchinvestigation topic in order to get effective evidence and solution to a particular topic. In theproposed study on impact of motivation on employee performance the decision with respect tomethod all the steps are being carried out in an effective manner (Kumar and Phrommathed,2005). The method which will be utilized are discussed in this section. Moreover the reasonsbeside use of selected tool have also been stated in the particular chapter. The researcher makeuse of various tools in order to collect and make analysis of the employees with respect tomotivation. Research philosophyIt is the believes, norms and attitude towards a particular research topic which helps inenhancing the knowledge regarding to the nature of type of research. Researcher philosophy isthat to investigate background of research in the way to carried out several things in mind likepersonal beliefs, perception and other things those are exist in real aspects manner. There are twotypes of research philosophy are present which are positive and interpretative. The philosophy ofpositivism states that positive knowledge regarding to research topic phenomena, properties andrelations. Research information normally derived from sensory experience and interpretedthrough reason, logic which is acceptable across the globe and other from other aspects. Underthis type crate a hypothesis which can be tested. On the other hand Interpretivism philosophyprovides suitable justification regarding to the research issue(Peffers and et.al., 2007). With suchphilosophy of research scholar reflects the facts as well asfigures those are associated with underinvestigation issue. Interpretive research focuses on the meaningful participation by the selectedperson under culture as well as social life. In the proposed investigation on impact of motivation on performance of bankingemployees positivism philosophy would be utilized. By this type of research we can foramt ownviews and opinion regarding to the evaluation of social world. Through this we can gathered data
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from the selected sample. We can evaluate the facts and figures from the available data so thatpositive philosophy is more appropriate for the present investigation data. Research approachThe research approach includes all the steps are systematically designed in order tocarried out to get appropriate information regarding to the topic. There are two types ofapproach deductive and inductive(Harris and et.al., 2009). At the initial level statements arederived from the whole investigation on the research topic which provides the conclusion on thatstudy. The major aim to get conclusion in the form of Yes or No from the questions. Thededuction type research approach procedure are to identify the questions from the investigationtheory for data gathering and identifying the valid and relevant questions are included in theresearch and rejection of invalid data. In the inductive type research approach where formulatingthe general ideas and theories which are relevant to the topic.Through the present thesis which assess the determinants and factors of motivationeffects the bank employee performance in this inductive approach is being utilized. Due to thistype of approach investigator is able to creation of empirical generalization. This results indetermining the major association as the research is being conducted. Further it is comprised ofsearch patterns through observation that results in developing explanation. Through gainingknowledge regarding the opinions of employees in relation to motivation the research possess theability to make determination of the success of the organization (Onwuegbuzie and Leech,2005). Moreover with this problem with respect to employee motivation is being assessed withgreater effectiveness. Through observation of the issues as well as importance of motivation inenhancing performance broader generalization is being drawn. Research design Research design plays an significant role in the whole investigation which helps in toprovide better outcomes. It considered as research strategy which is utilized as integrating all thevarious components of research in logical way to get data in quantitative form which helps in toprovide better conclusion analysis. It also helps in to identify issues effectively and find outproper solution (Mackenzie and Knipe, 2006). Research design is the planning and blue print ofall the activities in order to gather data, analyzing as well as measuring the available information.There are various type of research design methods like Exploratory, Descriptive, Analytical and
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