
Role of Diversity and Equality in Work-Life Balance and Enrichment Experiences


Added on  2023-01-13

17 Pages4551 Words23 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Research Project
Role of Diversity and Equality in Work-Life Balance and Enrichment Experiences_1

Table of Contents
Topic: “To study about the role of diversity and equality in creating work-life balance and
enrichment experiences”. A case study on Ginetta Cars Ltd...........................................................1
Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
1.1) Introduction to topic........................................................................................................1
1.2) Background and nature of project ..................................................................................1
1.3) Research aims and objective...........................................................................................1
1.4) Rational and reasons for choosing this research project.................................................2
1.5) Activities and timescales ................................................................................................2
Chapter 2: Literature review............................................................................................................4
2.1) Introduction.....................................................................................................................4
2.2) Literature review.............................................................................................................4
Chapter 3: Methodology .................................................................................................................5
3.1) Research approach..........................................................................................................5
3.2) Methodologies.................................................................................................................6
Chapter 4: Data collection and analysis ..........................................................................................7
4.1) Data collection................................................................................................................7
4.2) Data analysis, presentation and discussion.....................................................................8
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation ...............................................................................12
5.1) Conclusion and evaluation............................................................................................12
5.2) Recommendation...........................................................................................................12
Chapter 6: Personal Reflective Statement......................................................................................13
6.1) Reflection on research method......................................................................................13
6.2) Research method could have been used........................................................................13
6.3) Areas for further research and evaluation of current work...........................................13
Role of Diversity and Equality in Work-Life Balance and Enrichment Experiences_2

Topic: “To study about the role of diversity and equality in creating work-life balance and
enrichment experiences”. A case study on Ginetta Cars Ltd
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1) Introduction to topic
The topic selected for this research project is based on crucial role lead by equality and
diversity in creating work- life balance and enriched experience for employees and individuals
working in an organization (Borkowski, 2016). This research project is conducted on Ginetta
cars Ltd which is a specialist builder and manufacture of racing and sports cars situated in West
Yorkshire, UK. As this, organisation is working in a automotive sector that is highly dynamic
and innovative thus, it become essential for this organisation to effectively manage equality and
diversity at its organisation to ensure better work life balance and enrichment experience.
Therefore, following research is conducted on Ginetta cars in order to study and evaluate role of
diversity and equality in creating work-life balance and enrichment experiences.
1.2) Background and nature of project
The background of this research project includes study about the crucial role lead by
management of equality and diversity in cresting better work life experience and positive
environment within the workplace (Brown, Kim and Faerman, 2019). The nature of this project
is based on research conducted on Ginetta Car Ltd to evaluate the role of equality and diversity
in ensuring success and other advantage for organisation through facilitating an enriched
experience and better work life balance.
1.3) Research aims and objective
The aim of this research project is, “ To develop better understanding about the role
played by management of equality and diversity in creation of work-life balance and enrichment
experiences for employees.”
The main objectives of this research project conducted on the Ginetta cars Ltd are stated
as below:
To study about the concept of work-life balance and enrichment experiences.
Role of Diversity and Equality in Work-Life Balance and Enrichment Experiences_3

To evaluate the various ways that facilitates effective management of equality and
diversity in order to yield better work-life balance and enrichment experiences at
workplace of Ginetta Cars Ltd (Dilmaghani and Tabvuma, 2019).
Question Tag
What do you understand by the phenomenon of work-life balance and enrichment
What are the various ways that facilitates effective management of equality and diversity
in order to yield better work-life balance and enrichment experiences at workplace of
Ginetta Cars Ltd?
1.4) Rational and reasons for choosing this research project
The main reason, rational and justification behind selecting this research topic is that it
facilitates better knowledge and understanding about the importance of effective management
equality and diversity at workplace in order to build and develop a better work-life balance and
experience for the employees. The selection of this topic is justifiable as it lead to better
performance, productivity and satisfaction among employees that bring more success and growth
for an organization through effective management of equality and diversity. Further, the chosen
research topic is also essential and important from academic and educational view point of
researcher as it lead to enhancement in its research and other interpersonal skills. Beside this, the
selected research topic also provides assess to relevant and authentic research findings on
equality and diversity that will support learning and knowledge of researcher and other scholars.
1.5) Activities and timescales
The information about various activities and timescales of current research project is
provided through making use of Gantt chart which is a commonly used research tool. Gantt chart
is also known as bar chart that represent activities and task of a researcher in a systematic way
together with its timescales and duration thus, ensure timely completion of work (Ghosh and
Itam, 2020). The main purpose behind using Gantt chart for current research is that it brings
clarity and transparency in research work thus, enhance overall efficiency and management of
various task and activities.
Role of Diversity and Equality in Work-Life Balance and Enrichment Experiences_4

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