
Factors Influencing Customer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study on McDonald's


Added on  2023-02-01

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1RESEARCH PROJECT PLAN..........................................................................................................2
1Formative assessment....................................................................................................................2
11LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................................7
TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................1
P3) Primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a business research project
that consider costs, access and ethical issues...................................................................................1
P4) Appropriate analytical tools, analyse research findings and data..............................................2
REFLECTIVE STATEMENT............................................................................................................13
Factors Influencing Customer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study on McDonald's_1

1 Formative assessment
Topic Investigate the factors are influencing the customers buying behaviour a case study
based on McDonalds
Over a period of time competition has been increased in fast-food industry.
KFC, Dominos, McDonald’s are performing well in market. But die to increasing
competition companies are facing challenges in retaining their customers in
business for longer duration. Demand of consumers is also increasing, many firms
offer such great benefits thus, they expect great additional benefits from other
companies as well (Joshi and Rahman, 2015). Thus, it is essential for these entities
to pay attention on several factors that influence buying behaviour of end users.
This would help enterprises in making effective plan and offering satisfactory
services to customers significantly.
McDonald’s is facing challenges in keeping its customers satisfied, number
of consumers complains is increasing. Thus, this study is essential to be conducted
so that entity can identify causes of this problem and can make necessary changes
in its strategies so that it can gain competitive advantage (Maniatis, 2016).
INTRODUCTION In the modern competitive environment, it is very important for companies to
understand behaviour of consumers before programming marketing activities.
Consumer behaviour can be defined as actual perception of buyers towards
particular products and services. Companies always look upon elements that impact
on overall buying decision of person (Kaur and Singh, 2017). Firms have to ensure
reaction of customers towards particular goods and services so that they can offer
satisfactory services to them and can make them positive towards the brand.
Culture, social class, family, status, age, lifestyle etc. are so many factors that
impact on overall behaviour of customers to great extent.
The study will be based on McDonald’s that is fastest growing fast food
firm. It has many branches across the world and offer variety of food and services
to its consumers as per their needs and preferences (Jadhav and Khanna, 2016).
Present study will emphases on the various factors that influence buying behaviour
of consumers. Research proposal will frame aim and objective and will give
rationale of conducting this investigation. Researcher will select suitable research
methods and will give justification for each selected tool. At last, proposal will
include time plan and resources required for the entire study (Gurtner and Soyez,
Aim of the
To identify factors that influence buying behaviour of consumers: A study on
Objective of the
research To understand conceptual framework and theories of consumer buying
To determine several factors that contributes to buying behaviour of
customer in McDonald’s
To identify relationship between buying behaviour of person and
performance of company
To suggest ways to make the customer positive and loyal towards
Questions Explain conceptual framework and theories of consumer buying behaviour?
Factors Influencing Customer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study on McDonald's_2

What are the several factors that contribute to buying behaviour of customer
in McDonald’s?
How buying behaviour of person impact on overall performance of
What are the ways to make the customer positive and loyal towards
Research strategy It is essential for scholar that to select right approach by considering nature of
study. Selection of wrong method may affect overall result of investigation.
Qualitative approach is being applied in the research where scholar needs not to
involve any statistical data and calculations. It supports in gaining understanding of
underlying reasons and help in developing ideas through which scholar can answer
research questions easily (Yadav and Pathak, 2016). Whenever researcher is
required to analyses trends and have to uncover these trends then investigator apply
this technique. On other hand quantitative approach is generally used in studies
where researcher is required to use numerical data and have to quantify attitudes.
Quantitative data are more structured as compare to qualitative (Testa, Cosic and
Iraldo, 2016).
In the present study on understanding consumer buying behaviour and
factors that influence their buying decision scholar will take support of qualitative
research, this will help in gaining insight detail related to buying behaviour of
customer and identifying various factor that impact on their decision (Baruk and
Iwanicka, 2015). By applying theories and models investigator will develop their
understanding and would be able to answer each question properly. Use of simple
questions and involvement of population will aid the scholar in finding results
related to subject matter.
Scholar has to determine the appropriate way to conduct any research. Primary
research is the technique in which individual involves only primary information.
Scholar takes assistance of questionnaire, interview through which actual and
current detail about topic can be gathered. Primary sources are firsthand details that
have never been used in any previous study. Scholar collects these details specific
for current topic (Mackey and Gass, 2015). Questionnaire, interview, observation
are various tools through which primary detail can be gathered. On other hand
secondary data are far differed from primary information. This type of source
involves evaluation and interpretation of primary sources. There are so many
authors who conducts their investigation by using secondary sources. Books,
journals, internet articles are some tools through which secondary data can be
gathered. Though such kind of details are already used in previous studies and are
not specific to existing investigation, but it supports scholar in developing
understanding about subject matter (Flick, 2015).
In the present study on understanding consumer behaviour and identifying
factors that influence their buying behaviour researcher will take support of
primary source. Individual will collect fresh data related to buying pattern of
customers and will analyses these details. These fresh details will aid in answering
research questions in most effective manner.
Sources of data Primary sources are such as interview, questionnaire, observation etc. On other
hand secondary sources are such as books, journals, articles etc. In the present
research on understanding consumer behaviour and identifying factors that impact
Factors Influencing Customer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study on McDonald's_3

on their buying decision scholar will apply primary data sources. Questionnaire
would be best technique for this study (Quinlan and et.al., 2019). By asking
questions from people individual will be able to understand current trends and
point of view of actual consumers. This will help in giving current results and
drawing valid conclusion as well.
Use of secondary data would not be suitable because if individual involves
past data then it might increase chances of finding inappropriate results. Trends,
preferences of consumers get changed frequently thus, it is very important to use
present views of people so that valid results can be generated (Mackey and Gass,
2015). Thus, use of questionnaire would be more suitable and scholar will use same
technique for this investigation.
Population and
As research will use primary data sources thus, it is essential to involve right
people in investigation those who can give accurate answers of research questions
and can support scholar in drawing valid conclusion. Population is the people those
who are being involved in research. In order to identify factors that impact on
consumer buying behaviour, scholar will select customers of McDonald’s as
population (Flick, 2015). They are the right person who can actual describe about
their purchasing pattern and their buying decision.
Population can be defined as people present in entire market segment from
which researcher can gather information about subject matter. Sampling is the
techniques through which scholar selects whose individuals who have knowledge
about topic and can give accurate detail related to topic. Samples need to be
selected accurately, there should not be any kind of biasness. Sampling is the tool
in which scholar selects part of entire population.
Types of sampling and their explanation
There are two main types of sampling methods: probability and non-probability.
Probability is the method in which each member gets equal opportunity to be
selected whereas non-probability is the type of method in which each person
doesn’t have chance to get selected in research. Probability sampling method uses
random bases of selection whereas non- probability technique uses arbitrarily basis
of selection for respondents. In probability technique results are always unbiased
but in non-probability results are biased.
Probability technique includes random, systematic, cluster, stratified etc. Non-
probability includes Quota, convenience etc.
Advantage and disadvantage
Advantage of non-probability technique: It is time effective method and helps in
selecting respondents in cost effective manner. It is very easy method to apply in
research projects.
Disadvantage of non- probability technique: It is very difficult to calculate margin
of errors and confidence interval in this sampling process. Researcher gets biased
answers in this tool.
Advantage of probability technique: This method can be used by non- technical
person as there is no need to have any previous experience of applying this
technique. It has more accuracy as compare to probability sampling process.
Disadvantage of probability technique: As researcher has to deal with large number
of people hence it is quite tedious and time consuming process.
Questionnaire for qualitative
In Qualitative researches scholar tries to collect information about topic through
face to face meetings with respondent’s. Hence questionnaire is suitable through
which individual can involve participants in best manner and can gain in-depth
Factors Influencing Customer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study on McDonald's_4

information about research project. By this way large set of data can be gathered by
researcher in minimum period of time.
In the existing research paper individual will use random sampling technique, this
would help the person in selecting right candidates those who have knowledge and
can give answer without bias. Random sampling aids in minimizing chances of
getting wrong answers or manipulating answers. This would enhance clarity of
research and would support scholar in finding best results (Quinlan and et.al.,
Sample size is most essential element of research project, if size is wrong
then it also affects overall results. In the current study researcher will involve 20
customers of McDonald’s. They would be able to give clear answers related to their
buying behaviour; this will help investigator in finding best result.
Data Collection
As present research project will take support of primary data collection sources
thus, it is essential for scholar that to use correct and effective primary source
through which individual can gather valid details. Investigator will take assistance
of questionnaire method; this is simple and clear tool of collect insight detail about
subject matter (Mackey and Gass, 2015). One of the main reasons of applying this
technique is that scholar can reach to large number of people by taking support of
questionnaire. It is easy process and data analyses can be done effectively. One of
the main advantages of using questionnaire is that investigator can gain first hand
and highly relevant information about customer buying behaviour by this
questionnaire technique. This will help in finding taste and preference of people .
All these details will be highly practical and would support researcher in answering
research questions related to factors that affect consumer buying behaviour (Flick,
Time plan and
resources required
Research plan
Activities Week
Topic selection
Framing aim
and objective
Selection of
Analyses of data
Conclusion and
Edition as per
Resource requirement
In order to complete this dissertation researcher would need some essential
resources. Availability of all these resources will support scholar in
Factors Influencing Customer Buying Behaviour: A Case Study on McDonald's_5

finishing this research effectively (Mackey and Gass, 2015).
Researcher will need human resource, as participants need to be involved
those who can answer the research questions so that scholar can gather
primary information about topic. In the absence of this human resource
investigator will not be able to find out actual facts related to factors that
influence decision of consumers.
Researcher would also require technical resources, as graphs, charts will be
prepared and for that excel will be required. This will help in preparing this
study in most presentable manner (Flick, 2015).
Scholar will also require financial resources, as investigator will have to
gather data and will need to spend in transportation etc. Thus, it is essential
to have adequate funds so that study can be conducted in efficient manner.
References Books and Journals
Baruk, A. I. and Iwanicka, A., 2015. Polish final purchasers’ expectations towards
the features of dairy product packaging in the context of buying decisions.
British Food Journal. 117(1). pp.178-194.
Flick, U., 2015. Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a
research project. Sage.
Gurtner, S. and Soyez, K., 2016. How to catch the generation Y: Identifying
consumers of ecological innovations among youngsters. Technological
Forecasting and Social Change. 106. pp.101-107.
Jadhav, V. and Khanna, M., 2016. Factors influencing online buying behavior of
college students: A qualitative analysis. The Qualitative Report. 21(1). pp.1-
Joshi, Y. and Rahman, Z., 2015. Factors affecting green purchase behaviour and
future research directions. International Strategic management review. 3(1-
2). pp.128-143.
Kaur, N. and Singh, D. P., 2017. Deciphering the consumer behaviour facets of
functional foods: A literature review. Appetite. 112. pp.167-187.
Mackey, A. and Gass, S.M., 2015. Second language research: Methodology and
design. Routledge.
Maniatis, P., 2016. Investigating factors influencing consumer decision-making
while choosing green products. Journal of Cleaner Production. 132.
Quinlan, C. and et.al., 2019. Business research methods. South Western Cengage.
Testa, F., Cosic, A. and Iraldo, F., 2016. Determining factors of curtailment and
purchasing energy related behaviours. Journal of Cleaner Production. 112.
Yadav, R. and Pathak, G. S., 2016. Intention to purchase organic food among
young consumers: Evidences from a developing nation. Appetite. 96.
Factors affecting consumers’ buying decision in the selection of a coffee brand.
2015. [Online]. Available through <
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