
Investigating the Need of Promoting Equality and Diversity in an Organisational Context


Added on  2023-01-19

33 Pages7810 Words70 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataHigher Education
Research Project
Investigating the Need of Promoting Equality and Diversity in an Organisational Context_1

Table of Contents
TITLE: ............................................................................................................................................1
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................1
Chapter 2: Literature Review ..........................................................................................................3
Chapter 3: Methodology Justification .............................................................................................6
Chapter 4: Methodology Explanation .............................................................................................8
Chapter 5: Results..........................................................................................................................11
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendations .............................................................................23
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................23
Recommendations ....................................................................................................................23
Chapter 7: Reflection.....................................................................................................................24
References .....................................................................................................................................26
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................29
Investigating the Need of Promoting Equality and Diversity in an Organisational Context_2

To investigate the need of promoting equality and diversity in an organisational context.
A case study on AstraZeneca Plc.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Over view of the Research
The present study is based on the investigating the need of promoting equality and
diversity in context of an organisation. Equality and diversity are two different term but plays an
essential role in the progression of business organisation (Ahern and Clarke, 2013). Diversity
and equality are refers as the term of promoting equality of opportunity for all by enriching
diversity and providing chance to each individual to attain their position which is free from
discrimination or prejudice. In today's modern business environment, individuals are very much
aware in regards to their own rights, therefore it is important for the businesses to promoting
equality and diversity their business promotion. In this the study is conducted over the
AstraZeneca Plc and it is a wide pharmaceutical company which is concern over maintaining
diversity and equality in respect to conducting effective business functions to attain growth and
Background of the Research
In the context of business, diversity and equality has a significant aim to ensure that
everyone has the access to getting same fair treatment and opportunities. Equality and diversity
are two major term which are consequently performs vital role in developing work place
performance via maintaining equality in diversified business operations (Ng and Sears, 2012). In
this particular study, AstraZeneca Plc is selected for this dissertation because, the scope of
chosen subject area is wide. Therefore, the study is based on analysing the need of promoting
equality and diversity in an organisational context, as in this investigation is requires to be
executed over a business and AstraZeneca is effective because it is a large multinational
business which is effective on which investigation execution will be supportive in addressing the
investigation issue in effective manner. In the present study context, investigation over a large
business context is required to gather valuable information to reaching at the significant
outcome. As large business firm AstraZeneca Plc is based on the business ethics that are related
with equalitya and diversity, therefore, the business is also facing issues regarding cultural
Investigating the Need of Promoting Equality and Diversity in an Organisational Context_3

diversity and equality, so the study execution over AstraZeneca Plc is effective in providing a
significant direction to reaching at the key outcome. AstraZeneca Plc is an English Swedish
multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical business. The company is having its global
business operations with its headquarter is in Cambridge, United Kingdom. The company has
started its operations since 1999 by the effective merger of the Swedish Astra and The English
Zeneca Group. The company has around 61,100 employees who are contributing their
significant efforts in the growth and development of business (Gürtürk and Hahn, 2016). The
potential aim of AstraZeneca Plc is to promoting diversity and maintaining equality for the
purpose of achieving significant edge within commercial centre.
Rationale of the Research
The investigation into consideration is based on analysing the need of promoting equality
and diversity in the context of business, thus this is an wide area of research which is effective in
developing academic as well as practical knowledge base of individual (Barth and et. al., 2014).
The potential reason for conducting the research is to enhancing the idea and knowledge base of
learner towards the area of promoting equality and diversity and how these are beneficial in
attaining growth and success for a business. This present area of study is effective in developing
the academic benefits in enhancing the personal as well as professional ability to perform tasks
in appropriate manner.
Research Aim
To investigate the need of promoting equality and diversity in an organisational context.
A case study on AstraZeneca.
Research Objectives
To understand the concept of equality and diversity in the context of workplace.
To analyse the importance of equality and diversity in developing productive and
effective workforce.
To identify the issues which are faced by AstraZeneca n while implementing equality and
diversity practices. To determine the ways through which equality and diversity could be promoted in
Research Questions
What is the concept of equality and diversity in the context of workplace?
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What are the importance of equality and diversity in developing productive and effective
What issues are faced by AstraZeneca while implementing equality and diversity
What are the ways are opt by AstraZeneca in promoting equality and diversity?
Investigating the Need of Promoting Equality and Diversity in an Organisational Context_5

Chapter 2: Literature Review
The concept of equality and diversity in the context of workplace.
According to the opinion stated by Mercy Njiru, 2014, equality and diversity are two
effective terms which are applied to define and champion diversity, equality or human rights as
referring to the values of society. It mainly promotes equality of opportunities which are
provided to the individuals at work place and providing path to attain their significant objectives
which are free from discrimination and prejudice. In the context of workplace equality and
diversity are the fundamental aspect which are requires to be considered by the businesses to
providing an effective work place environment.
As per the views of Kay Pearman, 2019, equality is refers as the right each individual has
to attain the same treatment without considering their age, gender, social position, race, sexual
orientation and religion. In addition it defines as an effective concept which encompasses over
creating fair treatment for people in society and ensuring each individual are gain fair or equal
opportunity to gain success and reaching at their predetermined aims and objectives that are
effective for the personal and professional development of individual (Janssens and Zanoni,
2014). Diversity is defined as the recognition which ensures that each individual within
workplace are unique and works as per their own capability. In addition to this, the concept of
diversity mainly encompasses over acceptance and respect or is related with an understanding of
exploring the capability of individual in development of opportunities for the businesses at
global level (Choi and Rainey, 2014). In the context of work place diversity defined the term to
employing individual who are having different skills and uniqueness or they are mainly belongs
from different background based on nationality, religion, physical appearance, education, gender
and many others.
The importance of equality and diversity in developing productive and effective workforce.
From the views expressed by Louise Petty, 2016, diversity and equality are two important
element of an organisational context. Effective diversity and equality practices are appropriate in
making sure that the provides services to the individuals are accessible and fair to every one. In
today's modern business environment, the key motive of each small as well as large business
environment is to strengthen their workforces by providing them diversified area of opportunities
and equality within the workplace environment (Kulik, 2014). Equality and diversity in the work
place promotes effective and efficient workforce, thus equality and diversity helps the in
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motivating employees at work place to contributing their significant efforts in the growth and
success of business. There is innumerable importance of equality and diversity in developing
productive and effective workforce, some are associated as below:
Increased Creativity: In the context of business, workplace diversity and equality develops
creativity, thus diversity and equality helps the firm is retaining individual from homogeneous
group and this create value for the firm in developing creativity (Riivari and Lämsä, 2014).
Therefore, people from different background, culture and religion or education background are
more liable in promoting creativity via providing innovative knowledge base and ideas. This
overall performs vital role in strengthen the workforce of the firm.
Improve moral: Equality and diversity helps the firm in encouraging employees via developing
their moral, thus highly motivated people are effective for the firm in contributing their
significant efforts in the growth and success of business. Equality mainly providing fair
opportunities to the individuals to attain growth within diversified areas.
The issues which are faced by an organisation while implementing equality and diversity
As per the views expressed by Avijat Niroula, 2017, In today's modern business
environment, the key motive of each small as well as large business enterprises is to attaining
higher growth and success via managing equality and diversity at work place. Managing equality
is the responsibility of the management department, as it is important for an organisation to
promote equality for the attainment of better results and outcomes and this also create value in
reducing discrimination. Along with this, Diversity is the major concern of organisational
authority to explore business functions at global level for the purpose of attaining higher growth
and success (Tatli and Özbilgin, 2012). In successfully implementation of equality and diversity
practices, organisations are facing multiple issues and conflicts, in which some are associated as
Communication Barriers: This recognised as the key issue which is mainly faces by the
businesses during the implementation of equality and diversity practices. Communication is a
major aspect which is requires to be properly implemented by the management in respect to
properly managing business practices (Cooper, Patel and Thatcher, 2013). Therefore, inequality
at work place, create the issue of communicate as employees are not willing to implement
relationship with each other and it affects the overall working of the firm.
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Insufficient management of operations: This issue is mainly occurs due to diversity, as
businesses are concern over exploring operations at wider level for the purpose of attaining
growth and success. During diversifying business operations the issue of management has arises,
thus businesses are not properly able to execute all the operations in right manner and this has
wider influence over the growth of business.
The ways through which equality and diversity could be promoted in an organisation.
According to the opinion stated by Diane Lynn, 2018, Equality and diversity are two
major aspects which are requires to be considered by the businesses for the purpose of attaining
higher growth and success within the commercial centre. As a large pharmaceutical company, it
is important for AstraZeneca to manage equality and diversity for the purpose of attaining
higher growth and success at work place. There are multiple ways that are implemented by
AstraZeneca to promote equality and diversity at work place, in which some are associated as
Equal Opportunity policy- To promote the equality and diversity, there is a need to company to
develop equal opportunity policy. It is formal manifest that can set out the commitment of
company to fairness, it provides the guidelines and to deal with the issues properly (Guillaume
and et. al., 2013). Through this, an organisation can communicate commitment to the quality of
opportunities in to employment.
Proper Grievance procedure- Grievance is dissatisfaction of staff members which what they
expects from an organisation and management (Laudet and Humphreys, 2013). Management
should follow the proper grievance procedure and solve the issues of those employee s which
face the discrimination related issues, company should treat all employees equally and make the
policies same for each employee.
Work place flexibility- Flexibility helps in able the people and organisation to meet through
making the proper changes to location and time (Olsen and Martins, 2012). At workplace, there
should be flexibility so that employees will feel comfortable to working. Employer should treat
all the staff members equally and deal with them positively. In order to promote equality and
diversity, manager should focus on train employees, prioritise employee work life balance,
remove gender pay gap and any others.
Investigating the Need of Promoting Equality and Diversity in an Organisational Context_8

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