
Research Project on Lebara Case Study


Added on  2021-02-21

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Research Project
Research Project on Lebara Case Study_1

Table of ContentsTOPIC..............................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1REFERENCES................................................................................................................................5
Research Project on Lebara Case Study_2

TOPIC“The benefits and the risk of offshoring and outsourcing”.- Case Study on Lebara INTRODUCTIONToday's the growth drivers are often more strategic and mainly focus on carrying outvalue added activities which impose intense level of competition and challenge over organisationin accomplishing their goal in an efficacious and expeditious manner. To survive withincompetitive marketplace for longer period of time, an establishment requires to acquire variousadvanced techniques which lead them to improve their sales performance. However, outsourcingand offshoring are the two techniques which is regarded as one of the powerful determinant thatassist company to expand their market share or size in an trenchant manner (Bailey and DePropris, 2014). Hence, outsourcing refers to delegation of regular business processes to any thirdorganisation which is done by utilising money, manpower, time and other core activities ofbusiness. While offshoring relates to where establishment process or service are shifted orrelocated to some different country with an intent of acquiring benefit of lower cost. In contextof this report, it is based on Lebara which is a reputed and branded telecommunication firmwithin UK industry. However, this project discuss about gain and challenges of offshoring andoutsourcing over company while functioning their process at global level. Research Aim: To investigate the benefits as well as risk of offshoring and outsourcing overLebara in operating at global level. Research Objective: To understand the concept of offshoring and outsourcing in today's competitivemarketplace. To identify the benefits of offshoring and outsourcing on Lebara while operating itsbusiness function at international level. To determine the challenges of offshoring and outsourcing which Lebara come acrossduring operating at global level. Research Question: What is the concept of offshoring and outsourcing in today's competitive marketplace?What are the benefits of offshoring and outsourcing on Lebara while operating itsbusiness function at international level?1
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What are the challenges of offshoring and outsourcing which Lebara come across duringoperating at global level? Rationale The main purpose of conducting this research is to understand the importance or value ofadopting offshoring and outsourcing into business operation and it's impact over organisation'sproductivity. Along with this, to examine its positive and negative influence over Lebara whileacquiring advanced techniques for enlarging their market size at international pace. However,this information enable Lebara to take corrective course of action in order to gain competitiveadvantage and attain sustainable profitability. 2
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Literature Review To understand the concept of offshoring and outsourcing in today's competitive marketplace. As per the views of Cynthia Kroll, 2003, In current scenario of world, the concept ofglobalisation plays a significant as it benefits them with several benefits like free trade of goodsand services, lower cost of operation, innovative or modern technology and many more.However, outsourcing refers to those organisation in which they render their business process tothird part on contract base on the other hand offshoring getting the work done in differentcountry or region to leverage cost advantages (Difference Between Outsourcing and Offshoring,2017). However, both the components contain its own benefits and drawbacks which influencefirm's decision making activities. It enable Lebara to expand their market division across theglobe without any obstacles as well as can acquire skilled labour in lower cost which enrich itsprofit margin in an impressive manner. Additionally, this global tend of outsourcing in Lebaracompany exhibit the decrease in overall cost as well as an increasing need for being morecompetitive in international market. Furthermore, it has been evaluated from this study is thatadopting outsourcing technique by company help them to improve its workforce standards interms of knowledge, capability, innovation and creativeness for obtaining profit maximisationwithin present market. Moreover, it help organisation to make use of innovative and advancedrecruitment techniques which help managers to identify the capability of each individual at thestage of hiring a candidate in order to fill the vacant job position within its business function.Along with this, it aid them to place each applied candidates in appropriate positions whichencourage personnel to put their best effort towards an accomplishments of organisational goalor objective. Additionally, it aid company's superior to control over conflicts among teammembers regarding growth opportunity , performance appraisal, satisfaction level and manymore that enrich Lebara's proficiency ratio. Apart from this, offshoring also impose severalbenefits on establishment as it assist them to deliver best and better quality service at low costwithin fixed time in compare to outsourcing. Therefore, adoption of suitable tactics help Lebarato achieve sustainable profitability and also can improve the overall performance withincompetitive marketplace in a better mode.To identify the benefits of offshoring and outsourcing on Lebara while operating its businessfunction at international level. 3
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According to Jacob Funk Kirkeggard, 2005, The present marketplace is becoming highlycompetitive and challenging which become huge threat over companies to attain increased levelof productivity. Thus, outsourcing and offshoring impose huge impact over organisation as itmade easier for them in expanding their market in new geographical region and also inacquisition of advanced technologies (Offshoring and outsourcing - advantages anddisadvantages, 2019). Additionally, it assist Lebara to gain highly potential and skilledworkforce, identify market trend or demand, lower risks and many more that help firm to gaincompetitive advantage and sustainable proficiency. . Along with this, Lebara can access itsmovement of service i.e. upgrading the virtual network, innovation in mobile application todifferent geographical regions without any trade barriers and with less cost.Moreover, with animplication of outsourcing within Lebara functional areas, it assist them to generate enormousemployment opportunity which improve the life standard of community or society. Apart formthis, offshoring and outsourcing are regarded as one of the effective tool as it help them toimplement best strategic decision in order to sustain within competitive industry for longerperiod of time in an amended manner. One of the key benefit which these techniques providesto Lebara is that it help them to acquire highly talented and competitive personnel who lead anorganisation to enrich its brand image among competitors in an innovative and creative style.Henceforth, the appropriate decision lead company to accomplish its business objective in abetter manner. To determine the challenges of offshoring and outsourcing which Lebara come across duringoperating at global level. In the views of Ashok D. Bardhan, 2003, Although the term globalization influence thecompany in positive manner yet it contain several challenges which directly effect overorganisation bran value and profitability. One of the foremost threat which Lebara face whileoperating at global level is social and cultural differences as each region or country contains itsown regulation for functioning their entire process (Four Outsourcing Challenges (And How ToSolve Them), 2018). The another issue which an organisation come across is that communicationproblem which may arise confusion or ambiguity among employees. Moreover, linguistic barriercreates misunderstanding and misconception among firm's personnel that effect its workingculture and profitability. Due to this, it reduce Lebara's proficiency and capacity to obtain profitmaximisation with an optimum utilisation of resources in an trenchant and expeditious way. In4
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