
Impact of Workplace Discrimination on Employee Performance


Added on  2023-01-11

23 Pages5613 Words24 Views
Higher Education
Impact of Workplace Discrimination on Employee Performance_1

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Discrimination at the workplace is based on specific prejudices as well as take place
when a staff is experience unfavorable on the basis of sexuality, color, age, gender, race,
religion, maternity, position, culture and so on. Due to workplace discrimination performance of
an employee gets decreased as their motivation level gets decrease as well as it also leads to the
staff turnover ratio (Arnold, Dobbie and Hull, 2020). So it is essential for every company to
develop proper strategies and plans in order to avoid workplace discrimination as that will leads
to enhancement in employee’s performance successfully. The respective research is based on the
organization Unilever, which is a multinational consumer goods firm which head office is
located at the London, United Kingdom. It is founded in 1929 by Lever brothers Branch and
Margarine Unie Line. Respective company offer wide range of food pet food, coffee, beauty and
personal care, cleaning, energy drink, candy, tea, chewing gum, bottled water, frozen pizza, baby
food, food and refreshment, pharmaceutical, healthcare, soft drink, pregnancy test and many
more. The aim of developing this project is to determine negative impact of workplace
discrimination on employee’s performance of Unilever and the way they overcome it effectively.
For this researcher adopt numbers of methodologies as that will help in gather more authenticate
and reliable information effectively.
Research topic
The impact of workplace discrimination on job satisfaction of employees.
Research aim
To identify negative impact of workplace discrimination upon Unilever’s employee
performance and how they can overcome it.
Research objectives
To determine brief concept of workplace discrimination and job satisfaction.
To identify negative impact of workplace discrimination faced by Unilever.
To determine ways through which Unilever can develop job satisfaction among the
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Research questions
What is the concept of diversity at the workplace?
What are the impact inequality and diversity on employees?
What are the ways through inequality and diversity can be avoided?
Rationale of research
The rationale of developing this project is to determine the one of the crucial topic which
is experienced by almost every companies even if it big, medium or small i.e. workplace
discrimination at the workplace (Gozali and et. al., 2020). By conducting respective research
project manager is determining information of related to the workplace diversity and
discrimination. In addition to this researcher also want to develop their understanding related to
the inequality and diversity at the workplace. Along with this, by conducting research on the
workplace discrimination project manager able to identify the ways through which a company a
may adopt and implement diversity as well as avoid inequality at their workplace as that will
help in attaining desire growth at the potential market successfully.
Literature Review
What is the concept of diversity at the workplace?
As per the perspective of Sophia Lee, 2020, diversity at the workplace determined to situation
when an organization management develop strategies so that their employees not feel any
discrimination on any basis such as gender, race, colour, sexual orientation, education level, age,
ethnicity and many other attributes. Workplace diversity is beneficial for both internal as well as
external aspects through which attain their desire goal as well as target successfully (Diversity in
the workplace – benefits and challenges, 2020). There are numbers of benefits which a company
gain through workplace diversity such as new perspectives as they hire different people who are
from different background, cultures, nationality which help them in getting effective more
effective as well as new ideas which leads to growth of business successfully. Along with this,
when a company adopt workplace diversity they able to motivate employees that help in
enhancing innovation level which leads to accomplishment of work in best and effective manner.
Moreover, when there is a proper workplace diversity employee able to perform their work in
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effective manner as they feel motivated, encouraged and happy at the workplace. workplace
diversity also leads to the increase in profit as employees feel motivated and encouraged which
leads to enhancement in their performance as well as productivity successfully.
What are the impact inequality and diversity on employees?
As per the view point of Kimberlee Leonard, 2019, at the workplace inequality take place on
different basis due to which several issues arise such as decrease employees motivation level,
productivity, increase conflict, enhance turnover ratio and many more (The Effects of Gender
Discrimination in the Workplace, 2020). The workplace inequality generally takes place on
several bases such as gender, income, colour, position, age, race, religion and so on. The
workplace discrimination, impact on the workplace in several aspects such as it enhance conflict
because when employees feel discriminated they rise their voice against it according to right
which leads to the conflict at the workplace. On the other hand it also leads to staff mental health
issues because they go through mental trauma as different people say many things which is not
right and person think about it all time as they feel bad. It also leads to decrease in company
productivity as when staffs not feel motivated as well as encouraged toward wok then will not
perform properly due to which there as well company productivity negatively. These are the
main impact of the inequality at the workplace which every company need to avoid or minimize
as that will help in enhancing productivity.
Furthermore, in respect of Lauren Clarke, 2020, there is several impact of the diversity
which are experienced by a company when they adopt it, such as it enhance productivity because
when there is diversity employee feel motivated as well as encouraged (Amazing Benefits of
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace, 2020). Moreover, it will also increase the creativity of the
employees which help in adopting changes in effective manner, it happen because when there is
people from the different location then they have different as well as innovative ideas which
leads to growth of business successfully. Moreover, diversity at the workplace leads to enhance
reputation of the company at the marketplace which lead to increase in profitability as well as
market value successfully. Diversity at the workplace also improves staff engagement which
reduces the rate of staff turnover effectively.
What are the ways through inequality and diversity can be avoided?
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As per the view point of Mehdi Tounsi, 2017, there are several ways through which a company
can adopt inequality at their workplace so that employee’s performance get enhanced and firm
attain desire goal successfully. First ways is to drive skills development equally so that each and
every staffs of the company get equal opportunity for the development which enhance their
motivation level as well as it also increase their moral for conducting work in effective manner
(3 Ways To Stop Gender Inequality In The Workplace, 2020). The next strategy is related to the
development of role models according to this company give proper opportunity to male and
female for becoming the role as that will help in promoting positivity at workplace. This will
also leads to employee’s retention for the long time duration which directly increases goodwill of
the firm successfully. In addition this, an organization also need to eliminate or remove the
gender based roles as that will showcase that management promote equality at the workplace and
best performer always win as well as get responsibility.
Furthermore, as per the perspective of the Charong Chow, 2019, in order to adopt
workplace diversity a company may adopt or implement the numbers of strategies as well as this
will also help management in attaining the predetermined target and goal successfully (15 Ways
To Improve Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace, 2020). For example an organization must
acknowledge as well as honor the multiple religion as well as cultural practices in effective
manner as that will help in promoting diversity at their workplace successfully. A company
management also need to offer training to their employees so that they can enhance their skills as
well as abilities to work in a diverse working environment as well as this will motivate and
encourage staffs. In addition to this, an organization management also need to foster a company
culture at which every staff’s voice or perspective is welcome, respect and heard. Through this
types of activities a company able to promote diversity at their workplace successfully and
Methodology and Data Collection
Research philosophy
This is determined as method or a technique which is adopted by a researcher in order to
understand the phenomenon of the gathered as well as analyse of data or information. There are
several types of the research philosophy which a project manager may adopt for gathering
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