
Role of Social Media in Hospitality Industry


Added on  2023-01-16

21 Pages5068 Words60 Views
Research Project
Role of Social Media in Hospitality Industry_1

Table of Contents
TOPIC: Role of social media and its impact on organisation within hospitality industry..............1
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis, supported by
literature review..........................................................................................................................1
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................3
Role of social media within hospitality industry.........................................................................3
Different tools of social media which may help Hilton hotel in providing the correct
information to consumers............................................................................................................3
Impact of social media on organisational performance of Hilton hotel......................................4
P2 Research methods and conduct primary and secondary research..........................................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
P3) Conduct primary and secondary research by using proper methods....................................6
P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyse research finding as well as data........................6
P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience........8
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................17
P6) Reflection on the effectiveness of research methods and techniques.................................17
P7) Determination of the alternative research methodologies for the project...........................17
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................18
Role of Social Media in Hospitality Industry_2

TOPIC: Role of social media and its impact on organisation within hospitality
Social media refers to an interactive mediated technology which facilitate creation of
information, career interests, ideas and some other expression forms via networks and virtual
communication. It is applications and websites which enable the users to develop as well as share
the content in different social networking. Hospitality sector can use the social media for
engaging consumers in identify their requirements (Ladkin and Buhalis, 2016). With the help of
networking sites, hospitality sector can communicate with customers before, at the time and after
vacation experience. Hilton hotel and resorts is global brand of the full- service resorts and
hotels. This was founded through Conrad Hilton and it has 15 brands across various market
segment. Under mention report will be discuss about developing aim and objectives of research
on the basis of specific subject area. Primary and secondary research by using the appropriate
methods for hospitality research project is going to discuss here.
P1 Research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis, supported by
literature review
Background of Research
The social media is a computer based technology that facilitates sharing thoughts,
information and ideas by developing communities and virtual networks. The social media is an
internet based and provides the people to electronic communication. The content consist
documents, photos, personal information and videos. The people engage with the social media
through smartphone, computer or tablet view web application and web- based software. It is
powerful method for the businesses to reach consumers and prospects (Nguyen and et. al., 2015).
The different social media websites like Twitter and Facebook have been revolutionises not only
how the people can communicate with each other and in what way the businesses communicate
with customers. Firms and hotels within hospitality sector must have interesting how to
communicate the messages through websites of social media. The social media is one of the
effective way of advertisement. In context to this, hospitality sector can use the social media to
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engage consumers in order to identify the requirements. Hilton hotel is leading in travel and
hospitality sector when examined through engagement and number of the followers. In relation
to this, Instagram handle gets more engagement as comparison to other social media brand. The
brand develops better content bit extends content- generation efforts through leveraging the user-
generated content.
Rationale of Research
Present research taken into consideration on role of social media and its impact on
organisation within hospitality industry. It provides the understanding regarding concept related
to social media and its main role in hospitality sector. It aids in enhancing the proper
understanding regarding the main area and benefits that provides to company by using the
different tools related to social media (Oh, Eom and Rao, 2015). Through conducting this
investigation, knowledge and skills of researcher will be enhanced able to conduct the research
project in future.
Research Aim
The main aim of this research is “To determine role of social media and its impact on
organisation within hospitality industry.” A study on Hilton hotel.
Research Objectives
To examine role of social media within hospitality industry.
To identify the different tools of social media which which may help Hilton hotel in
providing the correct information to consumers.
To analyse impact of social media on organisational performance of Hilton hotel.
Research Questions
What is the role of social media within hospitality industry?
What are different tools of social media which which may help Hilton hotel in providing
the correct information to consumers?
What is the impact of social media on organisational performance of Hilton hotel?
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Role of social media within hospitality industry
According to opinion of Frank M. Waechter (2019), Social media I social communication
instrument that encompasses media with social component. There are different platforms gives
through social media networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to marketing of the services
and goods for hospitality sector. The social media offers the media technologies which can be
facilitate the online functionality as well as monitoring the perspectives wherein collected data
can be properly used to give better satisfaction to consumers. The hospitality sector can use
different sites of social media to engage consumers in order to identify their requirements. In
addition to this, use of the different social internet platforms such as Instagram and Twitter have
been evolved from peer- to- peer communication channel that permit the business to engage with
consumers effectively.
Different tools of social media which may help Hilton hotel in providing the correct information
to consumers
On the basis of Anna Bredava (2020) it has been stated that Hilton hotel is famous
hospitality brand in world. It owns the twelve portfolio brand that consist more than 4100 hotels
in 91 countries. Several consumers scattered around world, Hilton hotel is challenges with giving
convenient communication channels. Hilton use the different social media tools so that it can
provide better information to the customers. Various social media tools used by Hilton mention
Instagram- The Instagram hotel of Hilton is not property account; it is branded as
newsroom. This representing all the Hilton properties across globe, it plays host to an
organisation milestone celebration, special type of the human-centric storytelling.
Facebook- With more than 120,000 likes, main page of Facebook does great job of going
in topics in same themes that people see on other accounts. The Facebook provides detailed
information and people can believe on it. Through sharing unique and longer Facebook videos
on shared topics, Hilton bring cohesive feel to social media package while honouring strategies
related to social media markets that work better.
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Twitter- In this, there is overlap with other Instagram account, Twitter of Hilton hotel
shares the reports on latest travel sector software, business articles and new brand partnership
that give interesting takes on modern traveller.
Impact of social media on organisational performance of Hilton hotel
As per opinion of Maria Sanchez (2019), Social media is applications and websites which
enable the users to create and also share content on social networking. The social media plays a
necessary role in an organisation to communicate with consumers and provide information
regarding services and products to them in an effective manner. In addition to this, social media
develops positive impact on the organisational performance on the Hilton hotel. Social media is
playing instrumental role to facilitating spread of the information and data throughput globe at
rapid speed. Enhancing interactivity level of the different social media platforms is contributing
to level of popularity and the social media has effectively adopted through several businesses
along wider range of the industries as effective marketing and the communication platform. The
platforms of the social media give Hilton hotel with opportunities to engaging in the marketing
practices in cost effective way. High level of effectiveness of the social media advertising
compared to the online media advertising concerned with the “word of mouth” impact. The
impact of social media is explained in a manner that consumers tend to be believe people
experience which buy specific service or product to higher extent then promises made on the
office media advertisement.
P2 Research methods and conduct primary and secondary research
Research methods is related to specific techniques or processes which used to determine,
choose, process and examine information regarding specific subject area. It gives the way to
collect authentic information by using different tools and techniques. Various research methods
are given below:
Qualitative method- This gives insights in to issue to create the hypothesis for
quantitative investigation.
Quantitative method- It is defining the phenomena through gathering numerical data
that examined by using the mathematically based methods. It is effective in providing the in-
depth information.
The present report is based on the qualitative method because this gives information
regarding specific area in detailed manner (Palacios-Marqués, Merigó and Soto-Acosta, 2015).
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