
Impact of Buying Behaviour of Consumers : Case Study of Sainsbury


Added on  2020-01-07

21 Pages4119 Words173 ViewsType: 173
MarketingData Science and Big Data
Research Project
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Table of Contents1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................3Background.............................................................................................................................31.2 Factors that contribute to the process of research project. ..............................................41.3 Literature review..............................................................................................................41.4 Research Methodology ....................................................................................................61.5 Suitable plan.....................................................................................................................7Task 2...............................................................................................................................................82.1 Match resources efficiently..............................................................................................82.2 Method used to address research problem........................................................................92.3 ..........................................................................................................................................92.3 Record and collect relevant data.....................................................................................10Task 3.............................................................................................................................................123.1 Techniques of research ..................................................................................................123.2 Interpret and analysis the result......................................................................................173.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................18References......................................................................................................................................20
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Task 11.1 BackgroundTopic: The impact of marketing on buying behaviour of consumers – a case study of Sainsbury. BackgroundMarketing play important role in relation to create awareness and for increasing sale ofproduct and services. There are different method of marketing which Sainsbury can used topromote and increase sell of its product and services. Further it is necessary for organization tounderstand how consumer will respond by seeing advertisement of product and services. Thereare various marketing technique which company can used for so that it can easily identify buyingbehaviour of consumer. The present study is conducted on Sainsbury which is retail organizationin UK. The sale of company is stable, now company is focusing on different marketingtechniques so that it can easily enhance the sale.Aim : To identify the impact of marketing on buying behaviour of consumers – a case study ofSainsburyObjectives: To identify different factors of marketing that influences the buying behaviour ofcustomer To determine the link between buying behaviour of consumers and marketing activitiesof UK based retail organizations.To recommend some effective strategies of marketing that positively influences thebuying behaviour of customerResearch questionWhat are the factors of marketing that influences the buying behaviour of customer?Explain the link between buying behaviour of consumers and marketing activities ofSainsbury?
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1.2 Factors that contribute to the process of research project. In present research project topic which is selected is suitable for increasing sale andoverall profit of organization. At every level organization want success and for this it need toidentify the buying behaviour so that sale can be enhance and company can earn profit.However, marketing is very important term so that company can grab the attention of customerand increase sale. Buying behaviour is the sum of total of consumer attitudes, intention,preference and decision regarding the consumer behaviour at marketplace at a time of purchasingproduct ans services. In the present study the way through which consumer make decision ofbuying product is analysed. Along with this it can be stated that if consumer unable not aware ofproduct and services then it prefer to buy that particular company product. There are variousinternet marketing tool that Sainsburys can used which impact the buying behaviour ofconsumer. 1.3 Literature reviewTheme 1: Factors of marketing that influences the buying behaviour of customer According to the view of Hong and Cho (2011) the marketing strategies of organisations no longer takes the behaviour of consumers for granted. Realisation of significance of the consumer behaviour has increased as it determines the decision making of consumer to buy a product or not. There are various factors of marketing that influences the behaviour of consumers. Some of these are -Cultural Factors- Culture means the attitude and belief of consumers. This factor has a lotof influence on buying behaviour of consumers. Culture of an individual is influenced by family members like father, mother, brother, sister and other members. The teachings of family members may have positive or negative impact towards something. Other people such as friends, groups, colleagues influences the individuals decision of buying the product. Economic movement like secure job, regular income etc also tend to affect the choice.Social Status- Social status of people also have a major impact on the buying decision of the consumer. Whether the individual or his father is a doctor, teacher, labour, office workers etc. The status depending upon the age affects the buying habits of people. This decide whether you want to buy normal products, branded products or cheap products as the lifestyle of people will be according to their status and so will be their purchase.
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Renowned Personalities choices- Choice and perceptions of renowned personalities like actors, singers, dancers, leaders, role models influences the consumer to buy a product or not. For instance, somebody's favourite singer is Michel Jackson and he advertises and uses a brand then his fans will also get influenced and they will like to choose only that brand. Character Of Person- The characters of a person like if he is an introvert or an extrovert has an impact on the purchase of the product or services. If someone likes to go out and travel then he will spend more on entertainment and travel and if someone likes to be at home then he will spend more on indoor entertainment.Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs- Maslow suggests that firstly individual to fulfil basic needs such as food and shelter, then fulfil the safety needs like job security, regular income. Third stage is the fulfilment of social needs which includes love, care, belonging etc. The next stage is to satisfy the need of self esteem like recognition etc. Self actualisation is the last stage.Theme 2: Link between buying behaviour of consumers and marketing activitiesAccording to the view of Valette-Florence, Guizani and Merunka (2011) Consumerbehaviour have a great impact on the marketing strategies of the company as they act as adeciding factor in choosing the type of marketing strategy. Marketing strategies of theorganisations have gone through remarkable and severe changes over last twenty years. Internet,digitalisation and globalisation has lead to a complete change in the marketing strategiesorganisations. Management of customers, resolving their problems, observing customerbehaviour has become a major aspect of marketing strategy of companies. Demand of customersand their loyalty have changed a lot over the years. Now customers have become moredemanding as they have a wide choice of options due to increased competition in the market.Hooi Ting Fong Lim and Chuan Ker (2011) explained that it has become very difficult to fulfilthe needs of customers as their needs have become much more complex than before. Strategieshave changed their focus to relationship marketing from transactional marketing also a shift infocus from seeing consumer as an audience to an asset. Technological developments has alsochanged the marketing strategies.Many of the organisations are now centralising their marketing strategy in winning mindsof the customers. The only way to do so is by first understanding the consumer behaviour and
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then making a marketing strategy to accomplish the consumer satisfaction. As per viewof .Nebenzahl and Jaffe (2013) The behaviour of consumer includes the study of groups,organisations, persons and their way and mind set of selection, usage, security, disposal of goodsand services. It identifies the emotions, priorities, attitude and other such characteristics ofconsumers which affects their buying behaviour. Consumer behaviour is affected by manyfactors such as psychological factor, personal factor, family factors, cultures, environmentalfactors, society factors, situations, trends etc. businesses tries to examine and evaluate the trendsand environment of the consumer and the society so that they are able to sell their products andservices in the most cost-effective way. Companies often try to drag the attention of theconsumers to their products and services by changing the design of the store, playing music inthe store, discounts and prices, advertising, grouping of products, availability of products etc. thereason behind these is that they have a complete control over these factors. Some leverages aretemporary and short lasting and some are long lasting and permanent. Different factors affectsthe behaviour of consumers as based on this consumer makes the decision of purchasing ofproduct whether to buy it or not.Darley, Blankson and Luethge (2010) stated that Customer relationship managementpopularly known as CRM has emerged out as new marketing tool to influence the changes inconsumer behaviour. They have aided in determining and analysing the behaviour of consumers.The amount of data gathered by these databases has given a lot of information about behaviouralfactors of consumers such as their intention of again buying or not, consumer confinement,loyalty etc. These also helps in segmentation of market chiefly the behavioural segmentation likeloyalty segments which are used to create highly focused, customised, targeted marketingstrategies. 1.4 Research Methodology Research approach: To conduct whole study in appropriate manner research approach isone of the best method. In a research approach there are two type of approach which areinductive and deductive both are very effective for researcher (Smith, Devane and Clarke2011.). In the present study inductive research can be used because it helps identifyingthose factor of marketing which influence the buying behaviour. Further by using thisapproach Sainsbury can easily came to know the specific and relevant information
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