
Research Project on Tower Hotel London


Added on  2020-01-28

29 Pages7166 Words49 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataHealthcare and ResearchLanguages and Culture
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................4Background of the study..............................................................................................................4Rationale of the study..................................................................................................................5Research aims and objectives......................................................................................................5Research questions.......................................................................................................................6IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................6LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................6Concept of staff turnover.............................................................................................................6Causes or reasons of high turnover in an organization................................................................7Impact of high staff turnover on firm’s performance..................................................................8Strategies to minimize excessive labor turnover..........................................................................9METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................10PROPOSED TIME SCALE..........................................................................................................12DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS..........................................................................................14SUMMARY & CONCLUSION....................................................................................................21REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................22
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INTRODUCTIONTitle: “To analyze the factors that leads to the high labor turnover in hospitality industry, A casestudy of Tower Hotel London. Background of the studyHospitality industry is a service-based industry that aims at rendering superb & excellentquality products & services to their target audiences like luxurious accommodation facilities,food & beverages (F&B), lodging, sports, gaming, entertainment & many others. The successand growth of the industry is extremely depends upon the quality & performance of theirworkers, because passionate, enthusiastic, dedicative, hard-worker, sincere & genuine workersresults in exceeding audience satisfaction or vice-versa. Hoteliers do not only require to justrecruiting the best individual that has excellent knowledge base, but also, make it ensure that theassociated staff will be willing to run for a prolonged period (Cahuc, Charlot and Malherbet,2016). It is obvious that satisfied worker does not wish to depart the organization quickly andalso will be ready to work hard for a longer time span. Still, currently, in the practical corporateworld, there are number of organizations who are facing difficulties and issues of high laborturnover, as workers are looking for other advanced and better employment opportunities forcreating bright career (Li, Kim and Zhao 2017). Here, turnover refers to leaving an organizationvery frequently or in shorter time span may be due to different reasons like ineffective workingpractices, strict rules and regulations, less salary, poor and unhealthier relationship at theworkplace & others. Tower Hotel London provides superb and exceptional accommodationfacilities to their target audiences. It was opened in the year 1972 & remodeled again in the year2009. It provides luxurious accommodation services to their audiences through providing themunique offerings in the hotel room such as TV, Wi-Fi, dishwasher and many others. It welcomeguests with the complimentary English breakfast. Moreover, it also provides food and beveragefacilities in its restaurants based on British cuisine. Apart from this, it provides services like bar,entertainment, swimming pool, fitness, sports, gym services & others. Although the hotel hasexcellent and superior audience base, still, currently high staff turnover caused number ofhurdles for the hotel which leads to poor functionality of the business. It not only affects theinternal functioning and strategic management but also affects customer satisfaction to a large
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extent (Tower Hotel London, 2016). The reason behind this is in the hospitality sector,effectiveness or superiority of the services rendered by the employees affects the consumerswhilst, recruitment of the new employees to replace the departed are not trained at the initialpoint, as a result, their services delivery not looks as effective as the well-trained workers leadsto audience dissatisfaction. Therefore, the main target of conducting this study is to identify thatwhat are the reasons that caused dissatisfaction among employees and as a result they decides todepart or leave the hotel. Moreover, it will also identify the most suitable strategies to overcomehigh labour turnover and assure longevity and retention of the workforce. Rationale of the studyIn the today’s corporate world, employees became the centre or most crucial assets of theorganization. Every company either commercial establishment or service rendering firm deliversgoods & services to their clients through their staff members. Therefore, they need talented,well-trained, sincere & dedicative worker base, hiring the best member ones is not onlysufficient, but companies also look after their employee’s retention. More importantly, in thehospitality sector, success driven by the talented employees base that satisfy consumers throughgiving services exactly in line with their requirement (Faia, Lechthaler and Merkl, 2014).However, retention of the workers is an area of concern for the hotels to retain their existingpeople in the organization for longevity period and meet set organizational targets. Therefore,this investigation is conducted to investigate various factors that results into excessive staffturnover and what are the prevention ways to combat the same & retain talented workers forlonger duration. Research aims and objectivesAims: To investigate the factors that results in high staff turnover in the hospitality sector, Acase study of Tower of LondonResearch objectives:RO 1: To clearly understand the concept of high staff turnover in hospitality industry RO 2: To identify the causes or reasons of high labor turnover in Tower Hotel London
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RO 3: To examine the effect of high staff turnover on the Tower Hotel London’s operationalperformanceRO 4: To recommend the best strategy to overcome issues of high turnover resulting employeeslongevity Research questionsRQ: 1 What is the meaning of high labor turnover?RQ: 2.What are the reasons that caused high turnover rate at the workplace in the Tower HotelLondon?RQ: 3 How excessive staff turnover impacts the operational performance of the hotel?RQ: 4. What are the areas that assists hotelier to bring improvements in their performancethrough reduction in high labor turnover? IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDYThe study will provide many benefits to the hoteliers to combat the issues of excessiveturnover and retain the knowledgeable or talented people base in the organization. Moreover,scholars or investigators who desire to carry out a study in similar area can use this study as aconceptual base and support the study with the adequate theories and models. Apart from thisother companies who operate in the corporate field can identify the strategies that are fruitful toretain talented individuals in the business for meeting out targets. Other than this, researcher hasalso chosen concern study because it allows the researcher to gain information about staffturnover. It will benefit researcher in the future while working with any big organization. It alsoenhances the knowledge of researcher in regard to methods which can be employed for meetingoutcomes of investigation. Learning level has been advanced from the section of study which isbeneficial for continuous improvement.
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