
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams


Added on  2023-01-06

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Research Project-
Part 2,3,4
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams_1

Purpose of conducting the present investigation is to evaluate the importance of managing
cultural diversity along with its role in enhancing growth and success level of an organisation.
For an organisation, this is necessary to manage the cultural diversity at workplace. This helps in
increase the productivity of staff members and make improvement in workplace environment.
The aim of research has been developed on the basis of research title. For collection of
information in literature review, there has been secondary sources used such as articles, internet
sources and journals. There has been quantitative research method used because it provides the
authentic information and proper facts and figures about specific area. Deductive research
approach has been used as it is efficient in analyse the opinions and viewpoints of different
authors. There has been primary method of data collection used by developing questionnaire.
From findings, this has been examined that managing cultural diversity assists in increasing
organisational growth. Findings stated that for business cultural diversity is beneficial for
business as it attracts people from different background so that they can work together. Provide
diversity training to different culture employees helps in reduce conflict and motivate them.
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams_2

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................2
Background of Research.........................................................................................................1
Research Aim.........................................................................................................................1
Research Objectives...............................................................................................................1
Research Questions................................................................................................................1
Rationale of Research.............................................................................................................2
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................3
Conception of cultural diversity along with its importance for a company...........................3
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth and success level of Debenhams.3
Ways for Debenhams which ensures better management of cultural diversity at its place of
Literature Gap.........................................................................................................................4
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................6
Research philosophy...............................................................................................................6
Research approach..................................................................................................................6
Research strategy....................................................................................................................6
Research choice......................................................................................................................7
Sources of data collection.......................................................................................................8
Sampling method....................................................................................................................8
Data analysis and presentation...............................................................................................8
Time horizon..........................................................................................................................8
Ethical consideration..............................................................................................................9
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS.........................................................................10
RESEARCH OUTCOMES............................................................................................................25
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams_3

REFLECTION & ALTERNATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................32
Alternative Research Methodology......................................................................................32
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams_4

TITLE: Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams.
Background of Research
Cultural diversity is concerned with quality of the different culture as opposed to
monoculture or homogenization of the cultures. Phrase the cultural diversity can have related to
having various cultures in respect differences of each other. The perspective of diverse culture
can inspire the creativity as well as drive innovation. Knowledge about local market and also
insight makes business profitable and competitive. The cultural diversity helps in develop the
skill set of employees and enhancing growth of business (Ang and Van Dyne,2015).
Debenhams is British multinational retailer that operating departmental stores in Denmark
and United Kingdom. This firm was founded in year 1778 and grew to the 178 locations across
those countries. In this company, large number of employees are working which belongs to
different backgrounds. This company provides the training to its employees about the culture so
that they can understand each other and work effectively (Banks, 2015).
Research Aim
The aim of this research is, “To evaluate the importance of managing cultural diversity
along with its role in enhancing growth and success level of an organisation”. An investigation
leads out on Debenhams.
Research Objectives
To review about the conception of cultural diversity along with its importance for a
To determine the role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth and success
level of Debenhams.
To investigate about the viable ways for Debenhams which ensures better management of
cultural diversity at its place of work.
Research Questions
Why managing cultural diversity is important for Debenhams?
Is there any significant role lead by managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth and
success level of Debenhams?
What are the possible recommended ways for Debenhams which ensures better
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams_5

management of cultural diversity at its place of work?
Rationale of Research
The present investigation has been taken into consideration on importance of managing
cultural diversity along with its role in enhancing growth and success level of an organisation.
This investigation is mainly conducted in personal and the professional context. In the personal
context, understanding of a learner about the cultural diversity can be enhanced in terms of
organisation. Other than this, in professional context the research and analytical skills of
researcher can be increased for doing the research in future (Hatipoglu and Inelmen, 2018).
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams_6

Literature review is defined as discuss as well as analyse the published information in
specific subject field. This may examine sources and also advise reader on relevancy. The focus
of research paper is to support own argument and summarise the ideas of others. In collection of
information to attain research objectives, there has been secondary sources used such as articles,
internet sources, journals, books and others (Hofhuis, van der Zee and Otten, 2016).
Conception of cultural diversity along with its importance for a company
As per perspective Reynolds (2017) Cultural diversity can be defined as, having a different
culture among a group of people. Culture can de best defined as the way people behave and
identify our self as compared to other's differences. Cultural diversity is having a different age,
races, religions, castes, genders, sexual orientation, nationalities, socio-economic status and
different skills, abilities, interests and talents. Having a multicultural work force can open a new
way for a company in terms of innovation and creativity. People with different culture, traditions
and beliefs also have a different perspective, opinions and experiences that can help the company
to gain a competitive advantage (Joubert, 2017). With the diverse way of thinking company may
adopt a different approach in order to solve an any problem or issue. Cultural diversity can also
be profitable if company is planning to diversify its market. It can give an insight into how the
taste and preference of a targeted market is different to that of an existing market. It allows an
organisation to increase the range of the product band. Having a diverse workforce entails
working in a different way and sometimes in a more productive way. Working in a highly
productive way contribute to the generation of more revenue and profit for the company, thus
beneficial in a long run.
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth and success level of Debenhams.
On the basis of Richard and Alpert (2020) Cultural diversity at work place is having a
diverse team member, people from different ages, races, castes, religions, nationalities, culture,
beliefs, values and traditions. In the era of globalization, having a diverse workforce is
beneficial, yet challenging for the company. Managing cultural difference efficiently leads to the
overall success and growth of an organization. When it comes to a diverse workforce, language
barriers come at first in affecting the communication (Klarsfeld and et. al., 2020). Debenhams,
by adopting an active listening practice and selection of appropriate language as a medium of
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams_7

communication can easily overcome this problem. Another important factor in managing a
cultural diversity is Team work or Team building. Different people have different working
behaviour, some are independent worker and some are team oriented. To overcome this issue,
Debenhams can organize a team work related activities, an induction of an individual so that
everyone become familiar with one another. Difference in the habits, way of life and time and
schedule is another factor which impact the growth and success of the organisation. Debenhams,
in UK, the financial is year is from January to December, whereas in Asian countries it’s from
April to March. Making their working hours flexible and smooth can boost the success and
growth of the company.
Ways for Debenhams which ensures better management of cultural diversity at its place of work
On the basis of Miller (2021), it has been stated that diversity can benefit manager in
different ways. Having diverse group of staff members assists to assure that there will be broad
variety of the backgrounds, ideas and skills that can aids company to have innovative ideas.
There are different ways given below to assure ensures better management of cultural diversity at
its place of work:
Focus on employee retention- Debenhams find the attractive and talented diverse set of the
applicants. Organisational culture remains the homogenous because of high employee turnover
rate for some of the groups. Providing the positive working environment helps in retain staff
members at workplace.
Provide the diversity training- It can assists company to be inclusive that can help in
retention efforts. This can also help the people to understand advantages to having inclusive and
diverse workforce that assists to develop positive working culture (Kottak, 2015).
Open communication- When hiring the team member, this is necessary to have
communication except workplace and get some idea of their requirements. It assists to develop
the positive workplace culture. Other than this, this is necessary for team member to know about
the various cultures to have open communication.
Literature Gap
It comprises lack of the sufficient information related to true conception and also need for
the cultural diversity. The literature gap provides the understanding about the role of manager in
managing the cultural diversity within an organisation. Present investigation is considered to fill
Role of managing cultural diversity in enhancing growth of Debenhams_8

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