
The Role of Leaders and Managers in Employee Development and Well-being


Added on  2022-11-29

24 Pages5172 Words345 Views
Leadership ManagementDesign and CreativityData Science and Big Data
Research Project
The Role of Leaders and Managers in Employee Development and Well-being_1

Chapter one: Introduction................................................................................................................3
1.1 Research Aim and Rationale............................................................................................3
1.2 Research questions...........................................................................................................3
1.3 Research objectives..........................................................................................................4
1.4 Significance of research...................................................................................................4
Chapter Two: Literature review.......................................................................................................4
2.1 Introduction of literature review.......................................................................................4
2.2 Main Body........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Conclusion of Literature review.......................................................................................8
Chapter three: Methodology............................................................................................................9
3.1 Research approach............................................................................................................9
3.2 Research strategy..............................................................................................................9
3.3 Research methodology.....................................................................................................9
3.4 Research instrument.........................................................................................................9
3.5 Sampling.........................................................................................................................10
3.5.1 Identifying population and research site......................................................................10
3.5.2 Sampling strategy........................................................................................................10
3.6 Ethical implications........................................................................................................10
Chapter four: Findings (Data analysis and Presentation)..............................................................12
Chapter five: Discussion (Data interpretation)..............................................................................17
Chapter six: Conclusion, Recommendations and Implications for Further Research...................20
Implications for Further Research........................................................................................21
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Research Title:
The role of leaders and managers in employee development and well-being”. A study
on Tesco.
Chapter one: Introduction
Employee development is a very important role in the process of analysing the performance of
employees in an organisation. Managers & leaders are assisting in the process of employee
development because they are assisting in creation of conditions that are conducive to the
success of organisation (Cairns and Nelis, 2017). Every organisation has certain limited
resources so there is requirement of proper strategies that are to be formulated in order to
maximize the process of employee development. In the present research there is use of primary
and secondary methods of research. It is going to assist the researcher achieve the overall laid
aims and objectives.
1.1 Research Aim and Rationale
Research Aim:
"To analyze the role of leaders and managers in the process of employee development and
well-being”. A study on Tesco.
Research rationale:
Present Research work is going to support in maximizing my present to researching skills. This
is going to assist me in relation of my communication skills (Corrigan., 2018). This research
work is also going to help in future implications of the research that will be associated with
employee development and well being. Employee development is a topic of personal interest that
will help in analysing the challenge that have to be dealt by managers and leaders in the
employee progress process.
1.2 Research questions
Research Question:
What is the conception and importance of employee development and well-being within
an organisation?
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What are the role-played managers and leaders while working towards employee
development procedure in Tesco?
What are the issues faced by leaders and managers in the procedure of employee
development in Tesco?
1.3 Research objectives
Research objectives
To know the concept and importance of employee development and well-being within an
To determine the role-played managers and leaders while working towards employee
development procedure in Tesco.
To examine the issues and challenges faced by leaders and managers in the procedure of
employee development in Tesco.
1.4 Significance of research
Employee development is significant in an organisation to ensure that organisations can realise
the importance of transforming their employees (Chambliss and Schutt, 2018). It is going to help
in the process of managing cost in terms of healthcare of employees, absenteeism and creating a
healthy company culture. Present research report is of immense significance a large organisation
like Tesco to maximise the process of employee well-being and development.
Chapter Two: Literature review
2.1 Introduction of literature review
Review of literature refers to the process of gathering knowledge from existing sources in
order to make learned choice related to policy, practice, research direction and research
allocation. It is also known as Research syntheses or secondary research. It was analysis that a
good review will increase a reader self-assurance in the researcher specialized competence,
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background and ability. A good review of literature to place a research report in context and
demonstrates its significance by making associations to a body of information. Review of
literature is considered as one of the best steps in the research process. Main purpose of literature
review is to convey to the reader related to the work which I already done & knowledge which
will already recognized on a exacting theme of research.
2.2 Main Body
Literature Review
To know the concept and importance of employee development and well- being within an
According to Kate Heinz, 2021, Employment development refer to a process where
employer will provide support to their employees and by go through professional training to
improve their skill and develop their knowledge. It is a continuous learning process which will
assist in optimizing an individual skill set for a particular role in the organisation. It will also
assist an employee by developing their career path. An organisation will conduct various
activities and also provide both internal and external learning opportunity which will assist in
development of employee’s knowledge & skills. There are various benefit if employee
development in organisation, which are mention below:
Performance improvement- It was analysis that to stay competitive in the market an
organisation will require to improve its performance and development of employees will
help company to meet their performance expectation. By effectively developing their
employees an organisation is able to provide continuously improve their organisation
performance. It was analysis that development of employees will assist an organisation to
achieve competitive advantage in market (Employee development, 2019).
Better handle unexpected situations- Employee development means the skills and
knowledge of employees will develop. This will make their employees to effectively
handle the unexpected or challenging situation. This will reduce the risk of uncertainty
from the company and Help Company to gain opportunity which will assist them in
achieving higher growth and help in smoothly run the business operations (Connolly,
Jacobs and Scott, 2018).
Improve loyalty of employee- It was analysis that when an organisation will focus on
their employee development and provide various growth opportunity to them which will
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assist their employees to develop their future career. This will create a feeling of loyalty
in their employees because of which the labour turnover rate for company will reduce.
Also the employees will do work with full efficiency and productivity to show their
Attract new employees- It was analysis that every individual wants that the company in
which they will work will focus on the growth and development of their employees.
When an organisation will organise various development plan for their employees this
will also attract new employees towards company. This will also assist in creating a good
image of company in the society and provide a large number of applicants for their
vacant job from where company will select the top employees or candidates (Li, and Hsu,
Save money by retaining employees- It was analysis that when employee of an
organisation will leave the company then the company will require to again follow the
recruitment process which will consume a lot of time and money of company. By focus
on employee development company is able to retain their top talent for a long period of
time which will save the cost for company of further recruitment.
Improve employee motivation- It was analysis that employee development will play an
essential role in enhancing the motivational level of their employees. This will increase
the efficiency and productivity of their employees and help organisation in effectively
achieve the goal of company.
To determine the role-played manager and leaders while working towards employee
develop(Roever. and Phakiti, 2017)
(Bazeley, 2018)
(Albayrak and Caber, 2018)
(Ary and et.al. 2018)
(Guetterman and et.al. 2019)
ment procedure in Tesco.
According to M.S Rao, (2017), it was analysis that both leader and manager will play an
essential role in the organisation. Both are responsible for set effective guidelines and provide
effective direction to employees to achieve the organisation goal. In context of selected company
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