This is the second part of my Research project assignment. The first one was my order A39447, so I'm asking for the same writer, but please be very careful because the similarities of the first part are 25% \nThe company in the first part is TESCO.\nThe title is "consumer loyalty and rewards schames" \nYou can see my explanations in the pictures. Research methodology is VERY IMPORTANT part of the project. It must incdude research philosophy, use research onion, insert one image of research onion. There are 4 research philosophies, explain all of them and after that in details which and why you will use. Explain realism, positivism and interpretivism, explain them and which one you will use. Explain indactive and deductive research method and use deductive with explanation why! Explain type of data - qualitative and quantitative. Use qualitative and explain why! Primary and secondary data - use both! \n