
Equality and Diversity in the workplace


Added on  2023-01-06

23 Pages5957 Words53 Views
Equality and Diversity in the workplace_1

Table of Contents
Title:- Equality and Diversity in the workplace...............................................................................2
Background of the research....................................................................................................2
Research aim..........................................................................................................................2
Research objectives................................................................................................................3
Research questions.................................................................................................................3
Rationale of the research........................................................................................................3
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................4
Concept of workplace discrimination in a company..............................................................4
Problems faced by higher authorities of Apple Inc. due to discrimination at workplace......5
Strategies adopted by managers of Apple Inc. to decline workplace discrimination within the
METHODOLOGY AND DATA COLLECTION...........................................................................7
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS...........................................................................9
Frequency Table...................................................................................................................10
Thematic Analysis................................................................................................................12
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................18
ALTERNATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................................................20
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Title: - Equality and Diversity in the workplace
Workplace discrimination can be defined as that phenomenon which is related to various
issues which are faced by the employees while working on a particular job. It include occurrence
of a situation where employee will face difficulties and ordered to be maintained their colour
religion culture race and various other aspects (Ajunwa, 2018). In context of the present business
type it is identified that workplace discrimination act negatively on the employees falstaff and
cortex of the present research it is considered on Apple. It is a global performing organisation
which was founded by Steve Jobs in 1976. It is an American multinational technology company
which is providing its product at global level and headquartered in California. at the present there
is discussion about the aims and objectives as well as it also consider a literature research and
relation to the equality and Diversity concept for staff is also considered a research methodology
as well as various aspects of a research which are essential in order to perform the particular
research paper in effective manner.
Background of the research
In the recent years, it is identified that workplace this competition is increasing
continuously which is impacting on the performance of organisation as a different individuals.
The main reason behind workplace discrimination is related to caste, religion, culture and
various other backgrounds of employees. It is also evaluated that there are various rules and
regulations which are performed and formulated by different legal organisations. There are
number of rues such as Equality act 2010 and various other which has to be followed. It is also
identified that today's workforce is impacted with direct discrimination and direct discrimination
workplace harassment and various other (Anjum, 2018). It is essential for the organisation to use
appropriate policies in order to reduce your workplace discrimination and perform their function
in effective manner.
Research aim
The aim of this particular research is “To identify the impact of workplace
discrimination in relation to the productivity and performance of employees within the
organization”. A case study of Apple international
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Research objectives
To identify the knowledge about the concept related to workplace discrimination within
an organisation.
To classify different problems that has to be faced by the organisation and the higher
authority due to discrimination within the organisation.
To analyse various strategies which can be adopted by the marriage between the apple in
order to reduce the cases of workplace discrimination
Research questions
What is the knowledge about the concept related to workplace discrimination within an
What are the different problems that have to be faced by the organisation and the higher
authority due to discrimination within the organisation?
Explain various strategies which can be adopted by the marriage between the Apple in order
to reduce the cases of workplace discrimination?
Rationale of the research
Rational can be defined as a reason which is important in order to perform in particular
research. In context of the present research it is identified that bade rational behind using this
topic is to identify the impact of workplace discrimination. It is identified that there are a number
of factors related to workplace discrimination which are directly related to the productivity of the
employees. In order to be the objectives of organisation it is necessary to put the productivity and
perform with fuller utilisation of resources first of human resources in the organisation play
important role in boosting the productivity and managing the prophets. In context to this gift is
difficult for the organisation to manage the functions due to changes in workplace discrimination
cases (Ayala, 2017). This also led to the satisfaction in employees and performs functions in this
appropriate way. this is also identified there are various factors which has to be covered by the
organisation where the brain rational is to improve the organisational performance and identify
the function so that knowledge can be improved regarding workplace discrimination.
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Concept of workplace discrimination in a company
According to the viewpoint of (Brouwers, 2016) Workplace discrimination can be
defined as a study which is related to the working environment of the organisation in order to
maintain the working environment to improve the productivity. It is also identified the workplace
discrimination is a larger concept which is related to the worldwide population. There are a
number of business organisations which are facing the impact of discrimination on their
functioning. Along with this it is also stated by the authors that there are a different
investigations which are conducted within Europe in order to found the impact of discrimination.
It is identified the duty carries the highest discrimination because the number of employees are
impacted by it. It is also identified that in the current time 48% of overall workforce with
between the age group of 25 to 35 are facing the impact of this problem. This can also evaluated
did more than 10000 employees from different regions within UK such as France, Spain,
Netherlands and various other part of facing discrimination at some point of workplace. It is also
identified the most of the discrimination cases are based on gender nationality integrity
appearance and various other factors which are related to the features of a different individual.
This case it is also identified that these issues are related to the culture financial service
agricultural engineering at various other educational sectors. Along with this it is also concluded
that number of cases related to workplace discrimination or increased because of avoidance as
well as a proper management for the workplace discrimination also impacting on the
performance of employees where they are getting demotivated because of it and reducing the
profitability level of organisations. According to the present research it is also identified and
stated by the author that there are a number of methods which can be utilised by the firm in order
to provide training and development to the employees and help them to meet the situations of
workplace discrimination. There is also identification of various factors which can be used in
order to solve the conflicts and manage the workplace discrimination. Along with this there are a
number of factors which are related to skin colour genetic religion which are also impacting as
workplace discrimination. In context of Apple it is identified that there is appropriate cooperation
with organisation and number of policies which help in reducing the workplace discrimination
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The concept of employee discrimination and workplace discrimination is very wide where
various organisations are facing these problems. In order to meet the objectives of organisation,
employee discrimination act as a major barrier. It is Responsibilities of HR department within an
organisation to reduce the workplace discrimination and improve organisational functioning
engaging the employees within working as well as using different policies. In context of the
business environment of UK it is identified that there are a number of organisations which are
following various norms related to reducing the discrimination within organisational functions. It
is related to functions of HR department which provide safe secure and friendly working
environment to the employees where they can meet the requirements and perform business
activities. It is also identified that there are a number of factors which has to be covered by the
organisation to meet the employees requirement as well as gain better results. There is a different
condition which has to be maintained by the HR department within organisation in order to avoid
the confusion as well as provide responsibilities so that employees can openly talk about the
discrimination. This will help the organisation and boosting the performance as well as reducing
the case the workplace discrimination by eliminating the non-social elements from the
Problems faced by higher authorities of Apple Inc. due to discrimination at workplace
According to (Buttner and Lowe, 2017) Employee discrimination act as a major problem for the
organisation also reduce the performance level of. There are a number of problems according to
the authors which has to be faced by the organisation because of employee discrimination. There
are different factors such as gender gap as well as various other systems which impact on the
decision-making abilities of higher authorities as well as reduced their performance level for
staff the major factor which impact on the higher level authorities and become a function of
workplace discrimination is related to gender pay gap. It refers to that problem which is faced by
the organisation in terms of providing salary benefits and opportunities. the organisation to
provide services to both male and female employees. It is also difficult for the form to manage
the pain of both male and female employees. Under this wale employees will get higher pay and
better opportunities in comparison to female staff this act as a problem of gender pay gap and
will lead to discrimination within the organisation. It is essential for the top level management to
pay appropriate amounts to the effects of female employees as well as recognise them in an
appropriate way. This is also essential to motivate the female staff within the firm as and
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