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Research relating to management process in product development


Added on  2023/04/19

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This research proposal aims to outline the importance of research in product development, specifically focusing on Google's success in the software and IT industry. The research will analyze Google's research process and methodology, as well as the implementation and management processes that support successful product development. The objective is to provide recommendations for firms based on the study.

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Table of Contents
Problem statement......................................................................................................................3
Aims and objectives...................................................................................................................3
Secondary data sources and data................................................................................................4
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Title: Research relating to management process in product development.
Problem statement
This research would be aimed at outlining the importance of research in product
development of, who have taken over the market share in software and IT
industry in a virtual monopolistic way. The introductory demonstration of the Google Maps
last year took the world by storm, as the demonstration apparently promised to change the
way in which people navigate using the internet. The question which remains unsolved is,
how did Google come up with the ideas of the personalization and interaction level in its
product with so much accuracy? To be more specific, the problem which would be addressed
is not the technical part of IT and coding, but rather the research part, aiming to find out how
exactly their research process works which gives the company the competitive advantage in
most of the products which it launches, emphasizing on the case of the upcoming version of
Google Maps.
Aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of this research paper are as follows:
1. To identify Google’s researching strengths which has successfully captured the
market share in online navigation by research in product development processes.
2. To understand how exactly that company has been able to do so (The process of
identifying the problem statement).
3. To understand the research process and methodology which the company has adopted
to develop its product successfully.
4. To understand the implementation and management processes which supported the
company’s research plan to execute the product development successfully.
5. Aim at providing a generalized recommendation for firms based on the whole study.
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The research will be a completely qualitative one. That is to say, the research will take
qualitative studies, and analyse them to arrive at qualitative interpretations.
For the purpose of the completion of this research, a thorough study of a collection of
relevant literature is to be conducted. For example, if the company chosen is Google, their
official website, their press releases, statements made by Larry Page, their success story, and
their organizational structure will be studied in depth, to understand the relevance of
innovation and research pertaining to their product development process.
Every study on each data will be focused on finding the relation between their
research methodologies and the idea that goes behind them. Followed by that, and the
knowledge gathered as a result of the study about the company’s product development, a
hypothetical view of the importance and methods of research will be linked to the product
development and success of the firm.
Secondary data sources and data analysis
As discussed earlier, the purpose of this research will be served through secondary
research. The main sources of data which have been considered for the purpose of this
research, mainly involve the official website of the company, since it provides valuable and
unique insights into the company. Data sources will also be including press releases from the
company, using the search engine of Google, and also news articles, which will be searched
up using the keywords such as the company’s name and the keywords relevant from the
research question. To find relevant academic articles, academic journals like The BMJ,
Journal of International Management, and the Wall Street Journal will be accessed via the
internet. Reference to the studies will also involve using the search engine of Google Scholar.

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Hence, the main tool which will be used for the completion of this research is the
internet. However, the thing which is to be kept in mind while collecting the data is the fact
that the data must be relevant and current, since backdated information would represent old
techniques which marketers used to adopt, and would not be reflective of the new ones, since
market dynamics make these research techniques an ever changing aspect (Soberman &
Gatignon, 2005).
Document Page
AR in Google Maps Will Get You There (With Commentary). (2019). Retrieved from
Carey, J. (2019). Google Maps update - Huge news revealed about this navigation app.
Retrieved from
Griffin, A. (1997). PDMA research on new product development practices: updating trends
and benchmarking best practices. Journal of Product Innovation Management: An
International Publication of The Product Development & Management Association,
14(6), 429-458.
Soberman, D., & Gatignon, H. (2005). Research issues at the boundary of competitive
dynamics and market evolution. Marketing Science, 24(1), 165-174.
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