
Impact of Brexit on Hospitality and Catering Sector: A Case Study on Thistle Hotel


Added on  2022-12-01

35 Pages8495 Words66 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataEconomics
Research Report
To analyse the impact of Brexit on hospitality and
catering sector: A case study on: Thistle Hotel
Impact of Brexit on Hospitality and Catering Sector: A Case Study on Thistle Hotel_1

In the below report, the major topic which is focus on the “To analyse the impact of
Brexit on hospitality and catering sector: A case study on: Thistle Hotel”. This report consists
of impact of Brexit on the hospitality industry and catering industry. As in this report there is
introduction, in which there is a research background and organisation, then it consists of
research methodology and the literature review. Then there is a data analysis and
interpretation which is done through questionnaire survey. Then at last it consists of
reflection, conclusion, recommendations and alterative methodology which can be used in
this research report.
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Table of Contents
Section One: Introduction................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the research..............................................................................................4
1.2 Rationale of the study.......................................................................................................4
1.3 Significance of the study..................................................................................................5
1.4 Structure of the research...................................................................................................5
1.5 Hypothesis theory.............................................................................................................5
1.6 Problem statement............................................................................................................6
1.7 Key Concept:....................................................................................................................6
1.8 Aim...................................................................................................................................6
1.9 Objective...........................................................................................................................6
1.10 Research questions.........................................................................................................7
1.11 Background of the company...........................................................................................7
Chapter two: Research Methodology...............................................................................................8
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................8
3.2 Research Onion................................................................................................................8
Section Three: Data Analysis and Interpretation...........................................................................11
3.1 Questionnaire..................................................................................................................11
Chapter four: Conclusion and Recommendation...........................................................................28
4.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................28
4.2 Recommendation............................................................................................................28
4.3 Analysis and reflection...................................................................................................29
Impact of Brexit on Hospitality and Catering Sector: A Case Study on Thistle Hotel_3

Section One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
The change in the UK immigrate system which are helpful for considering different
aspect and make sure to work and manage the society. As the new law about the UK
employees that any of the low skilled or Non-UK employee who are earning less than 20,480
euros won’t be allow in UK. This new change will make the high impact on the hospitality
industry of UK, as most of their employee are Non-UK workers to fill the entry level jobs.
Further after facing the impact of covid-19 in UK, many of the employees leave country and
go to their home countries to safeguard themselves (Duong and et.al., 2020). There are lots of
impact which are highly related to the growth and achievement in the companies to work and
manage the sources of different food prices, consume confidence, are declining which make
the declining growth in the hospitality and catering industry. This research will be helpful for
the companies like Thistle hotel to work and manage their valuable staff to gain the
confidence of the employee and make sure to work on the basis of the management and
growth process. Due to the lockdown and many other views of the life it has been related to
make sure for creating a temporary job profile and make a pool of available applicants and try
to overcome the challenges with high labour and employee’s activities.
1.2 Rationale of the study
This research has to be done for helping the hospitality and catering industry in UK,
as this research report will be helpful for the growth and achievement of the company. To
improve the audience support and serve more valuable customer is needed to be done by this
report structure. With the help of this research, many of the hospitality industry are able to
understand effective policies to make the change accordingly (Portes, 2016). This is the main
reason to conduct this study as with the help of this study, the nature and impact of the covid-
19 and brexit policies are evaluable and seems effectively through the major changes and
growth in applicability.
This could be related to the growth and achievement of the companies who are
working and providing their services in hospitality and catering services. Many of the
customer are not that must sure for using outdoor services, but it has been related to the
growth and measurement of the company and work as per the growth and need of the hotels
(Pardo-García and Barac, 2018). Further it could be related to addressing problem solution, to
Impact of Brexit on Hospitality and Catering Sector: A Case Study on Thistle Hotel_4

make the impact of Covid-19 and brexit on the UK based hospitality workforce and issues
face in the market.
1.3 Significance of the study
With the help of this study it has been related to the major changes and growth to
recover the challenges and make sure to work and attract the new customer and employees
for the growth of the sector. The economic output has been slow down in 2020 of the sector
which are highly related to corona various restriction and make a pre-pandemic level in the
growth and objectivity of the growth and level of organisation. One of the major significance
of this research is that many of the government in UK are support the culture and need in the
hospitality sector and make new guidelines for the essential growth and achievement in
marketing concept (Duarte Alonso and Kiat Kok, 2020). With the help of this research, many
of the hotels are able to make empower the team growth, do more with the less resources and
having the better visibility in the hotel industry to make growth and solve problems for the
company and its possible growth.
With the proper research growth and achievement in the complexity of hospitality
industry, it has been related to the growth for the problem’s solution and make more
development opportunities which they can easily get a set up for the achievement and
industry process of the company.
1.4 Structure of the research
The main structure of the report will include the basic assumption and achievement in
the research aim and objective and conclude the basic growth in market. First chapter is
related to the introduction and background of the research. Second will be related to literature
review and third will be related to research method that would be related to major changes
and growth in the market (Hwang, Shan and Looi, 2018). It will make the impact on the
independent and depend variable for the growth of the market research. After that primary
analysis is conducted and make sure to work and manage the effective adaptability to relate
the sources to work the primary outcome and make effective adaptability in the management
and effective sources.
1.5 Hypothesis theory
This sector will be helpful for the company to work and manage the overall impact
and growth that could be related to existing market study of hospitality and make sure for
work and manage sources on the hospitality industry. It could be related to make strategic
Impact of Brexit on Hospitality and Catering Sector: A Case Study on Thistle Hotel_5

changes to make the brexit for the growth of covid-19 and it will lead to the focus on the
management and process of the hotel to lead more success and growth.
1.6 Problem statement
The major change and impact on the brexit and covid-19 in UK and make high strike
in hospitality and catering sector. The chosen research will be able to understand and analysis
the problem for working effectively on this situation and make possible solution for this
(Alexander and et.al., 2018). After seeing the pandemic and covid-19 impact, it has to be
taken that many of the companies are able to work and aspect the basic need of the company
to work and manage the impact. Which are going higher and higher in the hospitality and
catering sector.
1.7 Key Concept:
The main concept of the research are able to explain two major points:
Brexit: It is the combine word for Britain and exit which are highly related to the
growth and achievement in the success factors. This word means that EU are able to leave the
union and make sure to work on the UK for working new and implemented policies.
Covid-19: It is a virus and disease that can be caused by a new strain and make
effective coronavirus which are first seems in 2019. So its name make Covid-19 or the novel
Import and export policies: These are the policies which are helpful and effective for
the growth of different guidelines and make preferred good impact on the existing market and
value of the covid-19.
1.8 Aim
“To analyse the impact of Brexit on hospitality and catering sector: A case study on:
Thistle Hotel”.
1.9 Objective
To analyse the impact of Brexit on hospitality and catering sector.
To discuss the negative and positive impact of Brexit in the market of UK and
To reflect on the changes which have come on import and export due to Brexit in the
Impact of Brexit on Hospitality and Catering Sector: A Case Study on Thistle Hotel_6

To understand the further measures and techniques which hospitality and catering
sector must take to be able to operate effectively.
To study on the positive and negative impact of Brexit and focus on this aspect and
not Covid-19 which is the current issue which UK is facing. Import and export policies and
laws have changed which also must be addressed so that there is going to be better
1.10 Research questions
What impact has Brexit got in hospitality and catering sector in UK?
What are the positive and negative impact of Brexit in the country and market?
What recommended measures for hospitality and catering industry to be able to
operate effectively?
1.11 Background of the company
Thistle hotel is the hotel which is run by glh, it is a UK based company which have a
portfolio of 8 central London hotel and one is Dorset. This was established in 1965 and
combine the traditional legacy which are highly related to the major changes and growth in
the hospitality and catering services. In 1997, major companies are able to make stock
exchange to become the Thistle hotel Plc which had value of 620 million euros (Evans and
Yusof, 2020). The main objective of the hotel is to deliver the best service in all over the UK
and earn some major benefits of customer high valuable service in the company to make sure
for earing profit and make changes as per the need and development of the company.
Thistle operate in the many of the luxury hotel in London and manage the source
which are related to the growth and management applicability for the growth of the major for
the growth of the company in UK. The management system of Thistle hotel are controlled by
Neil Gallagher and manage all the operation activities and employee relation with the
management to work and manage for the growth of company (Rodger, 2020). Their main aim
is to provide effective change in management and able to serve the five star luxury hotel in
management of the company and make management to work and growth in market.
Impact of Brexit on Hospitality and Catering Sector: A Case Study on Thistle Hotel_7

Chapter two: Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
Research methodology is the natural process which are highly effective and used for
the growth for collecting data and make effective strategies to make data interpretation on the
chosen data collection topic. It is the process which are helpful and useful for making
procedural activities’ on the impact of researcher. There are different way and enjoy which
are helpful for the researcher to conduct and analysis the ratio in between each strategies and
choose one single platform and layers in a right way (Huber, 2018). With the help of this
research it could be helpful for the growth and measurement of the researcher to conduct and
make a growth in the success to work and manage the effective changes in the role and
measure the growth in activity. It has majorly six layer which are described for completing
this research in an organised way:
3.2 Research Onion
Research Philosophies: This is the first layer of the research methodology that
actually help the researcher to collect the data with some authorised and collective form.
There are different type of philosophies are used and collected which include positivism,
realism, interpretivism and pragmatism. It is the set of belief which are mainly concerning the
nature e and technique of the outcome which are highly being invested on the different
Impact of Brexit on Hospitality and Catering Sector: A Case Study on Thistle Hotel_8

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