
Navigating Organizational Change


Added on  2020-07-22

10 Pages2858 Words43 Views
Resistance to Change
Navigating Organizational Change_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11. Critically discussing the range of different resistance literature and stating the reason formanger consider change as problem that gas to be managed.................................................1TASK 3............................................................................................................................................43. Analysing the ethical issues connected with power and resistance, presenting a applicableframework, identifying ethics of managerial and of resistant positions.................................44. Accessing the significance of managerial and resistant positions for achieving an effectivechange management event .....................................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
Navigating Organizational Change_2

INTRODUCTIONResistance to change refers to the action taken by person or group of people when they considerthat occurrence of change may lead to threat to them. Change resistance is the leaning Something torefuse change. There are two types of resistance to change these are individual and systematized changeresistance. Individual change refers to the individual refusal to accept changes. On the other handsystematic resistance to change include complete system to reject adoption of change.The objective of the study is to identify significant reason for resistance of change by people andorganisation. The report has focussed on analysing the relationship between resistance and power incircumstances of change in business unit.(Ika. and Saint‐Macary, 2012) Chelsea supermarketorganisation has been selected in order to access the significance of manager and other members atdifferent position who are responsible for ensuring effective implementation event of changemanagement. Analysing and evaluating the reason for employees resist to change.( Buchanan andBadham, 2008)TASK 11. Critically discussing the range of different resistance literature and stating the reason for mangerconsider change as problem that gas to be managedResistance is an unavoidable response to major occurrence. Employees in Chelsea supermarketresist change in order to protect the status and position. They consider that the change in enterprise mayaffect their status and security. In Chelsea supermarket employees and manager will refuse technicaland administrative modification that may lead to elimination of their role in firm. Alteration in businessunit can create uncertainty and resistance in employees and manger which may further lead to difficultyin implementing business improvement. Employee’s response to alteration is affected by number offactors. These elements are staff members' participation in decision making activity, employee’s feelingand knowledge as well as communication. These constituents assist Chelsea supermarket in identifyingworker’s reaction during implementation of change in the firm.(Conway and Monks. 2011).The other reason is non modify motivational system. Workers in Chelsea supermarket are beingrewarded for their outstanding performance .When the employees do not get satisfying reward forimplementing successful change then they naturally refuse alteration.1
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