
Planning and Managing Resources


Added on  2023-06-14

14 Pages3654 Words141 Views
Planing and Managing
Planning and Managing Resources_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Question 1........................................................................................................................................3
a) Whilst considering the best service user outcomes, discuss how to utilise the concept of
resource planning to free-up enough resources for the expansion of the ICU............................3
b) Analyse at least three different sources of funding to be explored for effectively making
resources available for the expansion of the ICU.......................................................................5
Question 2........................................................................................................................................7
Critically discuss the concept of Project Management in relation to how it may contribute to
the effective management of resources, to free-up resources for the expansion of the ICU in a
short-, medium- and long- term..................................................................................................7
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................10
Planning and Managing Resources_2

Resource Planning means that process which leads upon making identification done through
allocating different business resource required to be used within particular project. It helps in
ensuring over using resources in more effective manner. The main aim of resource planning
deals over maximizing resources in such manner that its develops efficiency in completing task
more effectively. Through resource planing health care sector made positive approach towards
pandemic situation making impact of COVID reduced. Scope of resource planing is wider since
it directly impacts functioning of healthcare. In this file the hospital that has been taken is North
Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust founded in the year 1910 and operates within London. The file
based upon two questions first questions has two parts related over free-up enough resources and
y make resources available for hospital expansion. Second part deal with effective management
of resources, to free-up resources for medium and long term use.
Question 1
a) Whilst considering the best service user outcomes, discuss how to utilise the concept of
resource planning to free-up enough resources for the expansion of the ICU.
The concept of resource planning in relation to health care is based upon those process
which helps in defining about resources and procedures required to be followed within
healthcare to attain professionalism within the sector (Polancos, 2018). The motive behind
resource planning in the sector of healthcare has helped in identify about requirements of
resources which makes patient's care and welfare introduced more effectively. It helps in making
goals and objectives achieved more effectively that has been set by an hospital like North
Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust. Through resource and planning facilities has been provided by
the hospital in the time of COVID 19. It has made various issues to be solved more effectively
by using appropriate resources making problem related to ICU deal more effectively. Also it
helped in taking right action which made resource availability possible during the time of peak of
COVID. Through resource planning better facilities were provided to patients infected form the
COVID 19. The concept of resource planning has helped in making reflecting about frequency
which is present within country. Also it has been dealing with various facilities related to
arranging resources for ICU making it safe for COVID patients and non COVID patience. The
Planning and Managing Resources_3

term has been used in order to develop different perspective making design for managing ICU
during COVID. In relation over North Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust resource planning makes
needs of patience understood during COVID 19 which made ICU to be converted in special
wards which made dealing possible with rising cases of COVID 19. This made staff, doctors,
nurses and workforce work with more caution towards COVID patient. It has made allocation
and anticipation don about the resources to be used by the hospital for converting ICU into
COVID ward. There are various steps required to be followed by managers of North Middlesex
Hospital NHS Trust for resource planning discussed as follows:
Analysis Plans and Objectives
This is the first step which has been used in order to make basic plans about availability
of resources and equipments needed within the COVID wards. It helps in making goals to be
specified for manager of hospital. Through making plans resources are arranged on time as per
the condition arise due to COVID within hospitals. Also analysing objectives makes situation of
COVID 19 understood better by managers of North Middlesex Hospital NHS Trust.
Management of resources
It is second step which has been used for managing of resources in more effective manner
which helps in making task completed without any problem(Li, Wang and Pei, 2021). It helps in
creating COVID wards with better facilities and helps in converting ICU into COVID wards to
deal with sever COVID cases.
Establishing action plan
This is one of the most effective step which makes proper structure to be developed in
relation over making ICU changed into COVID ward. Also through action plan better treatment
provided to COVID patience.
There are certain important resources which requires to be used by North Middlesex
Hospital NHS Trust which are explained as follows:
Material resources
These resources are based over arranging materials like sanitizer, vaccines, medicine and
other important things to be used by COVID patience. Also these resources helps manager in
proving treatment as per NHS guidelines for COVID.
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