
Assignment on Respiratory System | 1


Added on  2022-10-08

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The change in upper airways is identified during
pregnancy that result in nasal obstruction, sinusoidal
and nasal polyposis.
During the third trimester, major changes is observed
in the airway mucosa leading to friability, hyper
secretion, hyperemia and mucosal edema of the upper
airway mucosa.
The pregnant women also suffers from chronic or
recurrent head colds and due to the enlarged uterus
major changes is observed in the lung volume (Booth
and Potisek 2019).
Estrogen, the pregnancy hormone, increases edema
and tissue hydration. Estrogen also leads to capillary
congestion, hyper secretory and hyperplastic mucous
Total lung capacity decreases during pregnancy and
airway closure might take place.
The total pulmonary resistance is decreased by 50%
but the lung compliance is unaffected.
The production of carbon dioxide and consumption of
oxygen increases during pregnancy.
These changes of the respiratory system during
pregnancy is observed to produce more negative
health outcome in patient suffering from asthma. As
stated above the hormonal change during pregnancy
affects the nose and the sinus as well the lungs of the
patient which tends to worsen the symptoms of the
The estrogen during pregnancy is also observed to be
increase which is responsible for the occurrence of the
stuffy nose, which is usually observed during the 3rd
trimester of the pregnancy.
The respiratory system is defined as the
series of organs that is accountable for
inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon
The respiratory system consists of three
crucial parts namely the airway, lungs
and the respiratory muscle.
The respiratory system also consists of
air passages, breathing muscles and
pulmonary vessels that assist in gas
exchange amongst the blood and air and
amongst the cells of the body and the
blood (Jaeger, Titus & Blank 2019).
The airway that consists of nose,
pharynx, mouth, larynx, bronchi,
trachea and bronchioles are included in
the structure of respiratory system and
also assist in carrying the air amongst
the exterior body parts and the lungs.
Foetal outcome
Asthma during pregnancy is supposed to increase the negative
health outcome in the fetus. During such condition, the
maternal health is also observed to be reduce. Their immunity
systems is increased thereby increasing the incidence rate of the
maternal infection which gives rise to negative fetal outcome
such as,
The uncontrolled asthma might severely affect the fetal
outcome and can also result in miscarriage during severe
asthma attack.
It can also result in pre-mature birth of the baby with
extremely poor growth both in terms of mental and physical
During pregnancy if the symptoms of asthma is not managed
appropriately, it can affect the birth weight of the fetus. The
birth weight of the fetus is observed to be very low which
increases the risk of disability and trouble breathing in future
or (Murphy et al. 2019).
In the mother is suffering from asthma during pregnancy, there
is possibility that the fetus can suffer from asthma-associated
health issues in their later phase of their future life.
Apart from these, asthma during pregnancy is also responsible
for elevating the perinatal mortality rate.
It also tends to inhibit the mental as well as physical
development of the fetus.
Rendering to the research conducted by (Hull & Cohen, 2019),
chronic health outcome such as, gestational diabetes and pre-
eclampsia, is also observed in the fetus associated with
maternal asthma.
Asthma is responsible for tightening up
the airways of the patient therefore making
it difficult to breath. In case of pregnant
women, the condition of asthma should be
under control to avoid any pregnancy-
related complications. Asthma in case of
pregnant women can lead to various
adverse impact in the health of the patient
as well as on the patient. Hence, immediate
management of as the in case of pregnant
individual is necessary to avoid the risk of
future harm. To ensure same several
management strategies can be stated such
To avoid any initial symptoms of asthma, it
is suggested that the pregnant women
must visit their healthcare provider on
regular basis and should share all the
concern or doubts to the practitioner.
In case of asthma in pregnant women,
taking medication is some time considered.
Harmful. However the patient should
consult the doctors and should take the
prescribed medication. Consumption of
medication of asthma during pregnancy us
considered to lower the risk of any chronic
condition (McLaughlin et al. 2019).
Active or passive both type of smoking is
considered to be harmful during asthma,
however during the pregnancy it is
supposed to produce more adverse impact
and might prove harmful for the mental and
physical health of the fetus. Hence,
smoking should be avoided during
pregnancy with the aid of different smoking
cessation technique.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease in case of
asthma can worsen the symptoms of
asthma. Hence, if the patient develops
Gastroesophageal reflux disease during
pregnancy. Hence, in order to manage that
the pregnant women must consume smaller
meals in the day and sleep in an elevated
position to reduce the symptom of asthma.
The healthcare provider must deliver
educational intervention to the patient
regarding asthma. With the aid of health
education the patient will be able to
recognize the warning signs of the harm
such as, shortness of breathing, coughing,
chest tightening and wheezing and should
report immediately to the practitioner.
The primary function of respiratory system
is to obtain adequate oxygen from the
exterior environment and provide to the cells
and exhale carbon dioxide known as
pulmonary ventilation. Hence, it assist in
The other function of respiratory system are
(Jaeger, Titus & Blank 2019) :
Exchange of gases amongst the
bloodstream and the lungs leading to
external respiration
Exchange of gases amongst the tissue of
the body and the bloodstream leading to
internal respiration.
Participation to maintain the acid-base
equilibrium within the body
Respiratory system aid in removing the
waste product from the body which can
later be lethal for the individual if
Management of the bioactive materials.
Maintaining the pulmonary metabolism
and defense
Booth, J., & Potisek, M, 2019, ‘Respiratory 18’, Obstetric Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Approach, vol. 94.
Hull, K., & Cohen, B. 2019, ‘Study Guide for Memmler's Structure and Function of the Human Body ,’
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Jaeger, J. M., Titus, B. J., & Blank, R. S. 2019, ‘Essential anatomy and physiology of the respiratory
system and the pulmonary circulation,’ In Principles and practice of anesthesia for thoracic surgery , pp.
65-92. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00859-8_4
McLaughlin, K., Jensen, M., Foureur, M., & Murphy, V. E, 2019, ‘Antenatal asthma management by
midwives in Australia—Self-reported knowledge, confidence and guideline use,’ Women and Birth.
Murphy, V. E., Jensen, M. E., Campbell, L. E., & Gibson, P. G, 2019, ‘Asthma: Interrelationships with
Pregnancy,’ In Asthma, Allergic and Immunologic Diseases during Pregnancy pp. 29-45. Springer, Cham.
Perales, M., Nagpal, T. S., & Barakat, R, 2019, ‘Physiological Changes During Pregnancy: Main
Adaptations, Discomforts, and Implications for Physical Activity and Exercise,’ In Exercise and Sporting
Activity During Pregnancy, pp. 45-56. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91032-1_3
Selberg, S., Hedman, L., Jansson, S. A., Backman, H., & Stridsman, C, 2019, ‘Asthma control and acute
health care visits among young adults with asthma–A population‐based study,’ Journal of advanced
nursing. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14174
(Hull & Cohen 2019)
(Perales, Nagpal and Barakat 2019)
(Perales, Nagpal
and Barakat 2019) (Selberg et al. 2019)
Assignment on Respiratory System | 1_1

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