2 1.What is the concept/issue? Responding and reporting involves identifying any signs or symptoms that could suggest that the abuse is taking place and devising an amicable approach plan that is beneficial to everyone. 2.How would you describe concept/issue In health care responding and reporting can be reported as the duty of health care professionals in safeguarding individuals from harm. 3.What does literature state about the concept/issue? In literature, professionals have to intervene by responding and reporting any suspected cases of abuse in vulnerable populations. However, the process of handling these cases should take into account the social, cultural and economic factors. 4.How can you relate to the concept/issue? How can you relate the concept/issue in your future profession? What is important to be aware of in your health profession? Relating the issues of health experts should understandthe social cultural dynamics in the Aboriginal communities and how they impact on the social relations to the mainstream community as well as health care needsas put forward byBennett 1. In Australian communities dealing with social segregation in a socially unequal society, the issue of reporting and responding should be approached with caution to avoid widening the rift. Thus, health care professionals have to ensure that whatever they do has no impact on the access to health care. 5.What are strategies/considerations for future practice based on this concept/issue?
3 In future practice, this issue will be addressed through the strategies of listening and understanding. Listening Listening gives the health care professional to grasp the issue and realize the impact of the condition on them. Understanding Understanding gives an expert to make the right decisions. References 1.Bennett D, Power A, Thomson C, Mason B, Bartleet BL. Reflection for learning, learning for reflection: Developing Indigenous competencies in higher education. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice. 2016;13(2):7.