
Assignment about Revenue Management


Added on  2022-09-18

8 Pages2008 Words25 ViewsType: 25
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Assignment about Revenue Management_1

Distribution channels in tourism and hospitality.............................................................................3
Direct channel -............................................................................................................................4
Indirect channel-..........................................................................................................................4
Emerging trends in in tourism and hospitality.................................................................................4
Overview of the current strategies...................................................................................................5
Assignment about Revenue Management_2

Revenue management is very important part of management in a hotel because this department
directly or indirectly affects other departments. The revenue manger is a person who is more
concerned towards developing pricing policies and estimating returns for hotels. Revenue
manger works watchfully with the sales group and managers of the hotel. The revenue managers
works for spas, motels, hotels and resorts. As the work performed by revenue manger is slight
challenging, it is essential to have some special skills.
Revenue manager should be analytical in nature. Good analytic skills help the revenue
manager in detecting trends, find incongruities and seek opportunities from the data. A
manager should treat data as his best comrade. He should go through the data and make
decisions in accordance to it. The revenue manager should not only analyze the data of
his own company/organization rather he should also be aware of the steps taken by other
organization existing in respective field (Aragon-Correa, Martin-Tapia, & de la
Torre-Ruiz, 2015).
Revenue manager should be open-minded and should possess the values of welcoming
new changes in the hotel. It completely depends upon the revenue manager how he
handles new changes. Good ideas can come from anywhere to anyone hence, the revenue
manager should speak to new people. The interchange of thoughts helps in understanding
and running the business in a better manner.
Lastly, the revenue manger should be able to understanding of big picture, which means
he should try to evaluate how a decision may affect others. Thus, it is essential to
understand things on wider notion rather than on individualistic level (Rajan, 2019).
Distribution channels in tourism and hospitality
Distribution channels acts as backbone of the tourism and hospitality sector. The channel of
distribution functions as a link between the clients and service providers. It generates place and
time utilities by traversing the gap between the time and place of construction and consumption.
The channels of distributing leads efficient marketing, this is because the mediators are special
Assignment about Revenue Management_3

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