
Rights of the Child: Ethical Dilemma


Added on  2022-11-14

10 Pages2795 Words359 Views
Political Science
Rights of the Child: Ethical Dilemma
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Rights of the Child: Ethical Dilemma_1

The Dilemma
The child named Mayah is always sleep in school after taking lunch as a result of being
tired an agitated. Her parents gave instructions that Mayah should not be given permission to
sleep because during night time at home she will not sleep. In taking into consideration that
Mayah is only two and a half years old, the educator gave her permission to sleep. In the process,
while asleep her parents visited and found her asleep. They became angry and went to the
director’s office and reported.
The dilemma is a situation that stands in between two opinions and that the opinions of
the two parties do not give an acceptable ethical position. In this case, a decision has to be made
for the benefit of the subject of contention. There are two characteristics of ethical dilemma. The
first characteristic is pure or absolute and explains a case where there are two ethically
acceptable opinions that can be adopted for solving an ethical dilemma and therefore creates
confusion of which one can be adopted. The approximate characteristic is another characteristic
which entails three entities and comprises a situation that needs a decision but the situation itself
is conflicting with the set regulations, acceptable values and policies.
In the case of Mayah, three dimensions are clear. The first dimension is that Mayah is
under the care of the institution and the institution has full responsibility of ensuring that she is
given all that pertains to her child’ rights based on established regulations. The second dimension
is the parents with the role of taking care of their child. Based on their understanding, they have a
full mandate over and above anybody. The third dimension is the educator. Being employed to
take care of children, she knows her roles as per his employment policies and that of taking care
of children.
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As a result, the essay examines the rationale taken to get a solution with the consideration
of children’s rights; the legal aspect that created dilemma to the three parties, the use of set
regulations and standards to clear the doubts in the dilemma, the professional perspective is
taken in arriving at a solution, the ethical doctrines adopted, philosophies, and conclusion.
The Rationale
As per ACECQA (2013), the government is stressing on the need to take care of children
particularly at the early stages of their development. The reason attributed to this is that when
properly taken care off at a younger age, they will be productive at the maturity age. Therefore a
task is passed to the parents, the early childhood institutions and early childhood educators
(ACECQA, 2013). As a result of this, standards and regulations have been set for early
childhood institutions. These standards require that every learning institution must meet as well
as ensuring that their staffs are aware and must apply to the later. Additionally, NSW Legislation
(2011) supports this by giving emphasis on children’s safety and health while at the learning
centers and of particular importance is on youngsters’ sleep and rest with focus on health, safety,
and welfare of children in the process of meeting the purposed need (education). The regulation
set standards that require every learning institution must provide ample space, resting and
sleeping space for children (NSW Legislation, 2011). Moreover, in ensuring this is implemented,
the standards clearly detail the role of the institution as well as those of their staff in ensuring that
children get their rights and the educator must ensure that children get rest and sleep when they
require. It warns that in case of violation, fine will follow of $1000 both to institution and
educator. In support of this, the UNCRC (2019) article (31) state that besides the rights of
protection, development, welfare, as and civil rights, the children also have the right to relax and
play (UNCRC, 2019). ECA (2019) asserted that children have the right to fair treatment, taken
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