
Risk Communication Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-05-30

33 Pages8087 Words69 Views
Running Head: ReportContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................2About Cricket in Australia...........................................................................................................................3Objectives of Project Report....................................................................................................................4Literature review on the Australian Cricket.................................................................................................5Guidelines for managing the risks.........................................................................................................10Research gaps............................................................................................................................................11Review of new literature............................................................................................................................11Risk management process.........................................................................................................................13Risk assessment.....................................................................................................................................16Risk Mitigation......................................................................................................................................17Risk Perception......................................................................................................................................19Risk communication:.............................................................................................................................19Secondary data information.......................................................................................................................20Suggestions...............................................................................................................................................25Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................27References.................................................................................................................................................291
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Running Head: ReportIntroduction Sports are playing very important role in the growth of the economy and the youth and it focusesalmost every aspect of the human being. In the world, there are a lot of games exists, but cricketis the most famous and popular games in Australia. There are lot of risks involved for the cricketwhile playing in the field such as on field injuries, fractures, broken jaws and many otherphysical injuries. In this report, we are going to analyze all the risks associated with the cricketsport in the Australia and how to manage all these risks are also discussed in this report.Basically this report talks about the previous studies and determines the gaps. There are manyclubs and associations established in Australia to attract the diverse population and to manage thegame by attracting more members. Moreover, cricket also focus on the indigenous communitiesand people with some disabilities. In the previous studies, there are many types of the sports riskhas been found in the different games like football, Cricket, hockey. According to the variousresearchers, most of the ports activities involve a chain of the risks at certain level even if theorganizations still implemented risk management policies. At the end of the report, some of thesuggestions are also provided. 2
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Running Head: ReportAbout Cricket in Australia Cricket is the most popular game in Australia and it is highly participated game. In this research,the main focus will be on the risk faced by the cricket sports in Australia and how to manage thatrisk in Australia. The objective of the report is to analyze the risk associated with this game andhow to mitigate those risks. The vision of the Australian cricket is to become the favorite sportfor all the Australian people and to achieve this vision, it is important to contact the Australia’sdiverse society by attracting a new fans and players to the game. The culture of the Australia isvery influential as it welcomes everyone to bring some common change in the Australian cricketteam. On the basis of the reports, there are 43.1% of people having at least one overseas bornparent and one fourth group members were born overseas. Therefore, cricket is the mostimportant of the culture of Australia. Moreover, it is seen that the Cricket maintain its automaticplace with the rise in the multicultural population in the Australian culture. Cricket is the leadingsport in Australia that attracts people of different ages, gender, countries and culturalbackground. There are many clubs and associations established in Australia to attract the diversepopulation and to manage the game by attracting more members. Moreover, cricket also focuson the indigenous communities and people with some disabilities. This can range from disabilityteams competing at an international level, or the Imperia Cup – a tournament for IndigenousAustralians [ CITATION Tre111 \l 1033 ].3
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Running Head: ReportObjectives of Project Report The main objective of this review is to conduct the literature review on the Australian cricket.The main focus of the report is on the below mentioned points:To determine the benefits of the Australian cricket To analyze the risk associated with the Australian cricket To find out how to manage the risks associated in the Australian cricket. 4
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Running Head: ReportLiterature review on the Australian CricketAccording to the Australian cricket policies and guidelines, there are many benefits ofparticipating in the match as well as many risks also involved in this game. Talking about thebenefits, then it can be physical, social and psychological. The physical benefits of the cricket arethat it improves the physical health of the people by controlling heart rates, muscle growth andalso improves bone density. Also, the problems such as obesity and weight problems can bereduced by participating in the cricket match. However, social benefits of participating in cricketare that, it helps in meeting a new people and developing a new friendship group. The best partof Australian Cricket team is that it helps the human beings to work in a team and develop thesense of responsibility and communication skills in the individuals. Lastly, the psychologicalpoints are increased in self esteem, development of the strategies, building confidence andconcentration skills. Stakeholders are the persons or individuals who can or affected by thepolicies, actions of the organization and objectives. A stakeholder in the organization can beinternal and external to the business. These stakeholders are in the vice versa situation wherethey can affect the business and also can affected by the business [ CITATION Cri151 \l 1033 ].In the previous studies, there are many types of the sports risk has been found in the differentgames like football, Cricket, hockey. According to the various researchers, most of the portsactivities involve a chain of the risks at certain level even if the organizations still implementedthe precautions. It is found that the risk management is the process where the governing bodiesneed to access the risks as well as implement the adequate measures to control these risks. Theresearchers and authors identified the five main steps of risk management. The risk managementplan involves various tasks and activities. Risk identification is the first step involved in the5
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Running Head: Reportprocess is to identify the risk in the organization that might affect the operations of theorganizations. Risk analysis is the next step to analyze the consequences of the risks that areidentified in the organizational performance. Evaluation of the risk means on the basis of the riskmagnitude; it is important to rank the risks to understand whether it is acceptable to theorganization or it needs some actions to minimize their effect. Risk response planning involvesthe treatment of the risk. The organization needs to build the risk mitigation strategies andpreventive plans at this step. Review and monitor the risk is the last step in the process. Thisreview and monitoring of the risks are important for the successful implementation of the plansin the organization [ CITATION Gam17 \l 1033 ].Risk context is like a background of the story which is very important within the organization.The risk context will help the organizations in creating the appropriate risk action plans.Basically, risk context helps in identifying the risks within the organization and it provides thebasis for the risk management process. There are two types of the risk contexts. One isoperational context which involves into the different operations in the business. Second one isthe strategic context that determines the risk associated with the environment. Strategic riskcontext determines the external factors that affect the working of the business. The risksidentified under the strategic context are like organizational relationships, laws, rules, proceduresand policies that exist within the organization. All these external factors like legal structurecannot be controlled by the organization. However, the establishment of the risk context isimportant in the management of the operational risks [CITATION AFL12 \l 1033 ].6
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Running Head: ReportThe report also reviews the previous literature that is related to the role of the corporategovernance in the risk management of the Australian Cricket. In the previous studies orliterature, the main focus is given on the theoretical framework of the corporate governance aswell as identified some of the related theories on the corporate governance in the sportsorganizations. From the organizational point of view, the main focus is given on the agencytheory, stakeholder theory and the stewardship theory which reflects the framework of thecorporate governance in the context of the Cricket teams and other sports teams [ CITATION Ins16 \l 1033 ].Many authors and researchers revealed that managing the risk in the sports organization is verydifficult and complex because the physical health of every team member is very important. TheAustralian cricket clubs and associations also need to plan, organize and manage all the risksassociated with the organization with a purpose to achieve the goals and objectives and playsafely. According to the scholars, the process of the risk management involves the number ofactivities such as the framing of risk, risk assessment, responding to those risks and in the endcontrolling and monitoring those risks. The simple process of the risk management has beenshown in the below picture.[ CITATION Bru18 \l 1033 ]. 7
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Running Head: ReportThe main problem faced by the sports clubs and organization is that they found it difficult tomanage the large volume of information and data. However, managing this large amount of datais the first step of the risk management process as it helps in the identification of the risks. Thisis the common viewpoint of all the researchers that, before managing the risks, identification ofthe risks is must. Risk managementwould not be possible without the identification of the risks.The reason behind this is that process of the risk identification involves the key activities such asthe source of risk, nature of risk, time period, expected outcomes and occurrence area. Everydetail of the risk is the basis for the risk mitigation strategies. According to the viewpoint of theZheng, risk identification is possible through number of ways such as organizational policies,training and information systems and the arrangement of the relevant information from the pastexperiences, people and skills [CITATION hoW15 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, on the basis of the integrity and confidentiality, all the threats and impacts of theserisk associated with the sports organizations can be categorized in four different groups. These8
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