
Road Fund Administration Case study 2022


Added on  2022-10-01

48 Pages15835 Words21 Views
FinanceMaterials Science and EngineeringPolitical Science
Running head: BUSINESS LAW
Implementing COBIT 5 Framework as a Mechanism of IT Governance: A Case Study of
Road Fund Administration with Respect to its Current IT Governance Framework, Standards,
and Processes
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author Note
Road Fund Administration Case study 2022_1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background......................................................................................................................3
1.2 Problem Statement...........................................................................................................5
1.3 Research Aim...................................................................................................................6
1.4 Research Questions..........................................................................................................6
1.5 Research Objective......................................................................................................6
1.6 Rationale of the Research............................................................................................7
1.7 Structure of the Research.............................................................................................8
1.8 Summary..........................................................................................................................9
Chapter 2 - Review of Literature.............................................................................................10
Chapter 3 – Research Methods................................................................................................25
Research Philosophy............................................................................................................25
Research Design...................................................................................................................25
Data Collection.....................................................................................................................26
Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................27
Data Sampling......................................................................................................................27
Sample Size..........................................................................................................................27
Limitations of the Research.................................................................................................27
Ethical Considerations for the Research..............................................................................28
4. Chapter 4 – Findings and Analysis.....................................................................................30
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4.1. Theme 1 – Meeting the Needs of the Stakeholders.......................................................30
Theme 2 – Governing IT from an End to End Enterprise Perspective................................32
Theme 3 – Application of a Single and Integrative Framework..........................................33
Theme 4 - Facilitating a Holistic Approach.........................................................................35
Theme 5 – Separation of IT Governance from General Management.................................36
5. Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Recommendations..................................................................41
5.1. Recommendations.........................................................................................................43
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1. Introduction
1.1 Background
The corporation involved in this case is the Road Fund Administration (RFA), which is a
public sector company. The recognition of the corporation has been extended by the Act of
the Parliament of Namibia dated 1st April, 2000. The objective of this was to specify a
mandate for the purpose of attaining the Namibian Road User Charging System (RUCS) and
the Road Fund. The view with which this research was required is the assurance of the safety
and adequacy that can support the road sector. The RFA consists of a strong senior
organisation which has engaged highly accomplished along with skilled and capable
employees (Petrus and Krygsman 2018). This strong senior organisation has been working
towards attaining fitness as well as maintenance of infrastructural development. The IT
environment of the RFA is identified to be stable. This stability of the IT environment has
resulted in many successes relating to technology with respect to innovation as well as
management. There has been no rapid growth of knowledge which has the consequence of
increasing the efficiency that is essential for the initiatives and to merge all the obtainable
evidences. These achievements have been met by the RFA with the efficient exploitation of
the diverse methods as well as capital (Nekongo 2018). The senior management pertaining to
the RFA is of the opinion that the development of an information technology supremacy
outline is needed, which should be solitarily as well. This has been suggested by the senior
management belonging to RFA, for the purpose of eradicating the several frameworks as well
as standards that have been undertaken to be applied all through the years. There has been a
desire of the senior management of RFA to carry out a research study of comprehensive
nature for the purpose of analysing the criticality as well as efficiency with respect to the
application of COBIT 5 outline and to inform of a mechanism to assist it in the governance at
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the RFA (Mohanan and Menon 2016). The analysis needs to be based on the comparison that
can be drawn with respect to the present IT governance Framework with that of the COBIT 5
along with the standards, procedures and the present status quo.
COBIT 5 depicts a framework that has been developed by the Information Systems Audit
and Control Association (ISACA). This system has been formulated for the purpose of
ensuring management as well as governance in relation to information technology (IT). The
main objective behind the COBIT 5 framework was to extend a commonly used language to
the business executives in order to make effective communication amongst themselves
regarding objectives, goals and consequences. The chief intentions underlying the
development of COBIT 5 can be summarised in the following way (Patón-Romero et al.
2017). Firstly, the system has been formulated for ensuring accuracy of the information for
the purpose of supporting decisions relating to the business. Secondly, the implementation of
the same has been backed with the objective of achieving strategic goals using the assistance
of information technology. Thirdly, this Framework has been designed for the maintenance of
the operational excellence using the technology in an effective manner. Fourthly, it has been
intended to keep the risks relating to information technology to an acceptable level. Fifthly, it
has been designed to bring down the cost relating to information technology services. Lastly,
it has been adopted to maintain compliance with the regulations and legal principles of the
country (Bartens et al. 2015). Presently, the COBIT 5 framework has assumed the status of a
standard practice in the industry for the governance and management of information
technology. Previously, it had been developed under the name of Control Objectives for
Information and related Technology. The COBIT 5 has been more concerned about the
creation of business value. This framework consists of five principles that requires the
satisfaction of the needs of the stakeholders, covering the end to end of an enterprise,
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application of the single integrated framework, ensuring holistic approach and making a
separation of management from the governance (Wilkin et al. 2016).
The present system that has been covering all the aspects relating to the business as well as
revenue streams of RFA is a five-year Integrated Strategic Business Plan, which has been
implemented from the years 2019 to 2050. The pillars of corporate governance that have been
implemented by RFA are the NAMCODE and the KING III. These structures have been
implemented to extend support to the day to day affairs of the business and streamline the
operations. However the support extended by the recent structure of governance does not
support the IT governance to its entirety and has been proven to be ineffective in certain
circumstances (Huygh et al. 2018). All these inadequacies pertaining to the present system of
governance has paved way for the need for introduction of COBIT 5 by the senior
management of RFA. This particular framework provides a more efficient governance to the
organisation and strives to address and remedy all the internal limitations that have existed in
the previous governance system. The people would strive to analyse the present structure of
governance implemented by the RFA. It will discuss the inadequacy that the senior
management has been facing regarding the present structure of governance framework. It will
also discuss the need for introducing the COBIT 5 IT governance framework within RFA. In
doing that, this paper would point out the advantages of COBIT 5 over any other IT
governance framework (Murad et al. 2018).
1.2 Problem Statement
The IT governance framework that has been implemented by the RFA is a five-year
Integrated Strategic Business Plan running from 2015-2019. The pillars of these corporate
governance Framework are KING III and NAMCODE. These are concerned with the day to
day business operational support and streamlining operations. However, it has been found by
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the senior management in many instances that the government support was not effective
enough to address all the situations. Several inadequacies have been found in the present
corporate governance Framework used by the organisation. This has made the senior
management to consider the implementation of COBIT 5 as an IT governance and
management framework in the organisation. This is because COBIT 5 has many advantages
over any other corporate governance and management framework existing. There is a
demand in the RFA to implement COBIT 5 as their corporate governance framework to
address all the inadequacies that have been prevailing in the present framework.
1.3 Research Aim
The sole objective of this paper is to present an analysis and evaluation of the
implementation of COBIT 5 as an IT governance and management framework in the RFA
and pointing out the inadequacies that have been identified with the present framework.
1.4 Research Questions
The key questions that will be addressed are:
What are the IT Governance Framework and standards that have been prevailing in
the RFA and whether these framework and standards are adequate to upkeep the IT
objectives of the RFA business?
Whether the IT Governance Framework that has been prevailing in the RFA is
effective and successful in supporting the IT commercial goals, in optimizing the
assets of the business and in addressing the risks relating to IT suitably?
What business benefits are supposed to be realized by the proper implementation
of the COBIT 5 charter in the RFA?
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1.5 Research Objective
This paper would analyse the effect of the implementation of COBIT 5 framework within
the RFA in the form of a mechanism of IT governance in place of the present governance
framework. Certain objective that need to be satisfied for the purpose of attaining the same.
These are enlisted in the following few pointers:
To evaluate the growing demand for the implementation of COBIT 5 as the IT
Supremacy Framework within the RFA in place of the present IT governance in
use. This will be attained by way of primary research bundled with the literature
To determine the advantages that might be accrued by the implementation of
COBIT 5 as the IT Supremacy Framework within the RFA in place of the present
IT governance in use. This aim would be achieved by data collection and the use of
secondary research processes.
To arrive at an inference regarding the advantages that might be accrued after the
implementation of COBIT 5 as the IT Supremacy Framework within the RFA in
place of the present IT governance in use. This would be addressed in the
conclusion section of the paper.
1.6 Rationale of the Research
The research rationale relating to this paper is to evaluate the need for the implementation
of the implementation of COBIT 5 as the IT governance and management framework within
the RFA. It will analyse the present IT governance framework that has been implemented in
the RFA. This paper would detect the inadequacies that have been faced with the usage of the
present framework. It will also provide a discussion on the advantages that COBIT 5 has over
the other frameworks. The COBIT 5 framework has assumed the status of a standard in the
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