
Importance of Human Resource Department and Motivation: A Case Study of Rolls Royce


Added on  2023-06-07

4 Pages1269 Words375 Views
Table of Contents
Human Resource Department..........................................................................................................1
Motivational theories.......................................................................................................................2
Case Study of Rolls Royce..............................................................................................................3
References .......................................................................................................................................4
A company compromises of several different functional bodies working together
smoothly, all intending towards the progression of the enterprise. One of these functional body is
human resource department which deals with all the problems and matters that are related to the
employees of the company. Tasks undertaken by human resource management are such as
motivating employees, recruiting the best staff according to the vacancy, resolving conflicts that
rise among colleagues etc. In order to motivate the employees there are many types of plans and
strategies implied to get satisfactory results. Rolls Royce is an luxurious car providing company
founded in year 1998 which has been using various methods to motive its employees.
Human Resource Department
A part of company which is solely dedicated towards the human resource that is the
workforce of the company be it labours, employees, head of various departments etc is called
human resource department(Rana and Sharma, 2019). It is a very vital and inseparable part of
any organisation in order to work smoothly and prevention from chaos. This management
performs various important tasks for the manpower of the organisation like employees hiring and
training, maintaining managerial and labour relations, communicating goals, motivating staff and
many more.
Importance of Human Resource Department and Motivation: A Case Study of Rolls Royce_1

First step towards success is being properly determined and motivated to perform the job
perfectly. Motivation means believing in the reasons towards the job at hand that is having utter
confidence in the job that has been allotted(Grant and Shandell, 2022). For an company the
meaning of motivation for its staff is having clear estimate about the company's goals and
objectives and believing in them. This is done by the human resource department of the company
for its employees, managers, labours etc. A company with demotivated staff is most probable to
fail while on the other hand a company with motivated and determined staff which believes in
their goal will definitely grow.
Motivational theories
Human resource management or HRM uses many types of ideas, plan and techniques for
motivating the employees which are known as motivational theories. There are many types of
motivational theories available for the company such as Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory,
McClelland's Need Theory, Theory X and Theory Y and a few more. Two of most used theories
are been elaborated below:
Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory: Abraham Maslow published his paper in year 1943
in which described about motivating human beings with the help of five different levels
of human satisfaction(Shen and et al, 2021). These five different levels are in order;
physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongings, self esteem and lastly self
acquisition. This theory suggest that for motivating any human being the lower level
should be satisfied first before moving to next stage, and an individual can be motivated
in the order described in five stages by Maslow. This theory has proved out to be most
used and effective strategy so far by HRM for motivating the employees.
Herzbergs 2-way theory: It is also known as dual factor theory as in this theory two
main factors are focused by the Human Resource Management namely; motivators and
dissatisfiers (Gurunathan, 2021). Both of these elements are the aspects present in the
office or work place which either motivate or demotivate the employees. Motivators
include elements like promotion, job status, opportunities for advancements and many
more while dissatifiers includes low wages, conflict among colleagues, bad supervision
Importance of Human Resource Department and Motivation: A Case Study of Rolls Royce_2

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