Critically analyse an Intermediate Phase learner in terms of barriers to education, school context and inclusion in classroom. Include the background of the learner, specific barriers, risk and protective factors, teacher perspective and practical implications.
Guidelines/pointers for this task:
• Use Bronfenbrenner’s ecological approach as the theoretical foundation of your discussion. You can also mention the development theories again where relevant.
• You can either use a learner that you had contact with OR you can use a fictitious learner.
• Here is the proposed structure of the case study:
o The context and background of the learner (include demographic and geographic details, and also include other relevant information that would support your case study.
o Barriers/Challenges as they present in the child, the child’s immediate environment, the exosystem and the macrosystem.
o Risks and protective factors
o Teacher’s perspective (you as teacher or the current teacher if applic