
Assignment on Safety and Risk Management


Added on  2020-04-07

9 Pages3006 Words36 Views
Leadership ManagementPolitical Science
SAFETY AND RISK MANAGEMENTIntroduction: Work place descriptionKenoss had been given a contract by the ACT Government to carry out work relating tothe resurfacing activities. This means the work assigned to Kenoss was that of constructionindustry (Employsure, 2015). The company had two sites one in which was the main site and theother one served as a store. It is evident that construction industries like that of kenos areimportant contributors to the economy of any country. In fact they are viewed as key drivers ofeconomic growth more so in the developing countries. This industry is of relatively laborintensive nature and therefore the opportunities are quite many in this field. Some laborers maybe skilled, unskilled or even semi-skilled (Aneziris et al., 2009). With the kind of work done atconstruction sites the environment therein is often considered risky and there are often many illhealth problems to the staffs as well as high rates of accidents. These risks are not just for the employees alone but also end users and other practitioners.In all this regard the knowledge on the management of the health and safety risks at the sites hasalways been minimal as it was in the case of kenos and the project manager present at the sitei.e. Al-Hassan. For any construction company to ensure that work has been done well there is theneed to identify quality expectations and they should be communicated visually to all theworkforces (Hassan, Obasha and Hanafi, 2007). It’s hence the duty of managers to encourageemployees to regularly measure themselves and determine how they perform on a daily basis.This seems not to be the case with the Kenoss Company. Health hazards at construction sitesConstruction sites are very important in any economy however they are among the mostrisky places for any individual to work in. this therefore calls for a lot of cautiousness to be1
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SAFETY AND RISK MANAGEMENTexercised every time anyone is at the site either handling materials in either form or just even ona site visit with other interests (Giang and Low Sui Pheng, 2010). Workers in such sites are oftensubject to many ill health problems and fatalities. Most of the construction activities whetherbuildings, roads etc are a risk to safety and health and this could be but not limited to workingundergrounds, on heights, doing work in places that are confined or even in close proximity tomaterials that are likely to fall, the handling of heavy loads in a manual manner, handling anduse of substances that are hazardous, too much noise, dusts use of risky equipment and exposureto live electric cables as in the study case (Ismail and Ghani, 2012). After mining sites construction sites are ranked the second most dangerous workingenvironments in many countries (Charles, Pillay and Ryan, 2007). Through major accidents andworking conditions that are poor there has been an increase of deaths, severe injuries anddisabilities that are permanent in the past years. This indeed sends a signal of negligence tohealth and safety regulations either on the part of companies involved or people at the sites(Doloi, 2009). Such increased scenarios are becoming a threat to the growth of this industrysince most laborers are shying away from taking up jobs in various sites. How to handle safety and health risks at a construction siteWith the risks mentioned above there is need to device means of handling them withintime so as to prevent them from occurring or to reducing the extent of the damages caused.Therefore the main focal point of dealing with such hazards is to use communication means aswell as control strategies (Hallowell and Gambatese, 2010). These techniques are believed toreduce ill health problems and accidents. Once a construction company adopts a risk assessmentstrategy, good and prompt communication means then the risks can be managed, transferred,minimized, accepted or shared with ease. It’s through risk assessment strategies that the degree2
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SAFETY AND RISK MANAGEMENTof risks that employees may face due to an exposure to safety and health hazards can be used tomake an establishment of what can be used to control or rather reduce risks and offer protectionto the health of involved parties. Using risk assessment, communication and control those peopleinvolved in the project at the site are able to get information and be educated on the actions to betaken in case of a risk (Maytorena et al., 2007). People are also able to get early warnings of anydisasters ad how emergencies can be handled. This therefore indicates that risk assessment,communication and control are the cornerstones of the legislation dealing with health and safety. There are work health and safety laws and acts that have been put in place however theseacts are not that effective in many countries. This is because there is very little knowledge inregards to an industry’s response and especially the practices that need to be used for the healthand safety risk assessments as well as communication (Wu, Gibb and Li, 2010). People do notknow how to deal with hazards on time to save the victims from fatal accidents, disabilities anddeaths. The processing of risk information is also unknown to many. The lack of such crucialinformation and also good experience has set limits on the risk intervention processes that aim atthe improvement of health and also the work environment is safe. There is need to identifysafety and quality expectations and set achievable goals (Kikwasi, 2010). All theseconsiderations can then be integrated into a project plan at the site which is cohesive. Thisensures that everyone t the site is fully aware and responsible to be engaged in the proactiveplans for any looming workplace hazards.What happened and how SAFEWORK resolved the issue in the case studyThis is a case perceived to be negligence of the health and safety measures atconstruction sites. The case was between a project manager Munir Al-Hasani and KenossContractors. The ACT government contracted Kenoss to carry out the resurfacing of roads.3
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