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Sales Management Trends and Strategies


Added on  2020/11/23

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This assignment delves into current trends shaping the field of sales management. It examines various aspects such as the impact of technology, the rise of social selling, the importance of data analytics, and the changing customer landscape. Students are tasked with analyzing academic literature and real-world examples to understand how these trends influence sales strategies, salesperson roles, and overall organizational success.

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 1
TASK 1....................................................................................................................................... 1
Principles and definitions of sales management........................................................................1
Scope and key aspects of sale management at Argos................................................................2
Different tasks of sales person at company...............................................................................3
Sales department member’s roles at Argos............................................................................... 3
Stages of customer buying behaviour process..........................................................................4
Difference between B2C and B2B sales procedure...................................................................5
Benefits of technologies such as social media, Argos app and skype........................................6
Sales incentives or sales promotions on Argos websites...........................................................6
TASK 2....................................................................................................................................... 8
Benefits of sales structure in Argos.......................................................................................... 9
Structure and roles of Argos sales team.................................................................................... 9
UK and EU legislations that help Argos to organized its sales department.............................11
Sales channels ......................................................................................................................... 9
Different types of sales structure............................................................................................ 10
Reader notes-............................................................................................................................. 11
Structure and roles of Argos sales team-................................................................................12
UK and EU legislations that help Argos to organized its sales department-............................12
Sales channels-....................................................................................................................... 13
Different types of sales structure-........................................................................................... 13
TASK 3 is covered in PPT........................................................................................................ 14
TASK 4 ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Finance of Selling.................................................................................................................. 14
CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................... 15
.................................................................................................................................................. 16
REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................... 17
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Sales management is considered as business discipline which
focuses on applicable application of sales techniques. This section of sales
department managed entire functions of sales of company effectively (Arnet
and Wittmann, 2014). The present report is based on Argos company which
is located in Holborn, they provide its better services to customers with the
help of sales management. This study explain definition, principles, scope
and key aspects of sales management and also define tasks of any sales
person at Argos. It clarifies different roles of sales department members and
stages of customer buying behavior process. This report explain difference
in B2B and B2C and also justify benefits of technologies such as social
media and other. It explains benefit of sales structure, role of sales team,
UK and EU legislation in context of sales operations and also justifies
different sales structures, sales channels. This study define how key
principles and techniques contribute to build and manage customer’s
relationship and also explain sales strategies of Argos.

l Principles and definitions of sales management
I) Definition
The area within businesses focuses on practical applications of sales
methods and management of company’s sales operations and functions are
known as sales management. It is a business discipline that concentrate on
sailing activities and managed all the work related with sales effectively. On
other words, sales management is set of functions and procedures that
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helps to manage and aid sales operations. They managed each of the
actions in context of sales which contribute to achieved desired revenue of
company. Sales management means direction, planning and power of
personal marketing, including selecting, routing, recruiting etc.
I) Principles of sales management
Sales manager need to understand its products in context of sales
management that helps to serve it bests.
They have to managed the whole team or members of groups that
help to accomplish tasks at time. Sales manager involved in sales procedure that contribute to
managed each functions effectively.
l Scope and key aspects of sale management at Argos
Scope of sales management at Argos is very essential that drives the
entire sales program, there are some scope of sales management.
o Sales operation- sales operations include allocation and identification
of region to sales team. They monitoring and measuring team performance
and motivate staff to perform effectively (Rodriguez and, 2014). Sales
operation lead by example to support team close deals and achieve Argos
targets and put incentives in pocket.
o Sales analysis- Sales management understand and evaluate product
movement, measure which product is making most revenue. They
measured forecast versus that helps sales personnel to identify and take
disciplinary measures.
o Sales strategies- Sales strategies of sales management have got all
to do with products, price decision, positions and run promotion program.

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o Sales management need to focus on making new sales strategies
which is quite essential for Argos business growth and success. They have
to implement new techniques or methods that permit company to
consistently hit sales targets. They need to managed team of people which
help to perform the best and provide good services to customers.
l Different tasks of sales person at company
Argos is subsidiary of Sainsbury's company, they trade both through
online and physical shops (Rapp and, 2014). In organization sales
manager play many tasks which they need to perform and accomplish
Tasks of sales manager in Argos
Sales manager of organization is responsible for directing, overseeing
each operations of sales and planning new function and overseeing financial
business health. They managed all whole sales department and operate unit
or group of people within company. Sales manager duty is to lead work of
team of many people in some instances. They need to provide directions to
its staff members in operating unit in accordance with company procedures
and policies.
l Sales department member’s roles at Argos
Account executive- Account executive is known as traditional sales
representative; they play important role in Argo company. They provide
support for customers by learning about them and satisfy client’s needs.
Build long lasting and mutual beneficial connection with outside contacts
and inside departments to create good consumer experience.
Sales development rep- Sales development representative is
traditional caller sales rasps; they find new or different leads for accounting
executives. They uncover leads from different of sources, build contact list
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and reach out to contact to gauge its interest. Sales department is
responsible for making in business stronger.
Sales specialist- They help sales by developing proposals and
presenting demos, sales specialist play their essential role sales process
(Chapman, Schetzsle and Wahlers, 2016). They understand any
challenging situations of Argos and solve by making effective strategies.
Sales manager- Sales manager lead a team or group of people's,
they a whole team in Argos. Role of sales manager is to monitor each
functions and operations of entire sales management.
l Stages of customer buying behaviour process
There are the five stages of customer buying behavior procedure:
Problem identification: this stage is known as recognizing of unmet
requirements, need is force or source of buying behavior. Consumer buying
issues get arises only when their needs are not meet with products quality. If
unmet demands and problem is recognized buying problems will arise more
and more. Sales marketer of company need to identify consumers’ needs
and expectation towards them.
Information search: Consumer mostly like to collect information
about product and services of Argos, which is one of the second step of
customers buying behavior. People's lie to read newspapers, magazines,
visit dealer or showroom and watch TV that influence on clients buying
behavior the most.
Evaluation of alternative: most of the consumer compare or evaluate
brand products with another company goods that define the thirds step of
buying procedure. Consumer buy products only after evaluation which is
quite normal.
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Purchase decision: Thus, after evaluating products with other brand,
customers make buying decisions. They make up thought or mind to
purchase most preferred brand goods. Post purchase behavior: Clients buy or purchase goods with few
expectations, as its expectation influenced by degree of dissatisfaction/
l Difference between B2C and B2B sales procedure
There are the two types of selling modes such as B2C and B2B, B2C
is stands for businesses to consumer, it is one of the procedure that sell
products directly to clients. For example, Etsy or eBay is included in B2C
process. It is considered as e-commerce business model that is made up of
online forums where people can purchase and sell its products
(Khodakarami and Chan, 2014). B2B means businesses to businesses,
which refers to sales that make to another businesses more than to
individual customers. For example, cloud based document storage
organization Dropbox facilities are considered in Business to businesses.
Business to customers and businesses to businesses structure is
different from each other based on process of selling products. In B2C
company will directly connected to customers and sell its goods, it impacts
upon buyer. On the other hand, B2B is one of the most complex and difficult
system that directly impact upon seller roles.
Benefits of technologies such as social media, Argos app and
Technologies in business bring positive outcomes that helps to
increase profit and generate revenue. Social media, Skype and Argos
applications is one of the best technologies that helps to grab the attention
of customers and introduce products in front of consumer. Social media is

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very beneficial, it contributes to aware clients about Argos company
products (Bolander and, 2015.). Argos app is one of the best
technology that helps consumer to explore huge range of services or goods.
Skype is now in trend, many businesses for example Argos using this
technology that is much lower in costs and connect people directly to
company management and assure them about products quality. With the
help of skype production stay connected to their consumers and inform
about the changes in goods which is beneficial for Argos and build strong
relationship with them. Social media, Skype develop and improve
communication system between company and its consumers.
l Sales incentives or sales promotions on Argos websites
Argos company provide the best sale offers to its customer which
attract them the most, sales management take decision in context of sales
promotional activities. For example, they offer 20% off on indoor home
furniture that enhance customer buying behavior and attract them towards
products of Argos.
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Illustration 1: Argos sales promotion
(Source: Argos sales promotion, 2018)
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l Benefits of sales structure in Argos
Sales structure of company are divided into many parts in which many
people work and perform effectively according to their roles and
Marker research: Market research is one of the most essential thing
and important part of sales structure. Marketer of Argos conduct market
research to identify current trends and to analyses market environment
which helps to manufacture products. With the help of market research, they
can evaluate competitive environment which is very beneficial for business
growth and organization success in marketplace.
Identify customers: Identify consumer needs or expectation is very
essential because it helps to know more about people requirement and
demand. Identify needs is beneficial for Argos sales management which
helps to serve its best according to consumer’s needs.
l Structure and roles of Argos sales team
Sales team of company is responsible for meeting goals of organization that
helps for business growth in term of sales of products, services, subscription
and so on. Sales team structure include many members who play their role
within company.
Account executive- Account executive role is to serve their services
as direct connect between existing consumers and advertising agency, they
managed day to day operation of Argos in term of sales management. If

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they cannot perform its role it directly impacts on company financial budgets
and profit margin.
Sales development Rep- their role in Argos sales team is considered
as more of whole stages sales role (Varley,2014). They are primarily
responsible for bringing new opportunities that helps to expand business
rather than the others. But if sales development representative cannot lead
over high quality it influences upon organization market reputation.
l UK and EU legislations that help Argos to organized its sales
Sale of Goods Act 1979: This act refers to consumer rights which
apply to claims regarding faulty products purchased. EU Domestic
legislation: under this act European union set rules which need to be
implement by companies under their sales structure.
l Sales channels
o E commerce: it is one of the best way and effective sales channel
that helps Argos to bring its services and products to market.
Retail outlets: it is important for Argos to set their own shop and store
which helps to grab the attention of customers and also helps to deal with
them directly.
l Different types of sales structure
o Geographic is one of the sales structure, it brings employees and all
the staff members together in geographical divisions.
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Products sales structure, define organization wide area of selling their
products to different types of consumers across broad geographic area.
Reader notes-
Benefits of sales structure on Argos-
Making report: In sales structure of Argos sales executive make
report based on market research and identification of customer’s needs. It is
quite much beneficial to provide the best quality products and services of
Monitoring term work: The main and the most important step within
sales structure is monitoring and evaluating work or performance of team
members. Sales manager of Argos company monitor group working
performance and evaluate their effectiveness of work which is beneficial for
achieving desired goals and business objectives.
Action plan: After monitoring, making report, identify needs and
market research, action plan is considering as the late stage within sales
structure. Action plan increase After monitoring, making report, identify
needs and market research, action plan profitability and productivity of
company and also give benefit to increase financial budgets.
All the stage in sales structure are organized and well managed via
communication and team work.
l Structure and roles of Argos sales team-
Sales specialist- Sales specialist tend to work well and perform
higher than its expectation. They are expert in making plans which helps to
generate revenue of Argos more than the other. But if they do not explain
features and specification of services and products it effects Argos profit
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Sales manager- Sales manager role in Argos to makes businesses to
businesses visits, they develop plans to gain high revenue and also to gain
new consumers. But if they cannot assign appropriate sales territories to
team if affect company growth and change customer buying behavior the
l UK and EU legislations that help Argos to organized its sales
Sale of Goods Act 1979: Sales of goods Act 1979 helps Argos
company to managed their sales department. Under this act organization
need to manufacture quality product that meet with consumer needs. Clients
have the rights to check and chose good quality things which provide them
satisfaction and build strong relationship with brand. This Act is considered
as UK legislation which define customer rights. They required that the
companies like Argos provide products that is good in quality.
EU Domestic legislation:
It helps Argos sales management and improve their customer’s
relations the most.
l Sales channels-
E commerce: It is the most important part for company which helps
within sales operations. With the help of using e commerce sales channels
organization will directly stay connected with its consumers and provide
them good quality products.
l Different types of sales structure-
Geographic-It is beneficial for company as it brings all talented
workers together from different functional specialists.

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TASK 3 is covered in PPT
l Finance of Selling
Sales Strategy
Sales strategy is an approach of selling of company product and allow the company to
set the positioning of company product in the market. This positioning of Argos product
should be different from other and meaningful. These strategies are used by the
company to gain more profit.
The sales strategies used by the Argos are FastTrack, Argos Card Gift Card and
promotional code. These strategies used by the Argos are effective to improve the
productivity of company. The Argos card help the consumer to easily perform
shopping at Argo shop and customers can by daily groceries at Sainsbury by using
the Argo card (Åge, 2018). In Argo card the different useful offers are provided to
the consumer and that motivate the consumer by more at Argo. In the services like
Argo FastTrack the home delivery of the good is provided to the consumer and this
facility is available seven day a week and the charges of home delivery are too low.
This help the customer to get the required product without going out. This can
improve the productivity and revenue of company. In the Argo gift card strategy the
gift cards are provided to the consumer on huge amount purchase. This promote
the customer to perform more shopping at Argo. This can improve the profit of
company (Fernie, Fernie and Moore, 2015).
Principle of Selling and Portfolio Management in Profitability of Company
By the principle of selling and portfolio management the profitability and revenue of
the company can be improved. Through the portfolio management the decision
making of the Argos can be improved which can help the company to perform better
in market and this lead to improved profit and productivity. The portfolio
management can help to organization to implement the different policies to improve
the productivity and revenue of company (Fang, Huang and Karpoff, 2016).
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The principle of selling help to improve the selling of Argos product. This principle can
helps the company employees to improve the customer relationship. This better
relationship motivate the customer to buy more from the Argo and this improve the sells
of company which lead to improved company profit.
Recommendation to Improve the Sales Structure
By perform research of the customer mindset can help the company to build
better sales structure.
Always look for the opportunity to improve the sales of company.
By improving the communication with customer will be helpful to improves the
sales structure.
By learning from mistakes can help Argo to perform better in the sales.
By improvise the listening skills can help the Argo to improve the service at
By understanding the customer behaviour to provide them with right choice.
To show the positive the company need to improve the sales data which can
state the success of company.
Provide more offer to the loyal consumer can improve the consumer retaining
By providing incentive to the employee can improve their performance and this
will be helpful for the Argos to improve its sales
The present report discusses about sales department which is
essential for business growth and success in marketplace. It has been
concluded that sales management perform and work based on principles
that is beneficial for Argos company. This study discusses sales manager
task within company and also discussed about Account executive, sale
representative and other roles in sales department of organization and also
discuss five stage of consumer buying behaviour procedure that influence
on firm profit margin. It includes social media, Argos app and skype as the
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best and new technology which has been used by company to improve
communication with its customers. It discusses the appropriate example of
Argos sales promotions which placed on their websites. Moreover, this
study defines benefits of sales structure which has been divided into many
parts and also discuss roles of sales team members in company for the
purpose of achieving good outcomes. Furthermore, it discusses sales
strategies of company which is beneficial for them and also discuss
techniques and principles of successful selling which contribute to build
good and strong customers relationship.


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Books and Journals
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