
Infection Prevention and Control Nursing Practice


Added on  2020-02-18

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STUDENT PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Student Name: Mekonen Abrahale P Number: p13207181Year 1 2 3 PDP Number: What do I want to achieve?To achieve a satisfactory knowledge about infection prevention and to reduce theprevalence of health care associated infection achieving and maintaining a clean clinicalenvironment.How am I going to achieve it?1)By using proper hand hygiene2)Using personal protective equipment3) Safe handling and disposal of sharps4) Safe handling and disposal of clinical waste5) Managing blood and bodily fluids6)Decontaminating equipment7)Achieving and maintaining a clean clinicalenvironment8) Appropriate use of indwelling devices9) Managing accidents10) By having good communications – with other health careworkers, patients and visitors11) By having training or education.R O Y a L C O L G E O F N U R S I N GWhat resources will I need?I will access My DMU website and black board using several Journals, articles, newtters, libraries and lecturer notes.1
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I will access, polices and guidance, books, leaflets, posters, audit tools and other resources such as the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) that also teaches effective infection prevention.Using comments and ideas from my personal tutor, mentor and asking professionals such as doctors and nurses.I will also make use of Gibbs Reflection Cycle for personal reflection.When do I want to achieve this by? Date:Achieved by the end academic year of 2017, however will need to continue to develop through all my work and carer to update and increase the level of my knowledge.Date...........................................................................Agreed........................................................................ (Personal Tutor signature)What has happened?I had explored several articles and journals providing information of infection and preventionactivities of several countries. Developing understanding and practicing orientation enhancesmy understanding and knowledge on infection prevention (Hübner et al. 2017). I becomemore alert on searching the features of concerned community in identifying the prevalencehealth status of the same. Personal and professional development of an individual goes inparallels. Personal enrichment opens opportunities of professional development. How have I developed?Development is an continuous process. Development happens when an individual becomesable to develop link between theoretical and practical approaches of concerned educationand practices. Infections, in the community, are prevented by using effective medical,technical or social approaches vary country by country or community by community (Gray etal. 2016). Integrating theory and Practice.2
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Choose a document to link theory with practice (tick): Clinical document Journal ArticleBookPolicy/ procedureHAND HYGIENEPOLICY-Sponsor(s)/author(s):Professor HilaryScholefield,ChrisMorley, RachaelDuckworth on behalfof IPCTCite the document used:Sheffield, U. (2017).A world-class university – a unique student experience - The Universityof Sheffield. Sheffield.ac.uk. Available at: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ [Accessed 11 Sep.2017].Identify the significant themes:Themes of this policy review can be described in a multidimensional way. Themes, in thisregard, refers to the concept, what the researcher of this article has tried to explain. Also,themes are preventive approaches or techniques to control incidences of infection in thecommunity (Sheffield, 2017). Different countries use different themes and approaches as perthe health requirements of the community. Themes used in infection control activities ofUnited Kingdom are based on health and social care legislations of the country. In this policyreview article, the effectiveness of Health and social care Act, 2008 has been reviewed andexamined by the researcher. On the basis of this review report, an effectivedirective actionplan has been developed by the researcher to counter the prevalent health needs of Britishcommunity. This policy reviewhighlighted on some areas that need to be included under theHealth and Social Care Act, 2008. Related roles and responsibilities has been assessed interms their application and suitability in the society. Need to be more subjective in framing suitable health acts:As a developed country, United Kingdom quite gracefully addressed the health needs of thecommunity members of society (Cummings et al. 2016). The Health and Social Care Act,2008 and The Health Care Act, 2006 are two most effective acts promoting and presentingguidelines of infection control programs in the society. Several kinds of infection controlinterventions are generated and practiced under the guidance of these acts. Policy review3
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