
Saudi Arabian Anti-terrorism Laws at the United Nations


Added on  2023-06-13

6 Pages1581 Words483 Views
Political Science
Running head: POLITICS
The Saudi Arabian Anti-terrorism Laws at the United Nations
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Saudi Arabian Anti-terrorism Laws at the United Nations_1

Terrorism remains a key threat in Arabian States and the international community as a
whole (Gold 2004). The minister in charge of foreign affairs, Adel Ahmed al-Jubeir of Saudi
Arabia stated Saudi Arabia continues to be under the act of terrorism and the bondage of the
wars that occurs on a regular basis in spite of the measures implemented by United Nations for
countering the ideological extremism and terrorist attacks that has faced a challenge in handling.
The statement made during one of the general assembly of United Nations.
Saudi Arabia has been dealing with terrorism for the past 30 years. The period refers to
the time during which the country has been working with United Nations and other international
communities in an attempt of countering terrorism in the Middle East region (Charney 2001).
However, the government of Saudi government has enacted laws from time again that had led to
the considerable transformation in the legal and regulatory framework of the country thereby
helping in finding possible solutions to problems.
The UN led to the development of an international platform in the year 2006 for fighting
terrorism amongst the member nations based on global the counter terrorism strategy adopted the
United Nations. By the year 2011, the UN had launched the United Nations Counter-Terrorism
Center (UNCCT) where member countries expected for collaborating in the contributions
targeted at dealing with the terrorism. In the year, 2014, the contribution of Saudi Arabia was
close to US$100 million (Tierney 2006). .
The key responsibility of UNCCT was to offer contributions towards the implementation
of the counter-terrorism strategies around the world by using all the plans and strategies and
putting them in place (Law 2016). The responsibility of UNCCT also lay in conducting
consultations with the other UN groups held responsible for the development of viable projects
that dealt with the issue of terrorism and at the same time kept a follow up on the progress.
Saudi Arabian Anti-terrorism Laws at the United Nations_2

According to Ali (2012), Saudi Arabia collaborated with charitable organizations for
redirecting the funds to the projects that will help in uplifting all the sectors of the country .
Various commissions overviewed and monitored the charitable organizations. These oversight
commissions were responsible for setting up procedures that helped in tracking the manner in
which the donations spent in the country. This eventually helped in reducing the cases of abuse
and mishandling of the charitable organizations by the extremist.
Saudi Arabia also set up policies, laws and regulations against fraud and money
laundering. This was done via the appointment of a committee of representatives who managed
all the issues related to money laundering in the different government departments (Karlsrud
2001). An example of such laws included the inability of the banks in Saudi Arabia to open
bank accounts for nonresident persons without the necessary approval from monetary authority
of the country. The monitoring of money in the country was very important for the people of
Saudi Arabia since it not only suppressed the needs of terrorists in misusing the charitable
organizations working for the benefit of the society but also ensured the proper redirection of
money to viable and important projects. The use of money in an appropriate manner leads to an
economic growth in the country.
Saudi Arabia also focuses on the establishment of a joint counter-terrorism committee
together with the United States. This helped in the addition of law enforcement persons in the
country along with an increase in number of finance experts in dealing with the issue of money
laundering. The minister in charge of foreign affairs in the country has already achieved a lot in
his position through the implementation of the above-mentioned strategies and policies. Others
achievements included freezing of the financial accounts of the suspected criminals and initiative
Saudi Arabian Anti-terrorism Laws at the United Nations_3

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