
Science Report Template and Scaffold


Added on  2022-09-08

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ENVS1017/ENVS6202 Assignment 1 – Scientific Report Template
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Introduction (approx. 200 words)
Short literature review on the topic, using an appropriate referencing
You will need to define terms such as urban hydrology. Answer
Question 1 as part of the introduction.
State the aims of the assignment.
Write your text here:
River systems were the main precursors to the earliest human civilizations,
thus predating cities and human settlements. As the main source for water,
rivers became an essential to the ecosystem in cities. The development of
urban centers along rivers are attributed to their capacity to supply food and
facilitate transportation (Mackin and Lewin, 2015). However, urbanization has
compromised the quality of rivers in being beneficial for humans.
Urban hydrology addresses these issues by studying the hydrological cycle and
the changes that rivers go through within urbanized landscapes. Urbanization
has brought about adverse changes in the stream flow and quality of water in
rivers; these changes include but are not limited to increase in turbidity,
pollution, and flow. It is necessary for rivers to be fully restored in order for
their potential to be completely harnessed (O’Driscoll et. al, 2010).
Some common methods that have been used in river restorations include
promotion of channel-floodplain connectivity, partial restoration of water and
sediment fluxes, and decontamination from pollutants (Wohl et. al, 2015).
Applications of restored river streams include provision of hydropower source
and industrial water, as well as channel networks for transport from inland to
the coast (Kupriyanov, 2009). This paper investigates the hydrology of human
streams as well as the benefits to river restoration.
Methods (approx. 200 words)
This has been completed for you. You do not need to write or add
anything to this section.
Methods sections set out how the experiments and research were conducted.
Science Report Template and Scaffold_1

In the field we surveyed a channel cross-section perpendicular to the channel. Slope was
surveyed longitudinally along the top of the bank. We used an automatic level and staff for
these surveys. Levels were recorded to millimetre accuracy and our calculations checked
in the field. Slope was originally calculated using the rise over run method.
In the laboratory we calculated bankfull discharge for a range of different Mannings n
roughness coefficients ranging from 0.009 to 0.2. These Mannings n coefficients were
provided for us, but were originally derived using the component method.
We used the discharge equation as follows:
Q = V x A, where
Q = discharge (m 3
V = velocity (m/s)
A = cross-sectional area (m 2 )
Bankfull flow velocity was calculated using the following equation:
V = [(D 2/3
) x (S 1/2 ) ÷ n], where
V = mean channel velocity (m/s)
D = flow depth (m)
S = water surface slope (m/m; often approximated by the slope of the bed)
n = Manning's roughness coefficient
Cross-sectional area (A), bankfull channel depth and bankfull channel width were all
calculated from our processed cross-section.
Results (approx. 250 words)
This is where you transfer the answers to the calculations you
completed in the section ‘
Assignment data to use of the assignment
instructions onto Figure 1, and into Tables 1 and 2.
Answer assignment
Question 2 in the text box. You need to describe,
in the text box, the values you have calculated and any trends you see
in the data. You need to cite your tables and figures when describing
the results.
If you wish supplement your results with additional figures or graphs,
you can. An additional box for these is provided. The good use of
figures in the results sections of scientific reports is often critical. Be
imaginative! If you choose to include additional figures or graphs make
sure you add figure numbers and titles to them. However, you should
never put a figure or table into a report and then provide no description
of what they show in the text.
Science Report Template and Scaffold_2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Height (m)
Distance (m)
Figure1Cross section acrossurban streamat MacquarieUniversity
Figure 1 Cross-section across an urban stream in a coastal
catchment near Sydney.
Table 1 Hydrology of an urban stream in a coastal catchment near Sydney.
Channel slope (m/m) 0.006
Bankfull channel depth (m) 53.4 m
Bankfull channel width (m) 40.2
Bankfull channel cross-sectional
area (m2)
Table 2 Roughness scenarios, flow velocity and discharge characteristics of an urban stream
in a coastal catchment near Sydney.
Manning's n roughness for scenario 1 (smooth
stormwater pipe)
Manning's n roughness for scenario 2 (moderate in-
channel vegetation)
Manning's n roughness for scenario 3 (woody debris
and dense in-channel vegetation)
Bankfull flow velocity for scenario 1 20
Bankfull flow velocity for scenario 2 43
Bankfull flow velocity for scenario 3 51
Bankfull discharge for scenario 1 0.36
Bankfull discharge for scenario 2 0.76
Bankfull discharge for scenario 3 0.83
Science Report Template and Scaffold_3

Science Report Template and Scaffold_4

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