
Search Engine Marketing - Assignment


Added on  2021-02-20

29 Pages8155 Words36 Views
Leadership ManagementMarketingData Science and Big DataPolitical Science
Digital Portfolio
Search Engine Marketing - Assignment_1

Table of ContentsAssessment 1: DIGITAL MEDIA AUDIT......................................................................................41. Introduction........................................................................................................................42. Digital Audit.......................................................................................................................43. Target audience analysis...................................................................................................10RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13Assessment 2..................................................................................................................................142. Provide a recommendation to the client as to why they should have a search engine marketingstrategy...........................................................................................................................................141. Introduction......................................................................................................................142. Recommendation that Contiki should have search engine marketing strategy................14REFRENCES.................................................................................................................................18Assignment 3 - Community Management Portfolio......................................................................191.0 Introduction....................................................................................................................192.0 Social Media Strategy.....................................................................................................192.1 Social Media Table....................................................................................................202.2 Content Pillars ..........................................................................................................213.0 Campaign Calendar........................................................................................................224.0 Content Creation......................................................................................................................234.1 Facebook....................................................................................................................234.2 Instagram...................................................................................................................234.3 YouTube....................................................................................................................24REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................27
Search Engine Marketing - Assignment_2

Search Engine Marketing - Assignment_3

Assessment 1: DIGITAL MEDIAAUDIT1. IntroductionIn modern time, business organisations has kept their focus upon performing onlinepromotions as it could be considered as the best and cheapest approach of marketing both brandsand products or services offered by the them (Mandal and Joshi, 2017). Here, it has becameessential for companies to perform the digital audit that aid in building a much more strongcustomized report design for the company. It also helps in leveraging the brand consideringdigital strategies to meet all the goals and requirements of company (Saura, Palos-Sánchez andCerdá Suárez, 2017). In present report, firm which has been chosen i.e. Contiki Travel that wasfound in the year of 1962 which delivers services like creation of coach trips for 18- to 35-year-olds.2. Digital AuditClient:Date:CriteriaObservations, comments andanalysisRating 1 to 10*Digitalstrategy(pleasearticulate)Organisation i.e. Contiki capturing millennial travellers with user-generated content posted among different social media. Digitalstrategy of Contiki is that, it uses the content which its clients(millennials) has uploaded on social media like photos, videos theyhave made or captured while travelling. The content, which Contikiuses basically gets collected from different channels like Instagram,Facebook, YouTube and so on (Patrut, Patrut and Cmeciu, 2013).After analysis, it is found that on Instagram, Contiki Travels has306,000 and its official page consists of approximately 838,000posts. On the other side, considering the business goals of Contiki,the travel agency is carrying a mission of bringing young travellers8 out of 10.4
Search Engine Marketing - Assignment_4

together to experience the world. In present context, the digitalstrategy that Contiki has utilised i.e. user-generated content iscontinuously. If it is talked about this type of strategy a company(in travel and tourism industry) uses the content for marketingthemselves, which is being posted by clients on different socialmedia tools like Facebook, Instagram and so on. This is because, inpresent time individuals (clients) carrying the urge of experiencingthe places that are filled with adventure and joyousness(Hjelmstedt, 2016). Posting different posts that are done byContiki's client of places that they have visited helping them toshow all the services that are being offered by them. On the otherside, it can also be said that digital platforms that Contiki has usedfor promoting its services and themselves are, mostly famous in allover the world like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn. Theseactions help company in attaining different goals and objectiveslike enhancing the sales of services by 5%. (CONTIKI DEALS,2019). This can be done through posting a particular advertisementof unique services or value added services that company is offeringto targeted millennials. Rating which has been given to the digitalstrategy used by Contiki is 8 out of 10 and the reason behind this isthat, using user-generated content helps clients in believing onservices and packages offered by company (Littlejohn, Beethamand McGill, 2012). Another reason behind using this strategy ismillennials majorly use social sites to stay connected with others,travelling pictures of any individual and more develops urge inthem to travel the world (Connecting young travellers toEXPERIENCE THE WORLD, 2019).Strategicallyconsistent,If it is talked about Contiki, then mainly organisation promotethemselves upon Online platforms. The reason behind this, is that ithelps them in grabbing the attention of clients from all over theworld, where they can target a high number of travellers9 out of 10.5
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company-createdbrandmessages(millennials). Considering the information given in Roy Morgan'sreport it can be said that the total WC i.e. weighted count is 9168newspaper readers and the WC of general activities online in thelast 4 weeks is 11470 (Travel and Tourism, 2019). This is whyContiki has taken into consideration the online approach rather thenchoosing offline promotional activities. Considering the officialpage of Instagram of Contiki, where consistently communicationamong followers and the management of Contiki, where messagingrelated to different packages and more takes place (Tuten andSolomon, 2017). On the other hand, if it is talked about Contiki,then it can easily be said that organisation on a regular basis postsphotos, videos and offers among different social media platformslike Facebook, Snapchat, Facebook and so on. Here, the reasonbehind giving the rating to 9 out of 10 is that Contiki is having aneffective communicating approach for its clients. Through this,maximum benefits could easily be gained in right on time bybusiness company (Park, 2012).Digitaltools andsocialmediaused bythecompanyInstagramwith306kfollowers(https://www.instagram.com/contiki/?hl=en), Facebook with 850K(https://www.facebook.com/Contiki/), Twitter with 31,500followers (https://twitter.com/contiki?lang=en) and more are said tobe some of successful social media tools that Contiki uses in orderto improve the customer base of the company. Along side this, inpresent time organisation is using both official website, Instagramare the two major online platforms that are being utilised byContiki on a regular basis. Since, the world has modernised itself, itcan easily be said that the decisions that, Contiki has made to takein use of digital marketing rather than going for traditionalmarketing due to it is cheap in nature and could help Contiki intargeting millennials from all over the world, which is not possiblewithin traditional marketing without heavy investments (Rowland,8 out of 106
Search Engine Marketing - Assignment_6

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