
Information Security For Businesses


Added on  2022-07-29

7 Pages1440 Words19 Views
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Information security
Information Security For Businesses_1

IT 1
Information security
In this modern era, the uses of IT networks and devices are increasing
rapidly that helps businesses to lead performance and productivity. The
security of such devices is a challenging task faced by the communities
where the attackers perform malicious activities and reduce the privacy of
sensitive data. It is found that insider threat is a major problem associated
with the IT systems due to which the problem of hacking is increasing
rapidly. The aim of the research essay is to review the concept behind
insider threat and evaluate the working of Diffie Hellman key agreement.
Question 1
Liu, et al., (2018) reported that an insider threat refers to the
malicious program that comes from the individuals within the communities
including business associates and employees who have inside data
concerning the security practices and data of the companies. It is one of the
leading vulnerabilities that help the attackers to easily perform cyber-
crimes and obtain sensitive information of an organization. Greitzer, et al.,
(2014) defined insider attack as a security risk that originates within the
target community and more than 40% of the security attacks occur due to
the presence of insider threats and vulnerabilities.
The major motivation behind an insider attack is to reduce the
security of private details of the companies and produce cyber-attacks that
can help the attackers to obtain personal data of the users significantly.
Wang, Gupta, & Rao, (2015) reported that primary motivation for an insider
threat is to earn money and around 34% of hacking and data breach attacks
in 2019 were happened due to insider threats and risks. It is found that
most of the attackers perform data breach concerns for earning money and
using the personal data of the user for performing illegal and unethical
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IT 2
From recent literature, it is found that numerous kinds of insider
threats occur in the business communities (Ogiela, & Ogiela, 2015). These
threats include non-responders, inadvertent insiders, compromised users,
malicious consumers, data theft and many more. The presence of such
threats can help the criminals to develop and implement effective cyber-
attacks and reduce the privacy of data significantly. In the business
communities, it is significant to focus on such threats and vulnerabilities as
they can lead data breach and hacking-related concerns in the workplace
and reduce the productivity and security levels.
It is found that the major two factors that leading insider threats in
the companies including lack of awareness and unauthorized activities. So,
reducing such problems, business communities can provide training to their
employees and enhance their skills in regards to the cyber-crimes and data
breach problems. Managers should implement an effective security incident
and policy for protecting data from threats. Ogiela, & Ogiela, (2015)
reported that companies can conduct frequent audits for looking at the
unused accounts and disable or block unauthorized activities and malicious
programs occurred in the computing servers. Moreover, companies can
install a two-step factor authentication process that can help to reduce
insider threats and problems from the systems and implement firewall-
based networks for detecting fraud and malicious codes from the computing
Question 2
Diffie-Hellman is a kind of key exchange technique which is utilized
for security communication channels and help companies to perform data
exchange securely. It is an effective technique that can be adopted in the
computing devices for protecting data from the attackers as it includes
cryptography systems that are able to convert information into cipher
signals that cannot be hacked by the attackers easily. For example, Diffie-
Hellman can be utilized for public key exchange implementation within the
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