
Seeking asylum in the United States


Added on  2021-02-21

8 Pages3326 Words25 Views
Political Science
I currently reside in the United States, outside my home country Libya. I am unwilling to
return because of a well-founded fear of persecution and harm because of my political
opinion and membership in a particular social group. As such, I asked USCIS to
favorably consider and approve my I-589 application for the asylum and consider me as
a refugee so that I can resettle in the United States to enjoy freedom and liberties. If my
application for asylum is granted, I would like to further showcase the United States’
highest values and aspirations to compassion, generosity, and leadership.
I, Walid, is a native citizen of Taokara in Libya. I was a lecturer at Omar Al-Mukhtar
University and left Libya with my family on February 22, 2014, to pursue my doctoral
degree in the United States.
I belong to the Al-Awaqir tribe in Libya. Of note is that Gaddafi was popular amongst the
Al- Awaqir tribe. As such, most members of the Al-Awaqir tribesmen joined Gaddafi’s
government during the revolution of 2011. These are some reasons that the present
administration, including many members of the Misrata militias and Khalifa Haftar’s
factions, hate Libyans individually members who belong to Al-Awaqir tribe.
In 2011, Haftar was fighting with the Libyan insurgency against the government of
Muammar Gaddafi and took the command of rebel army. I am confused that all my
family and Al- Awaqir tribe is one of the strategic allies to Khalifa Haftar, the militia
leader who controls the government in eastern Libya. Haftar became the dictator after
he hijacked Dignity Operation. He controlled my tribe with targeting arrest, enforced
disappearance, snatched and killed leaders, activities and the opponents for his
personal agenda. Also, he could buy the rest of Al Awaqir tribe’s leaders and Ghaddafi
remaining troops with money and phony promises with administrative positions to reach
his whims.
Lawsuits were filed against Haftar in France for murder, acts of torture and barbarism.
The International Criminal Court seeks to extradite criminals with Haftar who committed
crimes for ordering a mass execution of a dozen political prisoners. Also, the US
government recently demanded Haftar to extradite Mahmoud al-Werfalli, a senior
commander of Haftar Special Forces who was accused of the killing.
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Libya is heading towards full-blown civil war. The new civil war has passed two months.
Ironically, the warlord Haftar and Misrata and Tripoli militias defied international calls for
a ceasefire days into a battle that has left six hundreds dead and thousands injured,
among ten of my cousins and neighbors.
I am still against the rebel government, for violating the Libyan rights of choice, equality
and dignity and for corruption that ravages Libya. My opposition to the battle for capital
Tripoli because all Libyan sons were exploited to fight each other for political interests
and wealth. I refused to see my tribesmen and others dying for nothing but to sacrifice
for the rebel leaders to govern Libya and those liars and their families enjoy living the
power and wealth of us.
In sum, the mentality of the factional (rebel) governments is intolerable of any difference
in political opinion and thus suppress freedom of speech. As per their opinion you are
either with them or against them in-fact in one of the video's of Haftar he said that there
is no such thing called democracy. The factional (rebel) government vowed to make
Libya a democratic country and free from oppression. However, they caused Libya to be
a failed state and divided.
As I have already described that I am willingly seeking asylum in USA because of a
well-founded fear of persecution and harm as a result of my political opinion and
membership in a particular social group. I have a fear of persecution or killing if I return
to Libya because of my political opinion against the revolution and the opposition to
ongoing civil war. I have publicly expressed my belief that Libya is governed by fire and
iron, by people who are hungry for power. The pro-Haftar militias and the pro-Misrata
militias obstruct the law and freedom, making any political or life improvements
impossible by continuing the civil war since the downfall of the previous government.
I do not believe in the current government and would never work with these factional
governments because they killed my relatives and oppose freedom and democracy. My
political view, like those of many of the people in Libya is based on a feeling of
discontentment with the revolution because rebels lied to the Libyan people and the
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world during the time of war. I am like many oppressed Libyans that have lost my
freedom, security; there is discrimination in universities and public places and there is
enforced disappearance and killing.
The danger for my Al- Awaqir tribesmen and women who refuse the war are seized by
warlord Haftar militias, who want to take control of Libya on the skulls of the Libyan
people. Al- Awaqir tribe is now pro-Haftar who has obsolete military power and political
influence over the factional (rebel) government in eastern and southern Libya. There are
hundreds of fighters including my cousins and relatives who are fighting with Haftar
against Misrata and Tripoli militias. Many of my cousins were killed and injured in the
ongoing military fight. And there is a new problem which is been faced by my family is
turned to be supporting Haftar and became against my political opinion.
I did not apply for asylum in one year because I arrived in the United States on an F-1
visa, accompanied with my family so my plan was to complete degree and return to
Libya for previous job as a university professor. Unfortunately, the new civil war, current
unstable, and insecure situation have made returning to Libya impossible. I realized that
returning at this time under the current conditions was similar to suicide.
On April 4, 2019, a new Libyan civil war started between the two factional (rebel)
governments: The Interim Government (east of Libya) and Government of National
Accord (west of Libya). The warlord Haftar engaged in the war to take control of Libya to
stay in power. He is backed with insurgents from France, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and
Emirates, and many of former Ghaddafi’s government army joined to Haftar’s attack on
Tripoli. I still believe that all factional (rebel) governments are deceiving the Libyan
people and the world that their fight for not making Libya a democratic country, they are
fighting each other for wealth and power.
The US State Department on April 7, 2019 in press statement demanded an
"immediate" halt to Haftar's offensive and was deeply concerned about fighting near
Tripoli and urged an immediate halt to these military operations against the Libyan
capital: https://www.state.gov/situation-in-libya/.
Haftar appeared ordering his soldiers [to take no prisoners]. Also, Haftar’s army
spokesman declaring [to target anyone who use social media; Facebook, all press
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