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Self-Learning and Self-Evaluation for Personal Development


Added on  2023/06/07

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This article discusses the importance of personal development through self-learning and self-evaluation for technical trainers in the automobile industry. It covers different approaches to self-managed learning, learning styles, and creating a personal development plan. The article also emphasizes the use of technology for learning and provides insights into the benefits of self-motivated learning activities.

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Self-learning and self-evaluation
For any organization, personal development is as essential as technical training and
development. A variety of training programs and educational methods are used within an
organization to improve the performance of the workers and motivate them towards the
attainment of organizational goals.
As a technical trainer in automobile company in Oman, I need to focus on the long-term
personal, professional development through a continual self-evaluation and learning process. My
role and responsibility of technical trainer in the automobile company include to conduct
computer training and identify information needs within the company. I conduct training classes
on manufacturer's instructions, preventive maintenance, evaluate new equipment and techniques.
As my job hours are long and demanding, I need to be physically fit and remain updated with the
latest technologies in the automobile industry. The permeation of learning technology has
changed the modes of learning and has become increasingly crucial in learning procedures and
sharing information. Information technologies entourage interactions for Self-managed learning
and higher-level abilities. The use of for self-development apps can raise self-reliance and
promote self-development 1. Self-managed learning is also known as self-directed learning or
SDL. The individual takes the individuals with or without the help of others. He assesses his
1 Cowan, John. "Linking Reflective Activities for Self-Managed Development of Higher-Level Abilities." Journal
of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, vol. 5,201, pp. 67.

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learning needs, learning goals and the resources required for learning. He implements the right
learning strategies and evaluates the learning outcomes2.
Task 1
The best way to manage self-managed learning is to observe the business environment
and follow the right approaches to learn efficiently.
a) The three different approaches towards self-managed learning include seminars and
conferences, the internet and social networks. Reflection approach can be useful in professional
or educational settings for the development of professional and personal skills and abilities.
Reflection-for-action, Reflection-in-action, Reflection-on-action are the various reflective
approaches that are found to be effective3 . The approach makes an intimate association with the
b) There are different learning styles like auditory, visual or kinesthetic and different
people prefer different learning styles. The two learning styles focused on the paper cover visual
and auditory learning styles. A ‘visual learner’ responds better to the visual presentation while
the auditory learning style prefers listening to instructions4. It is essential to match the learning
style to the preferences of the learner.
c) Individuals are becoming increasingly aware and flexible regarding managing their
careers. The organizations benefit from a pool of workforce or employees who are self-motivated
2 du Toit-Brits, C.1, charlene. "Towards a Transformative and Holistic Continuing Self-Directed Learning Theory."
South African Journal of Higher Education, vol. 32, no. 4, 2018, pp. 52..
3 du Toit-Brits, C.1, charlene. "Towards a Transformative and Holistic Continuing Self-Directed Learning Theory."
South African Journal of Higher Education, vol. 32, no. 4, 2018, pp. 51-65.
4 Rogowsky, Beth A., et al. "Matching Learning Style to Instructional Method: Effects on Comprehension." Journal
of Educational Psychology, vol. 107, no. 1, 2015, pp. 65.
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to learn. The company maintains a competitive edge at both individual and organizational levels.
The ability to grow faster both personally and professionally than your competitor is the only
way to sustain competitive advantage5. Thus, it is essential to create suitable conditions for -
managed learning and personal development in the workplace
Task 2
Personal development plan and self-managed learning
Make Personal Analysis
I would analyze my strengths and weaknesses as the technical trainer in the automobile
- Good administration skills and detailed knowledge
- Can cope with work pressures
- Am able to lead the team
- difficult to maintain the work/life balance
- Lower physical fitness
- superficial knowledge of latest automobile technologies and new equipment and techniques.
The above analysis would help me to set goals for further learning and improvement
Set Goals
I need to develop a more in-depth knowledge of computers and related business activities.
-I need to improve my personal fitness
5 Lejeune, Christophe, et al. "Personal Development Plans Supporting Employee Learning and Perceived
Performance: The Moderating Role of Self-Directedness." Human Resource Development International, vol. 19, no.
4, 2016, pp. 308.
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-I need to develop more confidence in as a leader and improve decision-making skills
-I need to train further on latest automobile technologies
-I would complete a particular course in computers and automobile simulations within the next
six months.
- I would train my team in the latest technologies in automobiles.
- I would join a gym and go for regular walks in the evenings for fitness.
- I would volunteer to lead practical projects within the company to build my experience,
knowledge and credibility and to get more experience as a leader
Strength Weakness Areas to improve
Good administration skills Poor work/life balance Physical fitness
detailed knowledge of work Lower physical fitness Leadership skills
Can cope with work pressures superficial knowledge of new
automobile technologies
Technical knowledge related
to automobiles
A good leader Can improve leadership skills
As a visual learner, I would use pictures and diagrams for learning and summarize the points and
take careful notes during my classes and training. I would watch YouTube videos on automobile
training and listening to their instructions carefully. As an auditory learner, I would prefer to
discuss my ideas with others and ask questions. I would write any oral instructions right away to

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refer to later on. I would attend Seminars and conferences, join social networks and use the
internet to enhance my learning.
Making regular assessment is essential in any learning process. It is seen as the primary
forces that not only shapes what is being learned but also gives a direction. The learning and
achievements create a qualification. Self-assessment methods prove to be an efficient and
powerful mean for assessing personal, interpersonal and cognitive capabilities in any profession6
Personal development plan allows the supervisors and leaders in an organization to
motivate their employees by creating an autonomy-supportive learning tool. Self-motivated
learning activities lead to an improved job performance7. Self-evaluation, self-reflection, and
self-basement are an essential art of self-managed learning.
Works Cited
6 Pospíšilová, Linda. "Through Assessment and Eportfolio Towards Self-Directed Learning." Proceedings of the
European Conference on Games Based Learning, Jan. 2017, pp. 445.
7 Beausaert, Simon, et al. "The Use of a Personal Development Plan and the Undertaking of Learning Activities,
Expertise-Growth, Flexibility and Performance: The Role of Supporting Assessment Conditions." Human Resource
Development International, vol. 14, no. 5, 2011, pp. 541.
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Beausaert, Simon, et al. "The Use of a Personal Development Plan and the Undertaking of
Learning Activities, Expertise-Growth, Flexibility and Performance: The Role of
Supporting Assessment Conditions." Human Resource Development International, vol.
14, no. 5, 2011, pp. 527-543.
Cowan, John1. "Linking Reflective Activities for Self-Managed Development of Higher-Level
Abilities." Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, vol. 5,2017, pp. 67-74.
du Toit-Brits, C.1, charlene. "Towards a Transformative and Holistic Continuing Self-Directed
Learning Theory." South African Journal of Higher Education, vol. 32, no. 4, 2018, pp.
Lejeune, Christophe, et al. "Personal Development Plans Supporting Employee Learning and
Perceived Performance: The Moderating Role of Self-Directedness." Human Resource
Development International, vol. 19, no. 4, 2016, pp. 307-328.
Pospíšilová, Linda. "Through Assessment and Eportfolio Towards Self-Directed Learning."
Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning, Jan. 2017, pp. 439-
Rogowsky, Beth A., et al. "Matching Learning Style to Instructional Method: Effects on
Comprehension." Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 107, no. 1, 2015, pp. 64-78.
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