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Self Managed Learning: Approaches, Benefits and Encouragement


Added on  2023/06/05

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This report discusses the importance of self-managed learning in personal and professional development, evaluates different approaches to self-managed learning, and proposes ways to encourage lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts. Suitable for travel and tourism industry professionals, the report covers topics such as Honey and Mumford learning styles, Kolb's learning cycle, and VAK model of learning.

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Self Managed Learning
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Table of Contents
Task 1....................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 An evaluation of approaches to self-managed learning................................................................3
1.2 Proposed ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be
1.3 Evaluation of the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and organisation..............9
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Task 1
Learning is a process that includes activities for imparting education to learners. In this
process, learners along with trainers take active participation. Personal and professional
development does not get complete shape unless learning initiatives are not taken by
organizations. Subject to the effectiveness of learning process scope of development in
personal and professional aspects become possible. Travel and tourism sector is a vital
segment where personal and professional development depends on the better learning
process. This report has discussed learning and several approaches to it. Self-managed
learning is of importance and has been mentioned in this report.
1.1 An evaluation of approaches to self-managed learning
Self-managed learning approaches are of several types which are used by firms as per
prevailing conditions relating to talent development and confidence build up, helpful for
personal and professional development in any sector. Before evaluating approaches to self-
managed learning, it’s crucial to discuss the importance of self-managed learning in brief.
Approaches to this type of learning are integral aspects to training programs of a firm. Since
learners are engaged in their learning process, it becomes essential for them to avail
opportunities which can be helpful for keeping them up to date in their working aspects.
Therefore self-managed learning increases confidence and the much-needed combination of
talent and confidence leading to career development and lifelong personal and professional
improvement (Moon, 2013).
Self-managed abilities to learn plays as a vital system of learning used by individuals in an
organization in the travel and tourism industry. Travel and hospitality sector is an important
industry wherein staffs need to deliver performance for on par with industry standards. Thus
it is important to achieve the required level of confidence and knowledge managed through
self-learning for the benefits of the industry. As a trainee manager, it is instrumental in
analyzing the approaches of self-managed to learn in relevance to hospitality organization.
Since learning is self-managed it becomes imperative for individuals to focus on the goal and
time frame for achieving desirable knowledge. In this respect, some elements are considered
important by trainees or learners and these are the following
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Self-initiation of training processes - it remains a self-driven responsibility for the learners to
think about and initiate the learning process. All through the training phase, encouragement is
important for them and they find this from the management (Nicholls, 2014).
Clear goal setting – this stage holds the entire learning process and session. Moreover,
learners are driven by a particular goal that supports to get them the desired professional
development. In this stage, learners think of some aspects such aims and requirement of the
learning they are likely to opt, achievement of purposes for the personal development known
as personal orientation achievement. Learning and development process is worked upon by
individuals based on deadlines and this necessitates them to set a time frame within which
learning can be completed and skill gets developed. Then comes the final stage named
evaluation of self-learning that is in form of self-reflection based on narrative to discuss
achievement, the scope of development, merits and demerits of the learning process opted by
them (Alberman, 2014).
There are several approaches of self-managed to learn and these are learning through
research, learning from others including several options for knowledge enrichment for
individuals in the travel firm in the travel and tourism industry.
Researchers who believe in self-learning for knowledge improvement often do research or
conduct study and finally concludes with some observations that elevate their knowledge or
learning. In the travel firm, this is fruitful but involves a long time for knowledge
Learning from others include the following options which are:
Mentoring/Coaching - learning through mentoring or coaching in the company is important to
the source of knowledge. But this becomes only effective for the tourism firm when the
person as a mentor possess some special qualities like compassion, leadership, good listeners
of problems of the learners and so on (O’Grady, 2013).
Seminars - learning becomes fast and easy to access by trainers in seminars. This type of
learning is addressed to a large number of employees. In the tourists firm, this remains a vital
training option but cost-effectiveness must be considered.
Conferences – this is generally equivalent to seminars. Ideas are exchanged and knowledge
gets sheared and developed for employees of the firm.
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Secondments - this is a process that causes a firm to transfer its employees to different places
of their offices on a temporary basis. This helps to exchange of knowledge and experiences
for employees needing the knowledge most. For the travel firm, this process is helpful for
knowledge sharing among staffs of different locations of business (Davies and Longworth,
Interviews - this is another option of knowledge development through watching and taking
knowledge inputs from interviews appeared in by experts and trainers from travel and
tourism industry.
Internet - this is web technology which helps to build fast and effective information growth
for learners. Based on internet self-managed learning has gained much importance
particularly in the travel and tourism company.
Social networks - this is another mode of self-managed to learn usually attracting internet
savvy employees. This is the most effective platform for knowledge sharing and learners
become benefitted from less costly and speedy knowledge development through self-
managed learning through external help like social media (Pritchard, 2013).
Use of bulletin boards - this is called notice board and in this internet era, it is often referred
to as a site wherein people posts their knowledge about a topic or issue. This is helpful but
only as a supplementary tool for knowledge enhancement.
Newsgroups - this is about a forum that discusses a topic or subject. This also serves the
purpose of knowledge build up but for an individual in the travel and tourism sector, this is
not adequate means of knowledge enhancement unless another measure is taken for
increasing knowledge.
Being a trainee manager I think that from the travel company’s perspective, internet-based
learning, coaching or mentoring and conferences are suitable options for self-managed
learning. So, training programs combining these types of learning tools become important to
increase the knowledge base of an individual and help to improve both personally and
professionally (Huffman et al, 2014).
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1.2 Proposed ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could
be encouraged
For the travel and tourism firm employees looking forward to boosting their knowledge base
can depend on self-managed learning. Hospitality or travel sector has employees who need to
have better communication skills and team working capacity to utilize their talents. So for the
travel company before suggesting particular ways of learning it is significant to discuss some
learning styles in short.
Honey and Mumford learning styles are such concepts that are based on learning preferences
by individuals. In this learning style there are four learning styles that are:
Activist - these are individuals who learn by an act or action. Brainstorming, problem-solving
followed by group discussion are features of this type of learning (Moon, 2014).
Theorist – these individuals find theories for a particular action. For keeping themselves
engaged in the learning system, they keep faith in this particular model.
Pragmatist - these individuals put the learned facts into practice. They learn about theories
and practices and do relate those to reality.
Reflector - this category of individuals learn by watching phenomena and others and their
enriched experiences help them achieve better knowledge.
Reflexive modernization theory has several aspects like features related to risk society along
with reflexive modernity including uncertainty, individualization, global environmental risks
along with breaking down of ideas related to industrial culture and society. Another feature is
that reflexivity being considered as a concept causes wide discussion. This theory suffers
from some limitations (Boud, Keogh and Walker, 2013). In this theory, risk society is
considered second modernity. Risk society creation is considered as a goal in this theory.
This theory only shows part of the features of new changes in developed nations. In the
present era when global trend is thought of the knowledge society and knowledge economy
are for a global trend. Among the global trend, the risk is only a side feature.
Kolb’s learning cycle
This theory suggests that individuals learn from experiences. This learning reflection is a vital
part of learning. There are four stages of this type of learning.
Experience - Kolb’s concrete experiences - learning can be enriched by experiences.
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Reflect - Kolb’s reflective observation - thoughts of individuals what has been performed by
them. They become thoughtful about analyzing experiences and also record them.
Conceptualise - Kolb’s Abstract conceptualization - hypothesis is developed based on
inferences from experiences.
Plan - Kolb’s active experimentation - experiences ensure learning when all stages of Kolb’s
learning are passed through by an individual by reflecting on experiences and testing
interpretations achieved (Rienties, Brouwer and Lygo-Baker, 2013).
As a trainee manager, it can be suggested that another mode of learning is worth mentioning
and this is VAK model of learning. This type of learning helps self-managed learning along
with team learning. Team members are also befitted from this learning. Selection of this
variant of learning is dependent on analysis of skills and strengths or personal aspects of
individuals. In the VAK model, there are some types of Learning styles that are visual,
auditory, kinesthetic which complement seeing as well as reading, listening and doing
activities or touching for learning. Individuals with different learning inclinations need to
select the option of learning inputs based on these variants of the VAK model. Learning by
seeing powerpoint presentations, diagrams support an individual through the element likes
visual while listening to learning inputs and knowledge presentation remain vital for them
who are fond of learning by understanding speech. Among these three learning options in the
VAK model, Kinaesthetic includes performance-based learning which remains most
important from the rest of the training method for developing insights. The important aspect
of kinesthetic learning is emotion based knowledge development including performance-
based criteria of knowledge improvement. Knowledge gets higher in proportion to the
performance set in learning curriculum for developing individuals’ knowledge for making the
possibility of personal and professional development (Riding and Rayner, 2013).
From the analysis described above, I will suggest the firm as a trainee manager to start self-
managed learning for the personal and professional development of employees. For the
travel and tourism company, the most suitable learning ways will be the development of
experiences and the implementation of the same in the context of the work setting of the firm
they are employed in. So the most relevant and suitable learning model for the employees
will be Kolb’s learning cycle and Honey and Mumford learning style and VAK model for
knowledge build up. The most sought-after factor is the ability of learners and the company
to efficiently adopt particular learning style while the firm will conveniently impart the
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learning input and individuals will be the beneficial recipient of knowledge. These types of
learning programs can be arranged for an individual or for a team (Muijs et al, 2014). These
learning initiatives can be continued within different context either working setting of the
firm or in society by stressing on the importance of self-managed learning so that people
understand about how self-managed learning benefit individuals by causing their personal
and professional development. Since the internet is a useful platform for learning in the
modern era this way of imparting knowledge based on any of the aforesaid learning styles
could give better result in sense of better knowledge for individuals. Life-long learning
becomes easy and people can learn to work in support of learned aspects in the different
environment be a society, personal working platform or professional working setting that
relates to working place in the travel firm.
There are some types of ways for ensuring lifelong learning and these are skill development,
continued professional development, self-directed learning, further education, connecting
higher education with industry, recognition of prior learning, apprenticeship.
Skill development - this causes skill to perform in a professional domain and in the process,
learning is inevitable and includes suitable learning style for personal and professional
development through life-long learning.
Continuing professional development - this is an approach considering a suitable way of
making individuals ready to take up professional responsibilities. This is by self-managed
learning through professional development on a continual basis (Dean, 2013).
Linking higher education with industry - performance standards in hospitality industry seeks
the support of educational benchmarks. Among these, a perfect balance and coordination
could develop preparedness for individuals’ development in his or her professional spectrum.
This needs to be looked after by appropriate authority from both industries as well as the
educational field.
Further education - through promoting education and practice of further education learning
facility is offered and carried out by trainers. This is a way of taking learning initiatives
forward but only takes complete shape when suitable learning styles are adopted for
knowledge up gradation among individuals (Gold et al, 2013).
Recognition of prior learning - it gets through several stages and similarly learning initiatives
are also taken through phases like learning need identifications among learners. Early
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identification of learning necessity for learners could better and expedite knowledge
preparation among them. This creates learning smooth and easy to adopt since learning in this
respect generally starts from early stages in someone’s professional or academic fields.
Recognition of learning needs for individuals also helps in understanding the learning styles
suitable for making knowledge achievement possible for individuals making them able to
deliver performances required in their professional fields (Rogowsky, Calhoun and Tallal,
Apprenticeships - this is another way of knowledge delivery for overall learning arrangement
for individuals in the line of the purpose of personal and professional development. This
works on the belief that training and performance along with learning inputs from training
could bring out the best possibilities for knowledge preparation. This makes knowledge
arrangement for individuals easy and suitable options and styles for learning are chosen for
them through programs of apprenticeship. This helps firms to keep their employees ready to
perform as per industry standards.
1.3 Evaluation of the benefits of self-managed learning to the individual and
Effective learning looks for some conditions for becoming fruitful for individuals to serve the
organizations they are employed in. Through self-managed learning based on life-long
learning efforts, individuals are likely to grow personally and professionally in terms of
knowledge achievement followed by performance delivery to their organizations. There are
several benefits of self-managed learning for personal and professional development if the
evaluation of learning progress and performance is performed by organizations and their
leaders to be certain of long-term effectiveness. Planning of learning and its management
includes another part that is an evaluation process of learned aspects among learners and
based on this evaluation and feedbacks of educators and learners’, learning that is self-
managed process becomes most effective for such individuals. The hospitality industry is
always customer centric that demands a high level of professionalism as well as talents and
customers service skills including soft skill presentation for guests’ satisfaction (Hopkins,
2015). If these are ensured by educators and their learners then benefits of self-managed
learning remain higher leading to professional development and personal satisfaction.
Assessment of learning is hugely important for firms and individuals. This finally improves
ranges of ability, personal learning, display of improved skills from learning and learning
related feedbacks from seniors and trainers and others regarding learning and its
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achievements for individuals and firms. The scope of disappointments is evaluated which
helps also in minimizing the possibility of disappointments.
Individuals remain attached to their organizations due to self-managed learning. By this type
of learning it becomes possible for individuals to find means for achieving learning
objectives keeping organizations and the concerned persons satisfied. Self-managed learning
and level of motivation are supportive of each other as self-managed learning increases
motivation among individuals. They only when are motivated in their jobs chose self-
managed learning. In connection with this, the main beneficiaries are organizations they are
associated with (Kostelnik et al, 2014).
For the travel and tourism firm also this logic is applicable. Ways of learning are several for
individuals and these ways are determinants of choices for selecting the better way to learn
efficiently and fast. Learning with help of technology such as internet and social media along
with formal and informal learning is a most vital aspect of self-managed learning. Individuals
find this learning process suitable to their needs and convenience. From the perspective of
trainee manager of the firm it can be said, there are loads of benefits of self-managed learning
as long as are learning goals are met with by the learning outcomes (Vu et al, 2014).
Learning is possible from different sources like watching others perform, mentoring of
someone, reading and performing while taking up training programs for learning and
development. Another side of usefulness is confidence development and problem-solving
skills achievement from the learning aspects that are required in the professional sector like
travel and tourism sector.
Apart from individuals organizations like the travel and tourism form also has higher
possibility to stay benefitted from the learning that is self-managed learning. Self-managed to
learn in several times is referred to as an approach that works as an umbrella and staffs from
any hierarchy at their organizations are benefitted in context of talent and knowledge
enhancement (Poore, Cullen and Schaar, 2014). For the travel company, self-managed
learning is deemed cost-effective and the learning makes individuals confident enough to take
responsibilities for performing their duties in their organizations. For the travel and tourism
firms also this is vital and as a trainee manager, it is required to acknowledge to the fact that
knowledge arrangement and knowledge delivery like performance based on knowledge is
helpful for the firm along with the training programs meant to be undertaken. Since
organizational vision and mission are taken into the ambit of considerations this becomes
more fruitful when the vision and mission of the firm could be incorporated into the self-
managed earning curriculum for the development of employee in the travel tourism sector
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(Manuti et al, 2015). Self-managed learning develops individuals to take effective decisions
in their organizations. Problems are also complex in nature in course of business operations
and individuals are often entrusted with responsibility like problem-solving. This requires
them to make decisions which are a combination of confidence developed by self-managed
learning cause problem-solving possibility. From the trainee managers’ perspectives, this is
also expected that problem-solving skills and decision making are of better importance
caused by self-managed learning leading to better performance in the travel and hospitality
Travel and tourism sector seeks skilled and talented professionals who match up to industry
standards in terms of talent requirement and performance delivery. This report is significant
considering discussion of several aspects of self-managed learning and evaluation of learning
for an overall understanding of benefits related to personal and professional development in
the sector like travel and tourism industry.
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