
Self-Reflection on TPR Assessment: A Gibbs Reflection Model Guide


Added on  2023-06-11

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Self-reflection and evaluation.
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Self-Reflection on TPR Assessment: A Gibbs Reflection Model Guide_1

Self-reflection and evaluation 2
A reflection essay on a video demonstrating TPR (temperature, pulse and respiration)
assessment. It will be assessing the standard 4 in NMBA registered nurse standards for practice
(2016) from the Nursing Competency Assessment Schedule (NCAS) document. The Gibbs
reflection model (1988) will be the guide for the self-reflection. It has six stages (Dye, 2011)
This involves one, a description of the assessment done on the patient. Two, the feeling, this will
describe how I feel and think. Three, evaluation of my skills on the assessment. Evaluation of my
competence on the assessment. Four, analysis of the events that occurred above and finding the
sense in the situations. Five, a conclusion that will involve me asking myself if there was
something else I could have done to make the assessment better. Lastly, this step involves
formulating an action plan on how to improve my performance. It also involves formulating a
strategy that I will use in future when I encounter challenges. Lastly, there will be a conclusion
on the subject, summarizing the essay.
TPR assessment.
According to NMBA, 2016; NCAS 2016 the standard four; comprehensive conduction of
an assessment entails: one, a holistic assessment and culturally appropriate. Two, use of the
appropriate techniques so as to collect accurate and relevant information. Three, work in
partnership/teamwork. Lastly, one should assess the information important for planning.
Comprehensively conducting an assessment (standard four) is as a result of; one, thinking
critically and analyzing the nursing practice (standard one). Two, engaging in professional and
therapeutic relationships (standard two). Three, maintain the capability for the practice (standard
three). In TPR assessment, it involves assessing the client’s temperature, pulse rate and the
respiration rate. For this procedure to be termed as, comprehensively conducted, the following
Self-Reflection on TPR Assessment: A Gibbs Reflection Model Guide_2

Self-reflection and evaluation 3
standards have to be achieved, one, it should be holistic and cultural appropriate. Two, the
appropriate techniques should be applied. Three, the patient care should exhibit
partnership/teamwork. Four, the information obtained should be used in planning the patient’s
care. The consecutive paragraphs will be a self-reflection using Gibbs reflection model as a
guide. The reflection is important as it will assess my skills, attitude and knowledge on the
procedure (Tighe & Bradshaw, 2012; Ruth-sahd, Beck & McCall, 2011; McGregory &
Cartwright 2013). It is a waste of time if one cannot determine if learning is taking place after a
learning activity (Quinn & Hughes 2007).
Gibbs reflection model
Stage 1: Description
The first thing I did after entering the clients room was greeting the patient and
introducing myself. I involved the patient in small talks so as to alley his anxiety and also make
him more comfortable around me. I explained the procedure to the patient and asked for the
consent. I did the procedure as per the guideline. I assessed the temperatures, documented it and
reassured the patient that all was well. The assessment of the pulse rate and the respiratory rate, I
took them simultaneously. This ensured that the patient was not aware of me assessing his
respiratory rate. I also used my middle and index fingers to measure the pulse rate on the radial
artery. I answered all my client’s questions and lastly I documented the findings.
Self-Reflection on TPR Assessment: A Gibbs Reflection Model Guide_3

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