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Service Quality Evaluation and Improvement Strategies at Obsidian Hill Hotel


Added on  2024/05/31

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To evaluate the key service quality dimensions demonstrated at the hotel........................4
To identify and analyse existing service management strategies.........................................6
To recommend modified or new service management strategies to improve the customer
service and experience.............................................................................................................7
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At the resent time the hospitality sector is effectively getting growth and development
opportunities in the market which is helping the industry to enhance its productivity. The
organisation is able to get numerous chances to present itself in the market and to meet the
market and customer’s needs. The hotel is the service providing sector where there are
several services and offerings that are helping the customers to attract in large number. As the
services are intangible in nature, the organisation need to provide effective offerings to the
customers. It is must for the Hotel to provide the service in a quality manner so that the
customers can be able to get attracted towards the offerings made by the firm. At the recent
time, there is a great influence on quality management system of the service, especially in the
hospitality industry. In this study, the service quality that is been served by Obsidian Hill
Hotel in the market will be understood with the reference of the feedback availed by the
customers. Also, the strategies and tactics that it is using to retain customers and sustain in
the market will be understood deeply. At the last session of the study, the recommendation
and suggestion to the Obsidian Hill Hotel are provided to the firm so that it can improve its
working condition and with it, the firm can be able to make effective strategies and plans.
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To evaluate the key service quality dimensions demonstrated at the hotel
The service quality is one of the important aspects that is needed to be understood and it is
very necessary for the organisation to manage the quality of work that is been offered to the
customers. The customers are very rationale; they are making their choices of the buying
aspect in a very effective and careful manner. The quality of the services by the organisation
is needed not be managed in the effective and in the appropriate manner (Wu & Ko, 2013).
There is a high need for the quality management in the firm as this will be making the good
image of the company in the society.
The services and operations of the Obsidian Hill Hotel have been considered as improper and
the quality availed to the customers are not meeting the needs and their requirements. There
are several aspects that are services effective of the hotel, where Obsidian Hill Hotel is
lacking as it is not able to meet the needs and the demand of the customers for the pay that
they are doing. It has been understood from the feedback that has been availed by the
customers about the services and operations of the company that it is not as effective as they
all were expecting. The reviews state that the company is not effectively operating its
working as there are many drawbacks which are affecting its sustainability as well as the
productivity (Bastič & Gojčič, 2012). The customer's services are needed to be managed by
the clients who are using the services if are not satisfied then there are chances where they
will not prefer the services of the company. This is affecting the brand image of the hotel in
the market which is a negative thing for the firm.
The several criteria have been judged here to understand the quality services that the hotel is
offering to its customers. Below are some of the criteria and dimensions upon which the
hotel’s service has been understood and has been analysed-
Room condition
This is one of the factors that have been set as the dimension for making the decision whether
the Obsidian Hill Hotel is providing the services to customers in a quality manner. It is very
necessary to understand the rooms are providing the customers the time to get relaxed, if the
rooms are not in the proper condition then customers will become dissatisfied. This is what
the customers of Obsidian Hill Hotel are facing. The rooms that have been provided to the
clients are not proper as they are not well managed (Ryu, et. al., 2012). One of the clients

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who came for their honeymoon has stated that the rooms are not at all pleasing, they also said
that the payment has been made in advance unless they would have switch the hotel as the
services that they got from Obsidian Hill Hotel is very poor and unacceptable as per the
charges paid.
Hygiene factors
This is another criterion for analysing the quality of services of Obsidian Hill Hotel, the
hygiene factor is very important as this will be making one feel good. The cleanliness in the
rooms are very bad, the rooms are not properly cleaned all the things are messed up very
badly which is not making the clients satisfied as they have paid a huge amount and in return,
they are not getting what they are wishing to have. The hygiene factor is also not considered
in an effective manner by Obsidian Hill Hotel which is also making the firm’s image negative
in the market. The services here show that the company is not appropriately performing the
work which is influencing brand image in the market.
The human resources are the main factor that is helping the organisation to carry out the
operation in the effective and appropriate manner. The services are intangible therefore it is
very necessary to manage the work of the services sector. The employees/staff of the
Obsidian Hill Hotel are not much educated which is affecting the entire operation of the
hotel. The customers stated that the staffs are not even having the etiquette to greet or
respects (Mohammed & Rashid, 2012). The staff member herself has been admitted that there
are many employees who are not trained and do not even know about their roles and duties.
She has said to one of the customers that to make a complaint about the services offered. The
employees are not educated and the gatekeeper is just busy in chatting and talking instead of
welcoming and greeting the visitors in the hotel. This shows the company is not able to
manage the work in the required and desired manner.

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To identify and analyse existing service management strategies
At the present market situation, the effective operators could only be able to meet the market
needs and requirements. It is very important for the organisation to make appropriate and
desired strategies so that it can be able to manage the working (Mok, et. al., 2013). At the
present time, the company and its management are considering several strategies and plans.
The feedback system is one of the approaches that is been used by the organisation’s
manager. In this method, the Obsidian Hill Hotel’s manager is providing the information
about the necessary changes that are required. The feedback system is the basic approach that
is used where the problems and the drawbacks are directly discussed with the respective
person so that they can be able to manage the further working process (Tanpure, et. al.,
2013). The manager which will be setting good examples for the people so that they can be
able to manage the problems and issues.
The other strategy that is been used by the Obsidian Hill Hotel is that cutting of the staffing.
This is the strategy that is been used mostly at the time when there is very low occupancy.
This is making the employees terminate and to make them quite the position as there is no
need for some period of time. This is the strategy opt by the firm (Ganco, 2013). The
strategies and plan that is been made by the firm are effective in a certain situation. This is
helping the company to manage the work when required. The strategy that company further
opts the leadership approach that is very effective for the employees and the manpower
working in Obsidian Hill Hotel. This approach will be assisting the form to manage the work
and it is also assisting in attaining the coordination and cooperation among the people and
team (Richard, 2014). This is aiding the entire operations of serving the people in the
effective and requires manner. There is a high need to opt these strategies as this will be
providing assistance to get grow and develop in the market.
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To recommend modified or new service management strategies to improve the customer
service and experience
The strategies that the company is using are effective but there are several more requirements
that it needs to focus so that it can be able to serve the people/customers in the required
manner. The level of customer’s satisfaction is needed to be managed and has to be
understood so that the requirements can be fulfilled by making appropriate strategies and
plans. The customer services are very important for the organization and the business. The
customer services can be considered as a service, which is provided by the organization to the
customers (Berman, et. al., 2012). The organization increases the growth and success of
increasing the customer services and the quality of the products because different factors of
the organization are dependent on the customer services like business continuity. The
organization uses different types of strategies, which is used to improve the customer
services. There are some suggestions that company can opt to make the customers satisfied
and also to improve the current customer service quality and client’s experiences. They are-
Benchmarking is the method that can be considered by the hotel, where the operations and
working have to meet some standard. These standards are set for attaining the quality of the
services; this will be assisting the hotel to carry out the work in such a manner that it will be
aiding in meeting the market and customer’s needs (Zhu, 2014). This strategy will help in
providing the services in the proper manner along with this the customer’s experience will
also get increased.
Training and seminars
The training and seminars are very important for the organization which is used to increase
the skill and knowledge of the employee. The training and seminars are used to improve the
customer services. The workshop is also organized by the organization which is used to
provide the practical knowledge to the employee (Martin & Nakayama, 2013). Through the
training, seminars, and workshop, the employee can increase the skills and knowledge.
Customer feedback

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The customer feedback is also important for the organization, which is provided by the
customer to the organization. The organization can improve the customer services through
the customer feedback. The feedback can be considered as a survey, which is useful to
understand the strength and weakness of the organization (Sharma & Kumar, 2012). They
can remove different bugs and negative factors from the organization by understanding them.
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From this report, it has been analysed that the Obsidian Hill Hotel is not performing in the
competitive world in the required manner. It has also been understood that at the present time
the services and its qualities are very much concerned by the customers as they are very
rational and they are making their choices and decisions very carefully. The Obsidian Hill
Hotel is not providing the services to the customers as per their needs and requirements; this
is affecting the image of it in the competitive market. The strategies and the tactics that the
hotel is using has been discussed here, which states that there is more efforts and hardship is
needed to be put by the hotel so that it can be able to meet the market and customer’s needs.
Different suggestions and recommendation have been provided to the hotel so that in the
future it can be able to take proper care of the several aspects which is not getting done in the
required manner. The need of managing the service quality has become very important, from
the study it has been analysed that services that are availed to the customers are needed to be
in the best quality so that the clients can get satisfied with the offered services and the firm
can be able to manage the work in the appropriate way.
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Bastič, M., & Gojčič, S. (2012). Measurement scale for eco-component of hotel service
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Ganco, M. (2013). Cutting the Gordian knot: The effect of knowledge complexity on
employee mobility and entrepreneurship. Strategic Management Journal, 34(6), 666-686.
Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2013). Intercultural communication in contexts. New
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Mohammed, A. A., & Rashid, B. (2012). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in
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Tanpure, S. S., Shidankar, P. R., & Joshi, M. M. (2013). Automated food ordering system
with real-time customer feedback. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer
Science and Software Engineering, 3(2).

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Wu, H. C., & Ko, Y. J. (2013). Assessment of service quality in the hotel industry. Journal of
Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 14(3), 218-244.
Zhu, J. (2014). Quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking: data
envelopment analysis with spreadsheets (Vol. 213). Springer.
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