
Seven Eleven Logistics Strategy: Supply Network, Warehousing, Order Management and Transportation


Added on  2023-06-18

9 Pages3009 Words462 Views
Business DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
Assessment 2: Case study
Seven Eleven Logistics Strategy: Supply Network, Warehousing, Order Management and Transportation_1

1) What is Seven Eleven’s logistics strategy? Explain in brief.
Logistics refers to overall process under which management of business resources and
providing the finished good for their final consumption are being included. Defining an
appropriate logistics strategy plays a devise role in enabling effective working of the corporate
firm. In respect to logistics strategy adopted by Seven-Eleven company, managers at the
respective firm dedicated their operational work at pure trust basis. For the given technique the
workings of the firm in their logistics were supported by cost effective and time effective
technique for which complexities or unnecessary tasks produced in the process being were being
eliminated. Along with this, company also adopted demand oriented strategy for which supply of
products were being initiated reflecting towards the demand raised at several retail outlets. In this
strategy production or manufacturing department of the company had direct communication with
its DC's i.e. Distribution centres and established direct contacts with retailers in respect to avoid
wastages of resources under the mentioned process (Dairo and Szűcs, 2021).
Moreover, provided strategy of the said company was also an inclusion of "combined
delivery system". For the mentioned strategy products obtained or collected from different
suppliers were being transported in single-temperature controlled truck. These trucks were used
to make deliveries of different categories of products to several retail outlets. With above
mentioned several logistics strategies managers of the corporate took consideration of flexible
approaches of products which are being delivered without compromising on their quality and
related aspects (Deogadkar, 2021).
2) How do Seven Eleven’s supply network design, warehousing, order management and
transportation-related choices support its logistics strategy
Seven-Eleven's logistics strategy is an inclusion of dedicated efforts of the respective
company in respect to simply its operational management process. The said operational
management process can be an inclusion of supply chain management under which variety of
products and services produced by the said company are being transmitted to respective clients
of the business firm. Under the said strategy, various efforts were being made in respect to
deliver quality of product in respect to less cost consumptions by following an innovative or
creative path in its supply chain management. Following are the segments of the operational
management in the corporate firm that contributes towards the strategy (Dhanya, 2021);
Seven-Eleven's supply network design
Seven Eleven Logistics Strategy: Supply Network, Warehousing, Order Management and Transportation_2

It is also known as strategic supply chain planning. The process is an inclusion of
modelling and building an effective supply chain that refines its approach towards developing
better standards of working in the corporate and devising a flexible slow of activities with
resource allocation with their allotment to locations available. In context to operational working
at Seven-Eleven, its supply network design is an inclusion of getting orders from all retail stores
which was then directed towards suppliers. As soon as supplier receives order, it will start
production of demanded items and will notify distribution facilities to make arrangements in
regards to store them. Each orders sent was being separated by truck in respect to easily assign it
to respective DC. Lastly, the separated order was then transported to respective retail outlets. The
said supply chain planning contributed major portion to Seven-Eleven's logistics strategy (Diyasa
and et. al. 2021).
Seven-eleven's warehousing
For Seven-eleven's warehousing system, it would be rough to say but the company
enabled DC's in form of warehouse facilities to enable time effective strategies. In light to the
fact, as mentioned in the case study for the company, delivery of products were being directly
made to recipient. Under its evaluation the process was inclusion of directly transferring products
from supplier's delivery truck to distribution trucks of the company. As per data retrieved from
case study; Seven-eleven Co., transportation facilities were being provided by Transfleet Ltd.
which is a company owned by Mitsui and Co. (Case Study; Seven-Eleven Japan Co.). For this
service variety of advantages can be granted in accordance to Seven-Eleven's logistics strategy.
For the reason being the said strategy would enable productive techniques under which
operations of the firm can comply with its objectives maintaining desirable standards for
working in the organisational firm (Fanani and et. al., 2021).
Seven-eleven's order management
In respect with Seven-eleven's order management the efforts were being made in respect
to manage the orders of company's clients. The provided management strategy focuses on
development of better standards of working in the corporate firm and also develops ability of an
organisational firm to comply with standard procedures to perform an activity in the business
firm. In relation to the provided case study of Seven-eleven, the company had 16,000 stores in
Japan by January 2014 (Kamyabniya and et. al., 2021). Reflecting to the current times, Seven-
Eleven stores were being equipped with innovative technologies. This facilitated effective
Seven Eleven Logistics Strategy: Supply Network, Warehousing, Order Management and Transportation_3

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