
Sexual Harassment Assignment pdf


Added on  2021-05-31

9 Pages2738 Words62 Views
Political Science
Running head: SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual HarassmentName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
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1SEXUAL HARASSMENTSexual harassment at workplace is a growing concern in most corporate across the globe.Women are subject to assault and harassment at workplace by people working with them underthe same roof. Sexual harassment is a violation of human rights and the basic rights of safety ofevery employee who has been subject to such heinous crime (Sahgal & Dang, 2017). There hasbeen a growing concern over the safety of women at workplaces. Sexual harassment is also aviolation of the safety and health of employees. The employees have protested vehementlyterming this as an attack on their safety and privacy. This warrants that State authorities takeproper precaution so that this problem is nipped at the bud and this does not grow into a bigissue. It is the responsibility of the State to ensure that women are not treated this way and thereneeds to be stricter punishment for anyone who indulges in such crimes. Sexual harassment isnot only a woman centric issue but women are mostly at the receiving end of such violence(Menssink et al., 2016). Sexual offenders get scot free because women do not have the heart toreport such issues for fear of losing their job and mostly these violence go unnoticed. Therefore,to address the issue and make sure that women come forward and complain, the state authoritieshave established helpline numbers which will aid the women to complain. The helpline aids thevictims to report sexual offences at workplace (Aman et al., 2016). This is a staggering numberwhich means that half the women population in Australia has been sexually assaulted (Bell,2016). This has led women to resign and leave secure and high profile jobs because they did notfeel safe their anymore. The survey conducted states that 19% of women who have been sexually assaulted havequit their job because they felt threatened. Another survey conducted in the year 2017 by theGovernment revealed that 85% population comprising women and men have been sexuallyassaulted in a hospitality industry. This number indicated that women and men over time have
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2SEXUAL HARASSMENTbeen subject to extreme violence and assault. The moment a woman enters the workplace shefears that she will be assaulted and this impacts her psychologically as well as morally(Bainbridge, Perry & Kulik, 2018). These harassments take place in the workplace where womenare supposed to feel safe and be under the authority of corporate ethics and governance. On onehand women are growing like men in their professional field and they are accomplishing, but onthe other hand, these assaults are threatening them to quit their job and stay back. These are scarynumbers because they show the level of violence that women have to undergo in the community(Gorman, 2016). The level of threat and insecurity are growing everyday but the same happeningat workplace is distraught with violence and discrimination. 1.In the present case Gabrielle is one of the members of the Board and she has received acomplaint from the hr that the model has faced sexual assault by the photographer whohas touched her inappropriately. Gabrielle, being a woman knows the plight of fellowwomen who have to undergo assault at workplace. Being the director of the company, sheis obligated to ensure that the people working under her are safe and do not face anysexual assault (McDonald, Charlesworth & Graham, 2015). The employer has a legal andethical obligation towards the people who are employed under them. In cases the directorreceives any complaint, the director is mandated by the Code of Ethics and Governancethat he investigates the claims of sexual harassment. Having heard the complaint from theHR, she has to check the veracity of the claim and then keep the information confidentialbecause it is a very private complaint which should not be known to the public(Llewellyn et al., 2018). Every workplace should have a complaint cell and a redressalcell which shall deal with the complaints and try to resolve and punish the offender incases the crime is proved. There needs to be a robust compliance cell that will aid and
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